Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML

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Chapter 18

Object-Oriented Systems
Analysis and Design Using UML

Systems Analysis and Design

Kendall & Kendall
Sixth Edition
Major Topics

• Object-oriented concepts and

• CRC Cards
• Unified Modeling Language
• Use case and other UML diagrams
• Relationships

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Object-Oriented Overview

• Object-oriented (o-o) techniques work

well in situations where complicated
systems are undergoing continuous
maintenance, adaptation, and design.
• The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
is an industry standard for modeling
object-oriented systems.

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Goals of O-O Analysis

• Reusability is the main goal.

• Maintaining systems is an important
• Making a change in one object has a
minimal impact on other objects.

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Object-Oriented Concepts
Definitions and concepts:
• An object, represents a real-world thing or
• Objects may be customers, items, orders
and so on.
• Objects may be GUI displays or text areas
on a display.

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Object-Oriented Concepts
Definitions and concepts (continued):
• Objects are represented by and grouped into
• A class, or group of related objects has a set of
shared attributes and behaviors.
• Instantiate is a term used when an object is created
from a class.
• Attributes are properties of a class possessed by all
• A method is an action that can be requested from any
object in the class.

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Class Symbol

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• Inheritance is when a new class is
created from another class.
• The original class is the parent or base
• The new class is the child or derived
• The child class receives the attributes
and methods of the parent class.

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CRC Cards
Class, responsibilities, and collaborators
(CRC) cards are used to represent the
responsibilities of classes and the
interaction between the classes.

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Creating CRC Cards
Analysts create CRC cards by:
• Finding all the nouns and verbs in a
problem statement.
• Creating scenarios that are actually
walkthroughs of system functions.
• Identifying and refining responsibilities into
smaller and smaller tasks, if possible.

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Creating CRC Cards
Analysts create CRC cards by
• Determining how tasks are fulfilled by
objects or interact with other things.
• Identifying responsibilities that evolve into
methods or operations.

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The Unified Modeling
Language (UML)
UML has three categories:
• Things, the objects.
• Relationships, the glue that holds things
• Diagrams, categorized as either structure
or behavioral.

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Two General Groupings of
There are two general groupings of things in
• Structural things that define the conceptual and
physical structures of an O-O system and are
described by nouns.
• Behavioral things, the verbs of a UML model that
represent the behavior of the system and the
states of the system before, during, and after the
behaviors occur.

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Structural Things
Structural things are the most common
and include:
• Classes.
• Use cases.
• Interfaces.

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Behavioral Things/Diagrams
Behavioral things include:
• Interactions.
• State machines.

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Types of Relationships
There are two types of relationships that
hold things together:
• Structural relationships tie things together
in structural diagrams.
• Behavioral relationship are used in
behavioral diagrams.

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Structural Relationships
Structural relationships are:
• Dependencies.
• Aggregations.
• Associations.
• Generalizations.

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Behavioral Relationships

• Behavioral relationships are:

• Communicates.
• Includes.
• Extends.
• Generalizes.

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Structural Diagrams
Structural things are the most common
and include:
• Class and object diagrams.
• Use case diagrams.
• Component diagrams.
• Deployment diagrams.

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Behavioral Things/Diagrams
Behavioral things include:
• Use case diagrams.
• Sequence diagrams.
• Collaboration diagrams.
• Statechart diagrams.
• Activity diagrams.

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Commonly Used UML Diagrams

The most commonly used UML diagrams

• Use case diagram, describing how the
system is used.
• The starting point for UML modeling.
• Use case (not a diagram).
• Activity diagram.
• Each use case may create one activity diagram.

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Commonly Used UML Diagrams

The most commonly used UML diagrams

• Sequence diagram, showing the sequence
of activities and class relationships.
• Each use case may create one or more
sequence diagrams.
• A collaboration diagram is an alternative to a
sequence diagram.

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Commonly Used UML Diagrams

The most commonly used UML diagrams

• Class diagram, showing classes and
• Sequence diagrams and CRC cards are used to
determine classes.
• Statechart diagram.
• Each class may create a statechart diagram,
useful for determining class methods.

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Overview of UML Diagrams

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Use Case Diagram
• A use (yoos) case describes what the system
does, not how it does the work.
• The use case model reflects the view of the
system of the user outside of the system.
• Symbols are:
• Actor, a stick figure.
• Use case, an oval.
• Connecting lines.

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• Represent role played by one or more users
• Exist outside of the system
• May be a person, another system, a device,
such as a keyboard or Web connection
• Can initiate an instance of a use case
• May interact with one or more use cases and
a use case may involve one or more actors

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Actors (Continued)

• Actors may be divided into two groups:

• Primary actors supply data or receive
information from the system
• Secondary actors help to keep the
system running or provide help
• Help desk, analysts, programmers, etc.

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Use Case

• Consists of three things:

• An actor (user) that initiates an event.
• An event that triggers a use case.
• The use case that performs the actions
triggered by the event.

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Use Case (Continued)

• Better to create fewer use cases

• 20 use cases for a large system
• 50 use cases would be the maximum
for a large system
• Can nest use cases, if needed

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Use Case Relationships
• Communicates
• Connect an actor to a use case
• Includes
• Use case contains a behavior that is
common to more than one use case.
• The common use case is included in other
use cases.
• Dotted arrow points toward common use
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Use Case Relationships
• Extends
• A different use case handles variations or
exceptions from the basic use case.
• Arrow goes from extended to basic use
• Generalizes
• One thing is more general than another
• Arrow points to the general thing.
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Use Case Relationships

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Steps for Creating a
Use Case Model
The steps required to create a use case
model are:
• Review the business specifications and
identify the actors within the problem
• Identify the high-level events and develop
the primary use cases that describe the
events and how actors initiate them.

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Steps for Creating a
Use Case Model

• The steps required to create a use case

model are (continued):
• Review each primary use case to
determine possible variations of flow
through the use case.
• Develop the use case documents for all
primary use cases and all important use
case scenarios.

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Use Case Scenario
• A use case scenario may be created for
the standard flow through the use case.
• Other scenarios may be created for
variations on the main flow.
• A use case includes:
• Use case identifiers and initiators.
• Steps performed.
• Conditions, assumptions, and questions.
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Activity Diagrams

• Activity diagrams show the sequence of

activities in a process, including
sequential and parallel activities.
• Symbols are used for activities,
decisions and so on.
• Arrows represent events that connect
the activities.

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Activity Diagram Symbols

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Creating Activity Diagrams

• Ask what happens first, second, and so

• Determine if the activities happen in
sequence or parallel.
• Examine all the scenarios for a use

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• Included on activity diagrams to show
• Show which activities:
• Occur on a browser
• Occur on a server
• Happen on a mainframe
• Are done by external partners
• Help to divide tasks among team members

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Swimlane Boundaries
When an event crosses swimlane
boundaries, data must be transmitted.
• A Web form is sent to a server.
• Data are placed into middleware to
transmit it between a server and a
• Data are transmitted to and from an
external partner.

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Sequence Diagrams
• Sequence diagrams show a succession
of interactions between classes or
object instances over time.
• It also shows the processing described
in a single scenario.
• The leftmost object is the starting
• Time sequence is from top to bottom.
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Sequence Diagrams

• Horizontal arrows represent messages

or signals sent between classes.
• Solid arrowheads represent synchronous
calls, the sending class waits for a
• Half or open arrowheads represent
asynchronous calls, those sent without
waiting for a returning signal.

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Message Name Formats
Message names may be in the following

messageName(parameter1, parameter2, …)

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Sequence Diagram Example

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Collaboration Diagrams

• Collaboration Diagrams show the same

information as a sequence diagram.
• The emphasis is on the organization of
the objects.
• Sequence is shown by including a
sequence number on the message.

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Collaboration Diagram Example

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Class Diagrams

• Class diagrams show classes, attributes,

and operations or methods.
• A class is shown as a rectangle.

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Class Diagram Attributes

• Attributes are either:

• Private (the norm), indicated by a minus
• Public, indicated by a plus sign.
• Protected, indicated by a pound sign (#).
• Attributes may include the type of data and
any initial value.
• Methods are usually public.
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Method Overloading

• Method overloading is including the

same method several times in a class.
• The method signature, its name and
parameters, and type of parameters,
must be different.

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Types of Classes

• Classes fall into several categories:

• Entity classes.
• Boundary or interface classes.
• Abstract classes.
• Control classes.
• Each class may use a special symbol,
called a UML stereotype.

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Entity Classes

• Entity classes represent real-world

• Attributes are those stored for the
• Methods work with the entity.

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Boundary or Interface Classes

• Provide a means for users to work with

the system.
• Display screens, windows, dialogue
boxes, touch-tone telephone, external
• Methods required to send or reset the
display screen, or to produce a report.

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Abstract Classes
• Abstract classes are the parent or
general class in a
• Abstract classes may not be directly
• Only the child classes can create

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Control or Active Classes
• Control or active classes are used to
control the flow of activities.
• Many small control classes may be
included to achieve reuse.
• Attributes are those needed temporarily
by the control class.
• Methods are those used in control
activities .

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Sequence Diagram Example Using
Class Stereotype Symbols

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Relationships on a Class Diagram

• Relationships are the connections

between classes and include:
• Associations, showing the one-to-many
relationships between classes.
• An asterisk (*) is used to represent many.
• Association classes are used to break up a
many-to-many association between

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Association Class Example

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Whole/Part Relationships

• One class represents the whole, other

classes represent the parts contained in
the whole.
• Three types of whole/part relationships:
• Aggregation.
• Collection.
• Composition.

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• Aggregation is a “has a” relationship.

• The whole is composed of the sum of
the parts.
• If the whole is removed, the part may
still exist.
• The diamond at the end of the line is
not filled in.

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• Consists of a whole and its members

• Examples are a library with books or a
voting district with voters
• If the part is removed, the whole
retains its identity
• A weak association

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• The whole has a responsibility for the

parts, and is a stronger relationship.
• If the whole is removed, the parts are
• Shown with a filled-in diamond on the
• Example: an insurance policy with riders
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Whole/Part Example

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• Generalization/specialization or gen/spec diagrams
show the relationship between a more general thing
and a specific kind of thing.
• This relationship is described as an “is a” relationship.
• For example: a car is a vehicle, a truck is a vehicle.
• Generalization relationship is used to model
• General class is a parent, base, or superclass.
• Specialized class is a child, derived, or subclass.

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• Polymorphism or method overriding is

when a method is defined in several
classes in a gen/spec relationship.
• The subclass overrides the parent class
attributes and/or methods.
• If a number of classes are involved, the
most specific class is used.

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Gen/Spec Example

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Finding Classes
Classes may be discovered:
• During interviews or JAD sessions.
• During brainstorming sessions.
• By using CRC cards.
• By examining use cases, looking for nouns.
• Each noun may lead to a candidate or potential

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Determining Class Methods
Class methods may be determined by:
• Using a CRUD matrix.
• Looking at messages sent between classes.
• The receiving class must have the message
name as a method.
• Using statechart diagrams.

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Statechart Diagrams
• Statechart diagrams show class states and
the events that cause them to transition
between states.
• It is also called a state transition diagram
• An event happens at a specific time and
• They cause a change of state, or the
transition “fires”

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Statechart Diagrams

• Each time an object changes state,

some of its attributes must change.
• There must be a method to change the
• Often there is a display screen or Web
form to enter the attributes.

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Statechart Diagrams
• Statechart diagrams are not created for all
• They are created when:
• A class has a complex life cycle.
• An instance of a class may update its attributes in
a number of ways through the life cycle.
• A class has an operational life cycle.
• Two classes depend on each other.
• The object’s current behavior depends on what
happened previously.

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Statechart Example

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• Containers for other UML things

• Show system partitioning
• Indicate which use cases or classes are
grouped into a subsystem
• Can show component packages
• Can be physical subsystems
• Use a folder symbol
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Package Example

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Steps Used in UML
The steps used in UML are:
• Define the use case model.
• Continue UML diagramming to model the system.
during the systems analysis phase.
• Develop the class diagrams.
• Draw statechart diagrams.
• Begin systems design by refining the UML
• Document your system design in detail.

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