Alienation of Labor

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“ Work can be a source of joy, but in order to be fulfilled at work,
workers have to see themselves in the object they have created ”
-Karl Marx
Meaningful Labor - means that
humans can mold nature in a
desired way, and they can take
these objects as their own.
Factory Labor becomes alienated because what it
produces is disconnected from those who produce it.
Marx saw this as a spiritual loss; Workers
becomes alienated from their own nature.
They cannot see their contribution to the whole, or their
contribution to the needs of humanity; Workers have no voice
in deciding what to do. #MeaningfulLabor
Karl Marx saw capitalists
as oppressive in other
words, cruel or grievous.

Oppressive – Grievous or Cruel

Laborers unknowingly reproduce the
conditions for alienation, because their
products become other people’s private
property; they can only access it by selling
their labor, thereby furthering their alienation.
Bourgeoisie are driven to prioritize economic interests at the
expense of genuine social relationships, a phenomenon, he
called commodity fetishism. #ObssesionForGoodsOrProducts
Bourgeoisie -

Commodity – goods, article, wares, products, etc.

Fetish – obsession or desire.

Products of labor become fetishes,
to which both laborers and
capitalists subject themselves to.
There is a need to be free from
commodity fetishism in order
to be humanized.
and Revolution
“The historical stage come after capitalism will be
-Karl Marx
The proletariat will rise to abolish the ruling classes, hold
political power, and forcibly socialize the means of production
through a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Society works because the dominant classes have power, and are thus able to
impose their will on subjugated classes. In controlling the production of
ideologies, the rich are able to maintain their social positions.
Unless the poor acquire class conciousness and become aware
of their own oppression, social change will not take place.
Even though the capitalists
control the production of
ideologies, the working classes
will be aware of their capacity to
fight for equality.
With the birth of class consciousness among the proletariat , the working
classes would begin to understand the system and create ways of changing it
Karl Marx believed that social change can also be achieved
through a revolution, when the workers rise up to overthrow
the capitalist system.
Karl Marx believe that once the proletariat are able to abolish the ruling classes, they
would prevent an exploitative system for taking place, and work towards a system
that would benefit people equally, in order to get the best out of people.
Following his dialectical approach, a new system would then emerge, one in which the
gains of capital– the wealth of the big corp’s– will be reditributed equally to people,
leading to communal ownership of factories and bussinesses, and to fair treatment for
everyone. #Communism
People would be able to enjoy leisure and the freedom to be
who they want to be through communal ownership of
Communism has been interpreted in
various ways after Karm Marx had died.
Many of these ideas are far remove from
Marx’s original intent.
Thank you for listening. POWER!
These interpretations of communism have only succeeded in creating
economic disasters, as well as a different form of oppression, different
kind of heirarchy and the different sets of ruling classes.

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