Dance Aerobics Routine

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The key takeaways are that aerobics provides various health benefits like boosting immunity, strengthening muscles, improving heart health, relieving stress, and losing weight. It also discusses different types of dance aerobics like Zumba and safety measures.

Some of the benefits of aerobics discussed are that it boosts immunity, strengthens and tones muscles, improves heart health, relieves mental issues like stress and depression, and lowers cholesterol.

Some types of dance aerobics mentioned are Zumba, which includes Latin and international music, as well as ballet and jazz.


We all know that Aerobics is a kind of e
xercise that involves dance forms. Whe
n you are not interested in the workout
but like to dance then aerobics strike y
our mind to go for. It instantly lifts mo
od and relieves stress. If you want to lo
se weight and get into shape then this
is one of the most effective and fun wa
ys to lose weight. However, very less w
e know about the different types of Aer
obics. Before we check them out, let’s
understand the benefits of aerobics.

Boosts Immunity
Aerobics can boost your immunity and there
by protect you from many diseases; thus it impr
oves your overall health.
Strengthens And Tones Body Muscles
It’s not just dance but involves strenuous ex
ercise that can actually strengthen your body an
d tone your muscles.
Heart Health
Aerobic dance also helps improve your heart
health by supporting the cardiovascular system a
nd makes it strong. It’s efficacy also gets improv
 Relieves Mental Issues
Mental issues like anxiety, stress, depression,
tension, etc. can also be relieved with aerobic
dance; in fact, this improves your mood.
 Lowers Cholesterol

With its help, you can get rid of cholesterol acc

umulated in the body. Not just cholesterol but
the problem linked to cholesterol, which is hig
h blood pressure can also be controlled. Aerob
ics can increase the blood circulation and ther
eby help you reduce cholesterol and blood pre
Types of Dance Aerobics
There are many types of dance like Zumba,
ballet, jazz which are usually considered as
workouts but are low impact since they are l
ow paced exercises. This is why they are the
most comfortable dance forms than those w
ith high paced exercises. Thus, elderly peop
le and even pregnant ladies can go ahead wi
th these. However, if you want you can defin
itely opt for high-intensity dance forms as
One of the most interesting dance forms is Zumba and many are a
ware of this. This program includes Latin, Salsa and International
music. This provides some resistance training, interval training, an
d strength training. You will observe fast and slow rhythms alterna
ting throughout the workout which will make you burn more calori
es without letting you get tired soon. So, what are the benefits of

Tones Body
Zumba can tone your entire body as it can enlarge all the muscle
by involving squats, lunges, dance moves into it.

Keeps You Interested

Since this is a fun way to workout, you will definitely enjoy it; thus
, it will keep you engaged and make you come back without quitti
ng in between.
 Amazing Results
Many have chosen Zumba over gymming and other forms
of exercise not just because they enjoy it but due to the qu
ick results. In no time women have lost pounds of weight a
nd are very happy with it.

 Suitable For All Age Groups

Zumba can just come to your rescue if you are old aged, pr
egnant woman or obese. Anyone can do it and get the resu
lts; however, it’s better to consult your doctor if you have a
ny medical condition.

 Relieves Stress
Even if you are physically fit, mental health is also
very important. If you get stressed more often
then Zumba can relieve it. Keep dancing to enjoy it

This dance form was started by Judi

Sheppard Misset in 1969 which can
help you burn around 600 calories i
n 60 minutes. It utilizes the other e
xercises like yoga, kickboxing, pilat
es and resistance training.
 Protects Heart
If you do it for 60 minutes 5 times a week as per sched
ule then it can keep your heart healthy and prevent a h
eart attack.

 Gives Energy
Try doing it for an hour and you can see the difference.
You will sweat a lot but later you can observe that your
performance at your work will improve.

 This Is Also For Everyone

 Whatever your age might be, you can practice Jazzer
cise without a second thought. You will be definitely sa
tisfied once you start doing it.
Tones All Body Muscles
 Like Zumba, Jazzercise also can wor

k on each and every muscle in your

body. It will tone all your body muscl
es from head to toe.

 Keeps Your Mood Up
 It will also relieve all the tension and

stress you had in your brain and will

keep you in happy and good mood.
Ballroom Dance
You might be aware of ballroom dance whi
ch is again of different types like a modern
waltz, salsa, viennese waltz, quickstep, tan
go, etc. Couples perform this kind of dance
where 5 contact points exist between the c
ouple and they keep holding each other thr
oughout the dance. You might be wonderin
g why this is so beneficial to health when t
his does not involve strenuous exercise. It’
s true that it’s a moderate activity but it de
finitely is beneficial to health.
 Tones Body Muscles
It does look easy to dance but when you hold
someone close to your body, your hands, leg
s, shoulders, and thighs actually tightens; for
toned body muscles, you will have to dance r

 Burns Calories
 Can you imagine that ballroom dance can
burn 200 to 400 calories in just 30 minutes o
f time? You melt your body fat by dancing wit
h your partner 4 times a week.
You Will Get Confident And Happy
If you are under pressure most of the time taki
ng so much tension and stress then dancing wi
th your partner for 30 minutes can relieve all th
e tension and stress making you happy; not jus
t that but it will also increase your confidence l
Bone Health
 Experts have proven that ball dance can impr

ove joint flexibility and increase overall bone

density. If you have weak bones then this can
really strengthen your bones.
Belly Dance
 Weall know how beautiful and ex
otic belly dance is. This dance for
m involves torso articulation most
of the time and is solo dance, unli
ke ball dance. Since it falls under
aerobic dance, nowadays it is con
sidered for exercise as well.
Improves Fitness Level
This is a kind of dance that everyone can enjoy. If
you like dancing then this might be a good choic
e. It will teach you patience and improve your bo
dy strength.
Stomach Exercise
 If you have more accumulated fat around the b

elly area, then you must try this dance form sin
ce it involves more belly or stomach exercise th
at will help you melt the fat away.
 👉Choosing an appropriate venue is im
 👉Make sure aerobics areas are well it.
 👉Use facilites with a floor suited to ae

 👉 Check that all implement and equip

ment used in classes are maintained i

n good condition.
🐾Know yourself and aerobics technique

 👉Choose activities that are

suited to your fitness level
 👉know and use the right tech

 👉Know how to use the equip

ment properly and safety.

Safety measures of Aerobic Dancing

Don't Forget the Feet

Because aerobic dancing involves quick lateral movemen
ts, jumping, and leaping for extended periods of time, pr
oper care of the foot plays a crucial part in keeping the e
ntire body fit to endure the "pain" that precedes the "gai
n" of a more fit physique and efficient heart and respirat
ory system.
If your feet suffer from excess pronation or supination (y
our ankles tend to turn inward or outward too much), it's
especially important to see a podiatric physician, who m
ay recommend controlling the sometimes harmful motio
ns with an orthotic shoe insert.
Proper shoes are crucial to successful, injury-free aero
bics. Shoes should provide sufficient cushioning and s
hock absorption to compensate for pressure on the fo
ot many times greater than found in walking. They mu
st also have good medial-lateral (side-to-side) stabilit
y. Impact forces from aerobics can reach up to six tim
es the force of gravity, which is transmitted to each of
the 26 bones in the foot.
 Because of the many side-to-side motions, shoes n

eed an arch design that will compensate for these f

orces, and sufficiently thick upper leather or strap s
upport to provide forefoot stability and prevent slip
page of the foot and lateral shoe "breakup." Make s
ure shoes have a toe box that is high enough to pre
vent irritation of toes and nails.
Prevention of Injuries
If you are attending an aerobics class, make sure it i
s led by a certified instructor. Hardwood floors, espe
cially with padded mats, are the best surfaces possi
ble. If you can, start with a multi-impact class, wher
e you can start at a low-impact level and work your
way up as your conditioning improves.
If you exercise at home with a video, be very careful.
Read the label to determine whether the video is pro
duced by certified aerobics instructors and whether
you can handle the degree of impact. While it's safe
to do low-to-moderate impact aerobics on the livin
g room carpet, that's not a proper surface for high-i
mpact routines.
Drink adequate water to avoid dehydra
tion during workouts which can cause
nausea, dizziness, muscle fatigue, and
cramping. For exercise lasting longer t
hen 45 minutes a sports nutrition drin
k may be superior to water.
Don't under estimate the importance o
f the cool-off period. It burns off lactic
acid (which makes muscles feel tired)
and adrenalin, while keeping blood fro
m pooling in the extremities.
Advantages & Disadvantages o
f Aerobic Dance
Endurance and Calorie Burning
Dance aerobics is a high-energy workout that ai
ms to improve your cardiovascular endurance.
Workouts are typically set to fast-paced music t
hat determines the pace and rhythm of your mo
vements. This approach to exercise helps optim
ize the amount of calories you burn by keeping
your heart rate elevated throughout a session.
Social Engagement and Stress Release

 Dance aerobics are nearly always

held in a class setting, which mak
es meeting new people with simil
ar fitness interests easy. This is a
n advantage if you enjoy working
out with others and become moti
vated in a social environment.
High Impact
 The repetitive stepping and jumping th
at dance aerobics involves is not benef
icial if you have joint, bone or ligament
problems. The jarring impact can take
a toll after a while on joints like the kn
ees and ankles and leave you aching a
nd sore after a workout. It may also ex
acerbate chronic conditions.
1. Benefit of Dance aerobics that protects you fro
m many diseases and improves your overall hea
a) Boosts Immunity
b) Heart Health
c) Lungs Efficiency
2. Benefit of Dance aerobics that deals with menta
l issues like anxiety, stress, depression and etc.
a) Boosts Immunity
b) Relieves Mentality
c) Lowers Cholesterol
3. Types of Dance aerobics that includes Latin, Salsa and Inte
rnational Music.
a) Zumba
b) Jazzercise
c) Ballroom Dance

4. Benefit of Belly Dance that deals with the accumulated fa

t around the belly area.
d) Improves Physical Health
e) Tone body muscles
f) Stomach Exercise

5-7: Safety Measures of Dance Aerobics

8-10: Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerobic Dancing

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