Greece Survey 01

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Erasmus +

11th General Lyceum of Patras

Exploring Europe
Students’ Results from Questionnaire on
Digital Media
What is this survey all about?

Teenagers between 15 and 18 years old

answered some questions concerning the use of
digital media. We should note that 6 teenagers
out of 10 are females and 4 out of 10 are males.
What are their social media habits?
 Most of the questioners use digital media to
keep in touch with their family and friends.
 They have at least 2 accounts, spend more
than 3 hours per day,look at their social media
feed 10 times per day the most and log on
during their free time.
 As far as application usage, YouTube and
Instagram seem to be the preferables ones.
 In addition, most of the students check more
often their social media feed before sleep and
not after waking up.
Do you feel like you spend too much
time on digital media and how do
you feel if you are not connected for
a long period of time?

 The majority of the students believe that they can

control the time being online.
 Also, they do not mind if they are not logged on for
a long period of time.
What are the main risks when using
digital media and what precautions
do you take?
 The majority of the students believe that digital
media may have a bad impact on the mental
health, like cyber bullying.
 So, they do not accept strangers and they do
not share sensitive personal information.
Have you ever been subjected to
cyber bullying while on social media
and what do you think of it compared
to regular bullying?
 9 questioners out of 10 have almost never
faced cyber bullying.
 Half of them find cyberbullying to be like regular
What about news?

Most of the students use TV stations and
YouTube platform to inform themselves on
several issues around the world. Half of them
have almost never been victims of fake news,
while they verify the given information. Also,
almost everyone believe that is important to
control the most fake news possible.
What about phishing and ID theft
and who should indentify the
dangers on the web??

 Generally, most of the questioners have never

faced any identity theft.
 In addition, they believe it is each individual and
social media/internet provider' s responsibility to
prevent the dangers on the web.
To what extent do you think digital
media has an impact on your overall

 4/5 of the students think that digital media have

a both positive and negative imopact on us.
Do you feel it is easier to express
yourself and your opinions through
the web applications than it would
be without these social networks?
 Generally, half of the questioners do not have
any specific thougths on that issue, while the
others either agree or disagree.
Do you think, digital media improves
your relationships?

Half of the students do not have any opinion on

that. However the others either agree or
Have you ever used digital media to
earn money?

 Most of the students have never earned money

via the digital media.
Can digital media media be helpful
on our studies?

 Most of the questioners do believe that digital

media can help them on their studies.

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