Determinants RESISTED EX'S
Determinants RESISTED EX'S
Determinants RESISTED EX'S
Exercise Program
- strengthen a specific muscle -correct muscle action & movement
or muscle group effectively pattern,
-avoid unwanted substitute motions
-avoid substitute motions
Stabilization can give in two ways:
• Alignment and muscle
External stabilization -by
action.ex: strengthen the
therapist,patient, equipment like
gluteus medius- hip flexed belt,strape etc
,abducts(tensor fascialatae), Internal stabilization-by abdominal
instead of hip slightly muscle –for B/L SLR
extended, pelvis rotated OR lumbar spine for one side hip
slightly forwarda,bducts flexion
• Alignment and gravity.
• The intensity of exercise in a resistance training
program is the amount of resistance (weight) imposed
on the contracting muscle during each repetition of
an exercise. The amount of resistance is also
referred to as the exercise load(training load).
• The intensity of exercise is also dependent on the
frequency, and
order of exercise/the length of rest intervals.
Sub maximal Vs Maximal Exercise
Many factors, including:
the goals and
expected functional outcomes of the exercise program,
the cause of deficits in muscle performance,
the extent of impairment,
the stage of healing of injured tissues,
the patient’s age,
general health,and
fitness level, and other factors
determine whether the exercise is carried out against submaximal or
maximal muscle loading.
Submaximal loading.(moderate to low intensities) is indicated: