Kinematics of Mechinery

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Dr. M Krishna
Professor and Dean
Research and Development

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 1

 Drag link and Toggle Mechanism
 Straight line Mechanism, Condition for exact straight line
motion, Peaucellier’s and Hart Mechanism
 Intermittent motion mechanism, Ratchet and pawl and
Geneva wheel
 Pantograph
 Condition for perfect steering, steering gear
mechanisms, David and Ackermann
 Hooke’s Joint

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 2

Drag Link Mechanism
 The drag-link mechanism is obtained by
fixing the shortest link s as the frame (as
shown in Figure)
 In this inversion, both links adjacent to s
can rotate continously, and both are
properly described as cranks: the
shortest of the two is generally used as
the input

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 3

Drag Link Mechanism

 This is a four bar mechanism with double crank in which the

shortest link is fixed.
 If the crank O2A rotates at uniform speed, the crank O4B will
rotate at non-uniform speed.
 This rotation of the link O4B is transformed to quick return
reciprocator motion of the ram C by the link BC
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 4
Drag Link Mechanism

 When the crank O2A rotates (OA’ to OA”) through an angle  in

CCW direction during working stroke the link O4B rotates through
180 (OB’ to OB”) .
 When the crack O2A rotates (OA” to OA’) through an angle  in
CCW direction duri)ng working stroke the link O4B rotates
through 180 C (OB” to OB’)
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 5
Drag Link Mechanism

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 6

Toggle Mechanism

 In slider crank mechanism as the crank approaches one of its dead

centre position the slider approaches zero.
 The ratio of the crank movement to the slider movement
approaching infinity is proportional to the mechanical advantage.
 A toggle mechanism is used when a large force act through a short
distance is required.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 7

Toggle Mechanism

 Links CD and CE are of the same length. Resolving the forces at C

 F Tan  =P/2 or F = P/2 Tan 
 Thus for a given value of P as the links CD and CD approaches
collinear position (i.e  0) the force F rises rapidly (i.e F).
 Toggle Mechanism are used in toggle clamps, riveting Machines,
punch presses, store crusher etc.
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 8
Straight line Mechanism
 A mechanism built in such a manner that a particular point in it is
constrained to trace a straight line path within the possible limits of
motion, is known as a straight line motion mechanism.

Condition for exact straight line motion
 Locus of pt. B will be a straight line, ┴
to OQ if, OA X OB is constant.
 
 OQ 
OP  const., ifOA  OB  const.
thenOQ  const.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 9

OO1-Fixed Link

 and the other straight links O1A,
OC, OD, AD, DB, BC and CA are
 connected by turning pairs at
their intersections
  The pin at A is constrained to
move along the circumference of
a circle with the fixed diameter
OP, by means of the link O1A.
 AC = CB = BD = DA ; OC = OD ; and OO1 = O1A
 It may be proved that the product OA × OB remains constant, when the
link O1A rotates.
 Join CD to bisect AB at R.
 Right angled triangles ORC and BRC,
 OC2 = OR2 + RC2 ...(i)
 BC2 = RB2 + RC2 ...(ii)
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 10
Peaucellier’s Mechanism
 Subtracting equation (ii) from (i),
we have OC2 – BC2 = OR2 – RB2
= (OR + RB) (OR – RB)
= OB × OA
 Since OC and BC are of constant
 OB × OA = constant.

 Hence the point B traces a

straight path perpendicular to the
diameter OP.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 11

Hart Mechanism
This is also known as crossed
parallelogram mechanism.

It is an application of four-bar
 chain.

 PSQR is a four-bar chain in


May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 12

Hart Mechanism
 SP = QR
 SQ = PR

On three links SP, SQ and PQ, then it

can be proved that for any
 configuration of the mechanism :
OA X OB = constant
 Proof:
SP = QR = a
SQ = PR = b
PQ = x and SR = y

From similar triangle OSA and SPQ From similar triangle OPB and PSR

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 13

Hart Mechanism

x = SM – NM [ OK  SR]
 y = SM + NM [ QN  PS]
x X y = a2-b2 = constant
(a and b are length of the links)

x X y = (SM-NM)(SM+MN) = SM2- MN2 It is therefore, concluded if the mechanism

= (SQ2-QM2)- (QN2-QM2) is pivoted at Q as a fixed point and the
= SQ2-QM2 - QN2 + QM2=SQ2 –QN2 point A is constrained to move on a circle
through O the point B will trace a straight
Multiply (1) and (2)
line perpendicular to the radius OC
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 14
Intermittent Motion

 Intermittent motion means that the motion is not continuous but is ceased at
definite intervals.
 There are many instance where it is necessary to convert continues motion
into intermittent motion.
 One of the foremost example is the indexing of a work table on a machine
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 15
Intermittent Motion- Ratchet and Pawl

4 2

 1 3

 1

 This mechanism is used in producing intermittent rotary motion from an oscillating or

reciprocating motion member.
 A Ratchet and Pawl mechanism consist of a ratchet wheel (1) and a pawl (2) as shown
in Fig.
 When the lever (3) is carrying the pawl (2) is raised, the ratchet wheel rotates n
counter clock wise direction.
 As lever carrying the pawl (2) lowered, the pawl (2) slides over the ratchet teeth.
 One more pawl (4) is used to prevent the ratchet from reversing.
 Ratchets are used in feed mechanisms, lifting jacks, clocks, watches and counting
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 16
Intermittent Motion- Geneva Wheel

 Geneva’s mechanism is oldest, simplest and least expensive of all

intermittent motion mechanism.
 It consist of a driving wheel D carrying a pin P which engages in a slot of the
follower F
 During one quarter revolution of the driving plate, the pin and follower
remain in contact and hence the follower is turned by one quarter turn.
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 17
Intermittent Motion- Geneva Wheel

 During the remaining time of one revolution of driver, the follower is remains
at rest locked in position by the circular arc E.
 This mechanism is used in preventing over winding of main springs in clocks
and watches, feeding of film roll in early motion-picture projectors and
indexing of a work table on a machine tool.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 18

Overview of previous Class
 Drag link Mechanism (Quick return mechanism)
 Toggle Mechanism (Huge Force)
 Straight line Mechanism
 
Peaucellier’s Mechanism
 Hart Mechanism

 Intermittent Motion
 Ratchet and Pawl
 Geneva Wheel

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 19


 Pantograph is a geometrical instrument used in drawing offices for

reproducing given geometrical figures or plane areas of any shape, on an
enlarged or reduced scale.
 It is also used for guiding cutting tools.
 It comprises of four links: AB, BC, CD, DA, pin-jointed at A, B, C and D.
Link BA is extended to a fixed pin O. Suppose Q is a point on the link AD of
which the motion is to be enlarged, then the link BC is extended to P such that
O, Q, P are in a straight line.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 20

 It may be pointed out that link BC is
parallel to link AD and that AB is
parallel to CD as shown. Thus, ABCD is
a parallelogram
  Suppose a point Q on the link AD moves
to position Q1 by rotating the link OAB
 downward.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 21


May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 22

Conditions for Perfect Steering
 To satisfy the condition of pure rolling
during turning, the design of the
steering gear should be such that at any
instant while turning the axes of
 rotation of the front and the rear wheels
must intersect at one point which is
 known as instantaneous center denoted
by I.
 While turning to the right side, axes of
the front and the rear wheels meet at I.
 In an automobile vehicle the relative  
motion between its wheels and the
road surface should be one of pure

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 23

Conditions for Perfect Steering

=angle of inner wheel

 = angle of outer wheel
a = Distance of the front axles (AC)
l = Wheel base AE.

The angle of turn  of the inner front

wheel is always more than the angle of
turn  of the outer front wheel.
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 24
Steering gear Mechanism
-Ackerman’s Steering Gear

Track arm
 track rod

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 25

Steering gear Mechanism
-Ackerman’s Steering Gear
 The shorter links AM and CN
are inclined at angle a to the
longitudinal axis of the
 vehicle as shown (a)
 AB and CD are stub axles but
 integral part of AM and CN
such that BAM and DCN are
bell-crank levers pivoted at A
and C.
 It is based upon four-bar chain.  Link AM and CN are known
 The two opposite links AC and MN are as track arms and the link
unequal; AC being longer than MN. MN as track rod.
 Two opposite links AM and CN are equal in  The track rod is moved
length. towards left or right hand
 When the vehicle is moving on a straight sides for steering.
path link AC and MN are parallel to each
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 26
Steering gear Mechanism
-Ackerman’s Steering Gear

 For steering a vehicle on right hand side,

link NM is moved towards left hand side
with the result that the link CN turns
 Thus, the angle a is increased and that on the
other side, it is decreased.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 27

Steering gear Mechanism
- Davis Steering Gear

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 28

Steering gear Mechanism
- Davis Steering Gear

 It consists of the main axle AC having a parallel bar MN at a distance h.
 KAB and LCD are two bell-crank levers pivoted with the main axle at A

and C respectively such that angle BAK and angle DCL remain constant.
 Arms AK and CL have been provided with slots and these house die-
blocks M and N.
 With the movement of bar MN at the fixed height, it is the slotted arms
AK and CL which side relative to the die-blocks M and N.
 In Fig. (a), the vehicle has been shown as moving in a straight path and
both the slotted arms are inclined at an angle a as shown.

 Now suppose, for giving a turn to the right hand side, the base MN is
moved to the right side by distance x.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 29

Steering gear Mechanism
- Davis Steering Gear

 The bell-crank levers will change to the positions shown by dotted lines in
 The angle turned by the inner wheel and the outer wheels are  and 
 The arms BA and CD when produced will meet say at I, which will be the
instantaneous center.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 30

Steering gear Mechanism
- Davis Steering Gear

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 31

Steering gear Mechanism
- Davis Steering Gear

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 32

Steering gear Mechanism
- Difference between Ackerman and Davis Steering Gear

Ackerman Steering Gear Davis Steering Gear

The whole mechanism of the Davis steering gear, it is in the front of
Ackerman steering gear is mounted at the wheel
the back of the front wheels
The Ackerman steering gear consists Davis steering gear consists of sliding
of all turning pair and turning pairs
All automotive steering gears are based Vegetable carts
on the Ackerman Steering Gears

The Ackerman steering gear mechanism is much simpler than

Davis steering gear and it has only turning pair hence less
friction between the links
Hence quite popular.
May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 33
Hook’s Joint

 An universal joint or Hooke's joint is used to connect non parallel and

intersecting shafts having small intersecting angle.
 It is mainly used to transmit power from gear box to rear axle in automobile
 The motion is transmitted from one shaft to another by the centre piece.
 The driving shaft rotates at uniform angular speed but the driven shaft rotates
at continuously varying angular speed.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 34

Hook’s Joint

 Both the shafts, driving and the driven, are forked at their ends.
 Each fork provides for two bearings for the respective arms of the
 The cross has two mutually perpendicular arms.
 In fact, the cross acts as an intermediate link between the two shafts.
 In the figure, the driven shaft has been shown as inclined at an angle a
with the driving shaft.

May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 35


May 26, 2020 Kinematics of Machinery - Unit - I 36

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