Ink Mileage: by Anil Kumar

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Ink Mileage

Introduction Ink mileage is usually defined as the nuber of copies
produced with a kilogram of ink or more commonly quoted
in our newspaper industry as the kgs of ink required to print
a thousand impressions on paper.
Factors affecting
ink mileage
More pigment

Thinner the ink film

Greater the ink mileage

1. Strength of the ink

2.Print density control

It will require
progressively larger
As the density is
amounts of ink to
affect a change in

For example, an increase in print density of 20% (from 1.0 to 1.2) requires an ink film weight increase
of 58%. This film weight percentage increase is over double the percentage of the print density change. 
1 2 3
Proper ink and water As the level of ink and The degree of
balance is a key part of water is increased on emulsification of water
offset printing. press ink mileage can be and ink will also
inadvertently affected.  determine the thickness
of ink film

3.Ink and water balance

•Paper is made up of fibers that are pressed together to form
the paper.
•The surface is not smooth and depending on the uniformity,
will change the level of ink required to achive the final print

4. Substrate
•This is the coverage of the area printed on a
sheet of news print. 
•The coverage wil be determined by the
print designer

5.Print coverage
Cause and effect diagram for per page cost

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