The Mathematics of Investment: Research Template

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The Mathematics of Investment


Professor of Applied Statistics
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Helwan University

[email protected]

Online Lecture # 7
Research Template

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 1


(1)Research can be done by a single (one) student or in a

group of maximum 5 students.
(2)Simple article of 6 pages for one students or 20 pages for 5
students, including the title (cover page).
(3)The research should be your own work not a copy from
the internet or done by some other people.

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 2

(4) The main source of information should be the assigned textbook,
“The Mathematics of Finance and Investment” by Prof. Ibrahim
Hassan, Helwan University press, 2020.
(5) You can also use any other similar sources of information from
the internet and better benefit from the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
(6) Use Times New Roman font size 14 for all writing of the content
of your research and font size 18 bold for the title on the cover page.
(7) Subtitle in the elements of research should be in font size 14
bold. Use 1.5 for the line spacing.
Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 3
(8) The cover page : Research title should be written in English
while the student’s name and the rest of the data should be
written in Arabic language ‫ربية‬:‫لع‬::‫ة ا‬::‫للغ‬::‫ا‬:::‫ ب‬as shown in the next

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 4


Course Title: The Mathematics of Finance and Investment

Course Professor: Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim
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‫مسلس‬ ‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫رقم‬ ‫الرقم القومى‬ ‫رقم‬

‫ل‬ ‫الجلوس‬ ‫المجموعة‬

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 5

PROPOSED RESEARCH TOPICS “The Mathematics of Investments”
Student can select only one of the following topics to write his
(1) Importance of mathematics of investments in the field of business.
(2) The differences between simple and compound interest.
(3) Simple interest and compound interest, a comparative study.
(4) Annuities classified based on terms of payment.
(5) Case study of the Perpetuity concept in real life applications.

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 6

(6) A comparative study of ordinary annuity and annuity due.
(7) Case study of deferred annuity in the field of business.
(8) Main features and differences between ordinary annuity, annuity
due, perpetuity, and deferred annuity.
(9) Importance of bank discount in financial transactions.
(10) Concept of present value using simple interest and compound
interest, a case study approach.
(11) Effective interest rate for financial decision making.
(12) Importance of computing maturity value in financial transactions.
Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 7
I. Introduction

• General background about the topic you have chosen,

• Definitions,

• Goal(s) of research, importance of research or topic,

• Questions to be answered, ….,

• Main research elements.

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 8

II. Title of the first element
Details or explanation of the first element, numerical
example, or case study,…..

III. Title of the second element

Details or explanation of the second element, numerical
example, or case study,……

IV. Other elements (if any)

V. Summary of research findings (conclusions)

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 9

VI. References:
Include all sources of information used such as:

1. Ibrahim Hassan, “Mathematics of Finance and Investment”,

Helwan University press, 2020.

2. The Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

3. Websites…..

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 10


Research will be submitted digitally “pdf file” through the

website of Faculty of Commerce and Business
Administration no later than the 28th of June, 2020.

Regulations of submissions will be announced soon by the

Dean of Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 11

[email protected]
ZOOM ID: 783-186-3787
Zoom meeting Thursday 30 April at 11:00 am.
To answer any of your questions isA

Good luck

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, Math. of Investment 12

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