Setting Teeth On The Articulator

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Chapter 8

setting teeth on the articulator

‫الشرح حيكون لهاي الخطوة‬
‫‪.‬الي بتم في مختبر األسنان وليس في العيادة‬
• Parts of complete denture

• The position of teeth

• The Relationship of the teeth to the casts (Bone resorption and

Neutral zone)
• Orientation of teeth

• Arrangement of anterior teeth

• Arrangement of posterior teeth

• Compensatory curves

• Position of teeth relative to one another

Two main parts of complete denture :-

2-Artificial teeth
 To provide comfortable and atraumatic
occlusion .
 Mastication : To assist in preparing food
1- Denture base and deglutition.
 Aesthetic: To achieve pleasing and
natural appearance .
 Speech.
 To provide retention and stability of the denture .
 To carry and support the teeth .
 To present the mucosa and gums (coverage of all anatomical
 Assists teeth in supporting the lips and cheeks .
Just to remember
Retention : resistance to denture movement
in direction opposite to insertion .

Support : resistance to denture movement

toward the basal seat area .

Stability: resistance of denture to lateral and

horizontal movement forces.
Two important terms
Setting-up teeth not to be confused with waxing-up.

Molding (adding) +
Carving of the supporting
wax .
The position of teeth
registering the jaw relation (clinical step) then mounting the
casts on articulator (laboratory step)


a laboratory procedure of attaching he maxillary and or the

mandibular casts to an articulator .


is a mechanical device that represents the tempro-mandibular

joints and jaws , to which max and man casts may be attached
to stimulate some or all man movements .

Simple hinge articulator‫ا لياستخدمناه ف يا لالبهو ا ل‬

‫ و هو الي راح نحكي عنه‬.

( only vertical motion is possible)

(Closely resemble all movements of the mandible , adjust condylar path and incisal guidance)
‫كأنه المريض بين ايديك‬

Selection of articulator

If more control of the occlusion is desired (completely reorganization), a fully adjustable

three-dimensional articulator is of value.

For C.D patient , simple hinge articulator is suitable( not complicated) but semi-adjustable is
better .
The Relationship of the teeth to the casts

Relationship between natural teeth and supporting bone in

Dentate patient :

- crowns and roots of all teeth are situated over centers of alveolar
ridges .
- In mandible , alveolar ridge inclined labially (anteriorly) .
‫ في الكتابمفصلين فيها هاي النقطة‬.
Alveolar ridge supporting molar teeth is in the lingual aspect of
basal bone or body of mandible.

alveolar ridge supporting premolar teeth over the basal bone

(basal bone)‫ الي تحتيه اليهو‬bone ‫ جايعلى سوا ال‬ridge‫يعني ال‬

alveolar ridge supporting anterior teeth labial to the basal

‫هاي الصور مع الكالم الي في الساليد‬
‫الي قبل بجوز توضح الفكرة أكثر‬
In maxilla , alveolar process is placed in the
external + inferior of the maxilla
and also inclined labially or anteriorly
After teeth lost and bone loss(bone resorption)

alveolar ridge residual alveolar ridge

‫أعرف مط أو اتجاه ا ل‬
‫ن‬ ‫ ف بدي‬edentulous‫ي عنيا لمريضص ار عندي‬
.resorption of mandible and maxilla and teeth setting
Maxilla Mandible

Bone loss primarily Bone loss occurs from

Bone loss occurs from both lingual and Buccal
Labial and buccal sides and more labial
surfaces. surface in incisor
region .

Direction of resorption In upward , inward and In downward , outward

become narrower. and become wider

Position or inclination Incline more palatally Incline slightly more

of the residual ridge all around buccally in molar
‫راح يكون عكس ال‬ (‫)عشانهيك ب صغ ر‬ region
(dentate Alveolar and more lingually in
ridge) incisor region
ax i l l a
(in front of the residual alveolar ridge)

The same happens in posterior teeth of

maxillary denture (placed forwards and
di bl e
m an

anterior teeth of the mandibular denture placed

forwards(in front of the residual alveolar ridge)
and upward.

Continue . . .
posterior teeth of the mandibular denture placed over the
center of the residual alveolar ridge.

Why not placed lingually (backward) or buccally ??

1- It will reduce the tongue space and cause cramping of

the tongue .

2- resorption directed downward not to buccal or lingual

direction as in anterior teeth and the denture base is able
. enough to replace the resorption in this region
posterior cross bite ( means that the lower -3
posterior teeth overlap the upper posterior
The orientation of the teeth
 Teeth are placed one by one in their :-

• Correct positions
• Correct angulation of their long axes

 If each tooth not positioned and angled correctly

The denture will be functionally useless and inefficient

and aesthetically poor.
‫مالحظة في الساليدات القادمة‬
mesio-distal inclination = in front view
labio-lingual inclination = viewed from the side
(In front view)

(Viewed from the side)

‫الجملة هاي مش دقيقة ألنه السن لما أطلع عليه من الجهة األمامية‬
Inclination in each third ‫بدي أحدد أو أوصفه بناء على‬

 Upper central incisor when viewed form

front Its long axis inclines towards vertical
axis incisally (or in incisal and middle thirds)
while show a slight distal inclination in
cervical 1/3.

more (cervically)

Its long axis parallel to the vertical axis.

Most prominent part on labial surface
Should be continuous with labial contour of wax rim.
‫مقارنة بين صفة األسنان األمامية العلوية (بشكل مختصر)‬


‫‪Parallel to the‬‬
‫‪vertical axis .‬‬
Position of the necks

Upper central slightly depressed

Upper lateral more depressed
Upper canine prominence
(more than the central)
• Its cusp is slightly more than
2 mm above the occlusal plane ) play an
important rule in balanced occlusion as a
canine guidance).
‫خلصنا من جزئية صفة األسنان األمامية و العلوية‬
‫نحكي عن قبل ما ندخل بصفة األسنان الخلفية‬

‫‪Harmony in general arrangement of anterior teeth‬‬

‫‪Continue . . .‬‬
• Same as the 1st premolar
from both front and side views.
‫دكتور هيك حشوة االملجم منيحة ؟؟‬
‫الدكتور أو مساعده ‪ :‬اه منيحة بس اعملها‬
‫طيب هيك دكتور؟‬
‫*أل هيك ‪under‬‬
Continue …
‫ يعني ما تم‬curve‫ من دون‬Horizontal plane 1- ‫في حال لو صفيت األسنان ب‬
Curve of spee ‫االعتماد على ال‬
condylar guidance angle 90 ‫و كانت ال‬
and you want to move the condyle in a path that follow or parallel
with the occlusal horizontal plane


 Teeth will remain in contact

‫ حاالت الحالة األولى شرحناها‬3 ‫نوخدها على‬

-: ‫الحالة الثانية‬
2-protrusion of mandible in which the condyle travels in
a path that is at an angel from the horizontal plane (not
parallel as in the first situation)


posterior disocclusion (Christenson's phenomenon)

But this phenomena could tipping and

dislodgment of the denture .
‫الحالة الثالثة أو الوضعية الثالثة إنه‬

3- If posterior teeth set to an anteroposterior curve and the mandible


teeth remain in contact = (balanced articulation)

Lateral curves

Medio-lateral curve not antero-posterior curve

Occlusal surfaces of upper molar facing outward
Downward with concavity facing upward .
Note that
The second premolars are not
involved in any curve as they
lie on a horizontal plane.
The benefit of the lateral compensating curves is to
avoid the disocclusion On the non-working or orbiting
side and to achieve the bilateral balanced occlusion in which both
the working and non working sides are in contact .
As we know …
When mandible moved laterally the rotating condyle on the
working side remains in the glenoid fossa and moves very
slightly outwards and backwards (Bannet movement).

The orbiting condyle(non-working side) travels downwards

and forwards .

( teeth are not set on curve )

The position of the teeth to one another
‫عالقة األسنان بعضها ببعض‬
In centric position or when the mandible In retruded
contact position the relationship between teeth
are as follow :-
1-vertical overlap of upper anterior teeth
(over bite)and horizontal overlap (over jet) about
2 mm .
2-buccal cusps of upper posterior teeth
overlap those Of the lower .
Functional cusps of upper
post teeth and of the Lower post teeth
interdigitate with the opposing teeth
and the contacts are directed toward the
center of the lower alveolar ridge.
3- each tooth occludes with two teeth in he opposing
jaw except :-
-upper second molar
-lower central incisor
‫ت‚م‚ ب‚ع‚و‚ن‚ هللا‚‬

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