QUINN Edition 8 Chapter 4

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Ethics for the Information Age

Eighth Edition

Chapter 4

Intellectual Property

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Intellectual property rights
4.3 Protecting intellectual property
4.4 Fair use
4.5 Digital media

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
4.6 Peer-to-peer networks and cyberlockers
4.7 Protections for software
4.8 Legitimacy of intellectual property protection for software
4.9 Open-source software
4.10 Creative Commons

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4.1 Introduction

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Information Technology Changing
Intellectual Property Landscape
• We benefit from access to high-quality television shows,
music, movies, computer programs
• Value of intellectual properties much greater than cost of
• Illegal copying pervasive
• Internet allows copies to spread quickly and widely
• In light of advances in information technology, how should
we treat intellectual property?

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Copyright Laws and File Sharing

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is advocating a reform of the copyright laws in the
United States. (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

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4.2 Intellectual Property Rights

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What Is Intellectual Property?
• Definition*: IP refers to creations of the mind
– Inventions
– Literary and artistic works
– Symbols, names, images used in commerce
• Intellectual property  physical manifestation
• Does right to own property extend to intellectual property?

* World Intellectual Property Organization

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Property Rights
• Locke: The Second Treatise of Government
• People have a right…
– to property in their own person
– to their own labor
– to things which they remove from Nature through their
• As long as…
– nobody claims more property than they can use
– after someone removes something from common state,
there is plenty left over

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Locke’s Notion of Property Rights

According to John Locke, people have a natural right to the things they have removed from
Nature through their own labor.

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Expanding the Argument to Intellectual
• Writing a play akin to making a belt buckle
• Making a belt buckle
– Mine ore
– Smelt it down
– Cast it
• Writing a play
– “Mine” words from English language
– “Smelt” them into prose
– “Cast” them into a complete play

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Analogy Is Imperfect
• If Ben Jonson and William
Shakespeare simultaneously
write down Hamlet, who
owns it?
• If Ben “steals” the play from
Will, both have it
• These paradoxes weaken
the argument for a natural
right to intellectual property (Ben Jonson: Walker Art Library/Alamy;
Shakespeare: Classic Image/Alamy)

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Benefits of Intellectual Property
• Some people are altruistic; some are not
• Allure of wealth can be an incentive for speculative work
• Authors of US Constitution recognized benefits to limited
intellectual property protection

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Limits to Intellectual Property
• Giving creators rights to their inventions stimulates
• Society benefits most when inventions in public domain
• US Congress has struck compromise by giving authors
and inventors rights for a limited time

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Prices Fall When Works Become Public
Previous Year Became Purchase
Artist Work Rental Fee Public Domain Price
Ravel Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 1 $450.00 1987 $155.00
Ravel Mother Goose Suite 540.00 1988 70.00
Ravel Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2 540.00 1989 265.00
Griffes The White Peacock 335.00 1993 42.00
Puccini O Mio Babbino Caro 252.00 1994 26.00
Respighi Fountains of Rome 441.00 1994 140.00
Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin 510.00 1995 86.00
Respighi Ancient Aires and Dances Suite no. 1 441.00 1996 85.00
Elgar Cello Concerto 550.00 1997 140.00
Holst The Planets 815.00 1997 300.00
Ravel Alborada Del Gracioso 360.00 1999 105.00

Table from “Letter to The Honorable Senator Spencer Abraham,” by Randolph P. Luck
from Luck’s Music Library. (Copyright © 1996 by Randolph P. Luck. Reprinted with

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4.3 Protecting Intellectual Property

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Trade Secret
• Confidential piece of intellectual property that gives
company a competitive advantage
• Never expires
• Not appropriate for all intellectual properties
• Reverse engineering allowed
• May be compromised when employees leave firm

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Trademark, Service Mark
• Trademark: Identifies goods
• Service mark: Identifies services
• Company can establish a “brand name”
• Does not expire
• If brand name becomes common noun, trademark may be lost
• Companies advertise to protect their trademarks
• Companies also protect trademarks by contacting those who
misuse them

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Trademarks and Service Marks

Xerox Corporation ran this advertisement as part of its campaign to protect its trademark.
(Screenshot by Xerox. Copyright © 2012 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission.)

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• A public document that provides detailed description of
• Provides owner with exclusive right to the invention
• Owner can prevent others from making, using, or selling
invention for 20 years

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• Provides owner of an original work five rights
– Reproduction
– Distribution
– Public display
– Public performance
– Production of derivative works
• Copyright-related industries represent 6% of U.S. gross
domestic product (> $900 billion/ year)
• Copyright protection has expanded greatly since 1790

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Key Court Cases and Legislation
• Gershwin Publishing v. Columbia Artists
– Columbia Artists Management Inc. held liable for copyright
infringements of community concert associations it
• Davey Jones Locker
– Richard Kenadek found guilty of violating copyrights of
owners of software he posted on a computer bulletin board
• No Electronic Theft Act
– Made it a criminal offense to reproduce or distribute more
than $1,000 worth of copyrighted material in a six-month

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Copyright Creep (1 of 2)

Since the first Copyright Act was passed in 1790, both the length of copyright protection
and the kinds of intellectual property that can be copyrighted have grown dramatically.

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Copyright Creep (2 of 2)
• Since 1790, protection for books extended from 28 years
to 95 years or more
• Some say latest extension done to prevent Disney
characters from becoming public domain
• Group of petitioners challenged the Copyright Term
Extension Act of 1998, arguing Congress exceeded
Constitutional power
• U.S. Supreme Court ruling
– CTEA does not create perpetual copyrights
– CTEA is constitutional

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Case Study: Database Guru
• Rajiv employed at Felicity Software
• Signed a confidentiality and proprietary rights agreement
• Developed some database optimizations
• Moved to Unrelated.com, supervises team developing
database software
• Realizes his optimizations would help team at

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Two alternatives for Rajiv
• “Clean room” strategy
– Provide team with publicly available information
– Provide team with performance targets
• Become personally involved
– Ask team open-ended questions
– Allow them to rediscover the optimizations he made at

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Kantian Analysis
• “Clean room” option
– Rajiv does not violate agreement he signed
– “You can share your expertise with others” is a rule that can
be universalized
– Morally right
• “Personally involved” option
– If he does not asking leading questions, OK
– If he asks leading questions, he is disclosing information
and violating agreement he signed
– Breaking a contract = breaking a promise → wrong
– Is it reasonable to think he can avoid asking leading
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Social Contract Theory Analysis
• Similar to Kantian analysis
• “Clean room” option
– Rajiv helps team without violating an agreement
– This is OK
• “Personally involved” option
– If he can avoid disclosing information, OK
– If he gets impatient and discloses information, not OK

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Act-Utilitarian Analysis (1 of 4)
• Quantify consequences of each option in dollars
• Time horizon: 5 years
• Affected parties
– Rajiv: Income over next five years
– Unrelated.com
▪ Lost income due to delay in releasing product
▪ Expected costs associated with potential litigation

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Act-Utilitarian Analysis (2 of 4)
• “Clean room” option
• Consequences for Rajib
– Expects 10% raise, worth $15,000
– Total worth $75,000 over five years
• Unrelated.com
– Six month delay costs the company six months’ revenue
from its steady state
– 50,000 customers × $10/month/customer × 6 months =
– No risk of litigation

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Act-Utilitarian Analysis (3 of 4)
• “Ask right questions” option
• Unrelated.com
– Three month delay costs the company six months’ revenue
from its steady state, or $1,500,000
– Litigation risk 6.25% and cost $5,000,000, so expected loss
$5,000,000 × .0625 = $312,500
• Rajiv
– If no litigation, 15% raise, worth $112,500 over 5 years
– If litigation, get fired, lose $750,000 over 5 years
– Expected outcome: .9375 × $112,500 − .0625 × $750,000 =

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Act-Utilitarian Analysis (4 of 4)

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Virtue Ethics Analysis
• “Clean room” option
– Gives team opportunity to create a system that meets
performance requirements
– Rajiv shares expertise, insists performance goals get met,
characteristic of a good engineer and manager
• “Personally involved” option
– Working hard and sharing expertise are characteristic of
good managers
– Runs risk of violating confidentiality agreement, which is
dishonest and not characteristic of good managers
• Prudent choice is “clean room” option

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• “Clean room” option better option according to Kantianism,
social contract theory, and virtue ethics
• “Personally involved” option better according to act
utilitarianism, though a more risk-averse analysis would
have resulted in “clean room” option being preferred

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4.4 Fair Use

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Fair Use Concept
• Sometimes legal to reproduce a copyrighted work without
• Those circumstances called fair use
• To judge fair use, courts consider four factors
– Purpose and character of use
– Nature of work
– Amount of work being copied
– Affect on market for work

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Sony v. Universal City Studios
• Sony introduced Betamax VCR (1975)
• People started time shifting TV shows
• Movie studios sued Sony for copyright infringements
• U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that time shifting is fair use

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Time Shifting

The Supreme Court ruled that videotaping television broadcasts for private viewing at a
later time is fair use of the copyrighted material. This practice is called time shifting. Using
videotaped material for a commercial purpose is not considered fair use.

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Digital Recording Technology
• Copying from vinyl records to cassette tapes introduced
hiss and distortions
• Introduction of compact disc a boon for music industry
• Cheaper to produce than vinyl records
• Higher quality

• Higher price  higher profits

• But it’s possible to make a perfect copy of a CD

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Audio Home Recording Act of 1992
• Protects rights of consumers to make copies of analog or
digital recordings for personal, noncommercial use
– Backup copy
– Give to family member
• Digital audio recorders must incorporate Serial Copyright
Management System (SCMS), so consumers can’t make
a copy of a copy

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RIAA v. Diamond Multimedia
• MP3 compression allowed songs to be stored in 10% of
the space, with little degradation
• Diamond introduced Rio MP3 player (1998)
• People started space shifting their music
• RIAA started legal action against Diamond for violation of
the Audio Home Recording Act
• U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, affirmed that space
shifting is consistent with copyright law

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Space Shifting

Space shifting is the creation of a copy for backup purposes or for use in a portable device,
and it is considered fair use. Making a copy for a friend is not considered fair use.

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Kelly v. Arriba Soft
• Kelly: photographer who maintained Web site with
copyrighted photos
• Arriba Soft: created search engine that returned thumbnail
• Kelly sued Arriba Soft for copyright infringement
• U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, affirmed that Arriba Soft’s
use of Kelly’s images was “significantly transformative” and
fair use

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Authors Guild v. Google (1 of 3)
• Google announced plan to scan millions of books held by
several huge libraries, creating searchable database of all
• If public domain book, system returns PDF
• If under copyright, user can see a few sentences; system
provides links to libraries and online booksellers
• Authors Guild and publishers sued Google for copyright
infringement (copying books for commercial reasons)
• Judge ruled in favor of Google and dismissed lawsuit

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Authors Guild v. Google (2 of 3)
• Judge: Google Books is a fair use of copyrighted works
• Purpose and character:
– Purpose is to create a massive index
– Character is highly transformative
– Precedent: Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corporation
– Weighs in favor of fair use
• Nature of work being scanned: mostly nonfiction
– Weighs in favor of fair use

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Authors Guild v. Google (3 of 3)
• How much being scanned: entire work
– Weighs against fair use
• Effect on the market: stimulating book sales
– Weighs in favor of fair use

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• A v s B: instrumental track from one song + vocal track
er us

from another song

• Audio collage: create new composition from dozens of
audio fragments
• Fair use? Lae suggests…
– Audio collage: yes, because it is highly transformative
– A v s B: no, unless “criticism, satire, or parody”
er us

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4.5 Digital Media

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Digital Rights Management
• Actions owners of intellectual property in digital form take
to protect their rights
• Approaches
– Encrypt digital content
– Mark digital content so devices can recognize content
as copy-protected

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Digital Millennium Copyright Act
• First big revision of copyright law since 1976
• Brought U.S. into compliance with Europe
• Extended length of copyright
• Extended copyright protection to music broadcast over
• Made it illegal for anyone to
– Circumvent encryption schemes placed on digital
– Circumvent copy controls, even for fair use purposes

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Secure Digital Music Initiative
• Goals
– Create copy-protected CDs
– Secure digital music downloads
• Consortium of 200 companies developed “digital
watermarking” scheme
• Failed
– Internet copying became huge before SDMI ready
– Some SDMI sponsors were electronics companies
– Digital watermarking encryption cracked

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Sony BMG Music Entertainment Rootkit
• Millions of audio CDs shipped with Extended Copy
Protection, a DRM system
• Prevented users from
– Ripping audio tracks into MP3 format
– Making more than 3 backup copies
• Relied upon Windows “rootkit” that hid files and processes;
usually only hackers use rootkits
• Huge public outcry once secret uncovered
• Sony BMG stopped production and compensated

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Criticisms of Digital Rights Management
• Any technological “fix” is bound to fail
• DRM undermines fair use
• DRM could reduce competition
• Some schemes make anonymous access impossible

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Online Music Stores Drop Digital Rights
Management (1 of 2)
• When iTunes Music Store opened in 2003, all music protected
with a DRM scheme called FairPlay
• FairPlay blocked users from freely exchanging purchased music
• Songs couldn’t be played on more than 5 different computers
• Songs couldn’t be copied onto CDs more than 7 times
• Songs purchased from iTunes Store wouldn’t play on non-Apple
• DRM-protected music purchased from other online retailers
couldn’t be played on iPod

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Online Music Stores Drop Digital Rights
Management (2 of 2)
• Consumers complained about restrictions associated with DRM
• European governments put pressure on Apple to license
FairPlay or stop using DRM
• In 2007 EMI began offering all its songs without DRM through
the iTunes store
• In 2008 Amazon reached an agreement with all four major
music labels to sell DRM-free music
• Apple followed suit in 2009

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Microsoft Xbox One
• Microsoft announced cloud-based gaming experience for Xbox One
(June 2013)
– User could play any game without disc in tray
– Automatic software updates of every Xbox One
• Controversial features of licensing arrangement
– Disc could be shared only once
– Second-hand market restricted
– Xbox consoles would have to check in every 24 hours
• Microsoft backtracked
– No need to connect to Internet
– Freedom to lend, rent, buy, sell discs
– Disc must be in tray to play game

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4.6 Peer-to-Peer Networks and

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Peer-to-Peer Networks
• Peer-to-peer network
– Transient network
– Connects computers running same networking program
– Computers can access files stored on each other’s hard
• How P2P networks facilitate data exchange
– Give each user access to data stored in many other
– Support simultaneous file transfers among arbitrary pairs
of computers
– Allow users to identify systems with faster file exchange
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• Also called file-hosting services or cloud storage services
• Internet-based file-sharing services
• Allow users to upload and download password-protected
• Support workgroup collaboration
• Make sharing of copyrighted material easy

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• Peer-to-peer music exchange network
• Began operation in 1999
• Sued by RIAA for copyright violations
• Courts ruled in favor of RIAA
• Went off-line in July 2001
• Re-emerged in 2003 as a subscription music service

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• Second-generation peer-to-peer network technology
• Used by KaZaA and Grokster
• Distributes index among large number of “super nodes”
• Cannot be shut down as easily as Napster

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RIAA Sued Grokster, Kazaa
• April 2003: RIAA warned file swappers they could face
legal penalties
• RIAA subpoenaed Verizon for identities of people
suspected of running supernodes
• Judge ruled in favor of Verizon
• September 2003: RIAA sued 261 individuals
• December 2003: U.S. Court of Appeals ruled Verizon did
not have to give customer names to RIAA

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Huge Jury Judgments Reduced
• Jammie Thomas-Rassert
– Federal jury ordered her to pay $1.92 million
– Damages reduced to $54,000
• Joel Tenenbaum
– Jury ordered him to pay $675,000
– Judge reduced award to $67,500
• Does RIAA have to prove someone actually copied the
songs that people made available on Kazaa?
– New York decision: No
– Massachusetts, Arizona decisions: Yes

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MGM v. Grokster
• Entertainment industry interests sued Grokster and Stream
Cast for the copyright infringements of their users
• Lower courts
– Ruled in favor of Grokster and StreamCast
– Cited Sony v. Universal City Studios as a precedent
• U.S. Supreme Court
– Reversed the lower court ruling in June 2005
– Proper precedent Gershwin Publishing v. Columbia

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• Broadband connections: download much faster than
• BitTorrent speeds downloading
– Files broken into pieces
– Different pieces downloaded from different computers
• Used for downloading large files
– Computer programs
– Television shows
– Movies

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Concept Behind BitTorrent

(a) Broadband Internet connections provide higher speeds for downloading than for
uploading. (b) BitTorrent reduces downloading times by enabling a computer to download
different pieces of a file simultaneously from many different peers.

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Legal Action Against the Pirate Bay (1 of 2)
• The Pirate Bay started in Stockholm, Sweden
• One of world’s biggest BitTorrent file-sharing sites
• People download songs, movies, TV shows, etc.
• After 2006 raid by police, popularity increased
• In 2008 the International Federation of the Phonographic
Industry sued four individuals connected with site

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Legal Action Against the Pirate Bay (2 of 2)
• Defendants said the Pirate Bay just a search engine
• Found guilty; sentenced to prison and fined $6.5 million
• Meanwhile, the Pirate Bay still operational
• More than 150 proxy servers all over the world

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• Gives federal law enforcement agencies right to seize
domain names of sites facilitating copyright infringement
• Operation In Our Sites (2010)
– Seized domain names of 10 Web sites making
available full-run movies
– Seized several hundred more domain names over next
1 ½ years

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Megaupload Shutdown
• Megaupload a prominent cyberlocker
– Based in Hong Kong
– More than 180 million users
– Once the world’s 13th most popular Web site
– Founder, Kim Dotcom, lived in Auckland, New Zealand
• 2012 – Cooperation between law enforcement agencies in US,
New Zealand, and Hong Kong
– Shut down Megaupload
– Arrested Kim Dotcom for violating PRO-IP Act
• Other cyberlockers responded by disabling sharing functionality

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Legal Online Access to Entertainment (1 of 2)
• Widespread piracy pressures companies to make “doing
the right thing” as easy as “doing the wrong thing”
– Major online stores provide safe, convenient
– Music without DRM
• Consumer shift toward music streaming
– Ad-supported model: listeners stream for free (100 M)
– Subscription model: listeners pay monthly fee (40 M)

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Legal Online Access to Entertainment (2 of 2)
• Video streaming services: Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon
Prime Instant Video, Sling (40% of US homes)
• Good news / bad news about music streaming
– Good news: consumers will pay if cost reasonable
– Bad news: Much lower revenues for publishers
compared to selling CDs

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4.7 Protections for Software

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Software Copyrights
• Copyright protection began 1964
• What gets copyrighted?
– Expression of idea, not idea itself
– Object program, not source program
• Companies treat source code as a trade secret

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Violations of Software Copyrights
• Copying a program to give or sell to someone else
• Preloading a program onto the hard disk of a computer
being sold
• Distributing a program over the Internet

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Important Court Cases
• Apple Computer v. Franklin Computer
– Established that object programs are copyrightable
• Sega v. Accolate
– Established that disassembling object code to
determine technical specifications is fair use
• Oracle v. Google
– Google’s copying of 11,500 lines of declaring code from
37 Java API packages was not fair use and violated
Oracle’s copyright

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Safe Software Development
• Reverse engineering okay
• Companies must protect against unconscious copying
• Solution: “clean room” software development strategy
– Team 1 analyzes competitor’s program and writes
– Team 2 uses specification to develop software

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Software Patents (1 of 3)
• Until 1981, Patent Office refused to grant software patents
– Saw programs as mathematical algorithms, not
processes or machines
• U.S. Supreme Court decision led to first software patent in
• Further court rulings led to patents being granted for wider
range of software

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Software Patents (2 of 3)
• Thousands of software patents now exist
– Microsoft files ~ 3,000 applications annually
– Licensing patents a source of revenue
• Secondary market for software patents
– Patent-holding companies (a.k.a. patent trolls):
Companies that specialize in buying patents and
enforcing patent rights
– Based on assumption that companies would rather
settle out of court than spend time and money going to
– RIM didn’t settle quickly; ended up paying $612 million

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Software Patents (3 of 3)
• Critics say too many patents have been issued
– Patent Office doesn’t know about prior art, so it issues
bad software patents
– Obvious inventions get patents
• Companies with new products fear getting sued for patent
– Build stockpiles of patents as defense mechanism
– Software patents used as legal weapons

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Key Differences between Software
Copyrights and Software Patents

Software Software
 Blank Copyright Patent
What is protected? Software
Object Program, process with
screen displays practical utility
Is getting protection expensive? No Yes
Is getting protection time consuming? No Yes
Is reverse engineering allowed? Yes No

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Smartphone Patent Wars (1 of 2)
• Nokia sues Apple, alleging Apple violated 10 of its patents
• Apple countersues Nokia for violating 13 of its patents
• Apple sues several Android smartphone makers
– Accuses Samsung of copying “look and fee” of Apple
iPhones and iPads, including rounded corners, tapered
edges, use of a home button, and bounce-back affect
when user over scrolls

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Smartphone Patent Wars (2 of 2)
• Samsung countersues Apple
• Escalates until more than 100 lawsuits filed by various
manufacturers globally; billions of dollars in legal fees
• Smartphone makers agree to cross-license each other’s
patents (2014)

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Alice Corporation v. CLS Bank
• Decision: US Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that simply
implementing an abstract idea on a computer is not
sufficient for patent protection – there must be an
“inventive concept”
• Many district courts and federal courts have cited Alice
Corporation v. CLS Bank to invalidate hundreds of
software patents
• Another decision, Williamson v. Citrix Online, sets a
precedent for striking down patents that are “too broad and

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4.8 Legitimacy of Intellectual Property
Protection for Software

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Do We Have the Right System in Place?
• Software licenses typically prevent you from making copies
of software to sell or give away
• Software licenses are legal agreements
• Not discussing morality of breaking the law
• Discussing whether society should give intellectual
property protection to software

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Rights-Based Analysis
• “Just deserts” argument
– Programming is hard work that only a few can do
– Programmers should be rewarded for their labor
– They ought to be able to own their programs
• Criticism of “just deserts” argument
– Why does labor imply ownership?
– Can imagine a just society in which all labor went to
common good
– Intellectual property not like physical property

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Argument Why Software Copying Is Bad

The chain of reasoning of a consequentialist argument for why copying software is bad.
(Beth Anderson)

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Utilitarian Analysis
• Argument against copying
– Copying software reduces software purchases…
– Leading to less income for software makers…
– Leading to lower production of new software…
– Leading to fewer benefits to society
• Each of these claims can be debated
– Not all who get free copies can afford to buy software
– Open-source movement demonstrates many people are willing to
donate their software-writing skills
– Hardware industry wants to stimulate software industry
– Difficult to quantify how much society would be harmed if certain
software packages not released

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• Natural rights argument weak
• Utilitarian argument not strong, either
• Nevertheless, society has granted copyright protection to
owners of computer programs
• Breaking the law is wrong unless there is a strong
overriding moral obligation or consequence

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4.9 Open-Source Software

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Criticisms of Proprietary Software
• Increasingly harsh measures being taken to enforce
• Copyrights are not serving their purpose of promoting
• It is wrong to allow someone to “own” a piece of intellectual

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Open-Source Definition
• No restrictions preventing others from selling or giving
away software
• Source code included in distribution
• No restrictions preventing others from modifying source
• No restrictions regarding how people can use software
• Same rights apply to everyone receiving redistributions of
the software (copy left)

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Beneficial Consequences of Open-Source
• Gives everyone opportunity to improve program
• New versions of programs appear more frequently
• Eliminates tension between obeying law and helping
• Programs belong to entire community
• Shifts focus from manufacturing to service

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Examples of Open-Source Software
• BI N D
• Apache
• Sendmail
• Android operating system for smartphones
• Chrome and Firefox
• OpenOffice.org
• Perl, Python, Ruby, TCL/TK, PHP, Zope
• GNU compilers: C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada

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GNU Project and Linux
• GNU Project
– Begun by Richard Stallman in 1984
– Goal: Develop open-source, Unix-like operating system
– Most components developed in late 1980s
• Linux
– Linus Torvalds wrote Unix-like kernel in 1991
– Combined with GNU components to make an O.S.
– Commonly called Linux

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Impact of Open-Source Software
• Linux an alternative to proprietary versions of Unix
• Linux operating system on 97% of the world’s 500 fastest
supercomputers (as of June 2014)

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4.10 Creative Commons

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Streamlining Creative Re-use
• Under current copyright law, eligible works are copyrighted the
moment they are created
– No copyright notice does not mean it’s okay to copy
– Must contact people before using work
– That slows down creative re-use
• Free Creative Commons license indicates
– Which kinds of copying are okay
– Which rights are being retained
• Flickr has more than 250 million photos available under Creative
Commons licenses

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Creative Commons

Screenshot from Creative Commons. Copyright © 2018 by Creative Commons. Reprinted

with permission.

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Summary (1 of 3)
• To stimulate creativity in the arts and technology, governments grant
limited ownership rights to creators of intellectual property
– Trade secrets
– Trademarks/service marks
– Patents
– Copyrights
• Goal: Provide creators of IP with rewards while ensuring public has
access to their creations
• Fair use doctrine an example of trying to find the balance between
rights of IP holders and the common good
– Time shifting
– Space shifting

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Summary (2 of 3)
• New information technology has put pressure on IP laws
– Digital representation of audio, video allows perfect copies
– Broadband Internet allows quick and wide dissemination
– Pirate Bay a prime example
– Companies understand they must make “doing the right thing” as
easy as “doing the wrong thing”
– Now more convenient to get paid content through NetFlix, Hulu
Plus, Apple iTunes store
• Intellectual property rights for software
– Copyright protection less controversial
– Patent protection highly controversial
– Alice v. CLS Bank may be a turning point

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Summary (3 of 3)
• Open-source movement
– Alternative to proprietary model of software development
– Success stories include Linux, Android, Firebox, and OpenOffice
• Creative Commons
– An effort to create a greater sharing culture in the arts
– Allows copyright holders to indicate up front the conditions under
which others can use their work

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This work is protected by United States copyright laws and is

provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their
courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of
any part of this work (including on the World Wide Web) will
destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work
and materials from it should never be made available to students
except by instructors using the accompanying text in their
classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these
restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and
the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials.

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