Training and Support: BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes Session 2

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Training and support

BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection

and induction processes
Session 2

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Purpose of this presentation
This presentation will introduce you to the concepts of:
 overall training process
 different learning styles
 training methods and support
 monitoring and evaluation.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Factors that affect training
factors: new Organisation
knowledge & al policy

Job changes, Factors that

new affect
positions training



© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training flowchart
Develop Conduct needs
training analysis: training
policy & learning

Decide Develop and

monitor write
processes objectives: KPIs

Identify Determine training

methods, assessment
personnel tools, support
required documentation

Deliver Design
training program

Evaluate training and
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.
Needs analysis
 compare with other, similar organisations
 identify knowledge, skills, and competency gaps
 evaluate existing resources
 identify support systems needed
 determine documentation needed.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training objectives need to:
 have a specific purpose
 state a timeframe
 be written clearly, using plain English
 use active verbs, e.g. write, respond
 reflect the needs of the training program
 include context or conditions, if applicable
 be able to be measured/monitored.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Learning styles
 verbal/linguistic – words
 logical/mathematical – numbers, logic
 visual/spatial – graphs, flowcharts
 intrapersonal – self-reflection, assessment
 interpersonal – social exercise, human world
 naturalist – laws in the natural world
 musical/rhythmic – music
 bodily/kinesthetic – demonstration.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training methods and support
 e-learning, e.g. interactive
 e-support, e.g. online tutoring, query logging and email
 intranet database
 direct instruction/demonstration
 conference, e.g. face-to-face, web
 role-play, simulation
 observation and feedback
 mentoring
 visuals, e.g. flowcharts, poster, manuals.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training tasks
 workshops
 interview techniques and strategies
 mentoring
 writing documents, e.g. guidelines
 observation
 providing feedback
 presentation
 developing programs.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training programs need to:
 Utilise various training methods.
 Provide ongoing support systems, e.g. mentor, follow-up
and information.
 Promote action learning, e.g. hands-on.
 Cater for any special needs, e.g. language literacy and
numeracy problems (LLNP), or disabilities.
 Comply with relevant legislation.
 Be monitored, evaluated and reviewed.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Evaluation cycle

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Monitoring and evaluation tools
 checklists
 recorded notes
 follow-up conversations with trainees
 observation, e.g. direct, indirect
 online completed tests and forms
 review and appraisal
 surveys and polls – hard copy and electronic
 official forms, e.g. logging, evaluation
 oral/written feedback.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

Training evaluation forms
Need to include:
 description of task/s
 task competency achievement levels
 comment on delivery method, documentation,
instruction, and resources
 rating scale
 indication of further training needed
 area/skills where employee can offer training.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

The next step
You should now:
 Complete group activities as specified by your facilitator.
 Read the relevant section of your Student Workbook.
 Complete self-paced activities in your Student Workbook
before the next session.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd.

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