Cause and Effect Essay

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Cause-Effect Essay

 The cause-effect essay explains why or how
some event happened, and what resulted from the

 This essay is a study of the relationship between

two or more events or experiences.

 In other words, cause

c and effect essays focus on
why things happen (causes) and what happens as
a result (effects).
When writing a cause and effect essay:

1. Distinguish between cause and effect.

To determine causes, ask, "Why did this


To identify effects, ask, "What happened because

of this?“
2. Develop your thesis statement.

State clearly whether you are discussing

causes, effects, or both.

Introduce your main idea, using the terms

“cause” and/or “effect.”
3. Organise supporting details.
You can organise details in the
following ways:
• Chronological. Details are arranged in the
order in which the events occurred.
• Order of importance. Details are arranged
from least to most important or vice versa.
• Categorical. Details are arranged by
dividing the topic into parts or categories.
4. Use appropriate transitions.

To blend details, Effect Signal Cause Signal

use the transitional Words

words and phrases.

consequently, because,
as a result, due to,
thus, one cause is,
resulted in, another is,
one result is, since,
another is,
Block & Chain

You can organise a cause/effect essay in two main


1. Block organisation
2. Chain organisation
Block Organisation
 In block organisation, you first discuss all the causes as
a block, then, you discuss all the effects together as a

Cause Effect
Effect Cause

Cause Cause
Cause Effect
Cause Effect
Effect Effect
 Example:


Your car is out of petrol.

Your car won't start
 Example:


Eating disorders
 Example:

Cause Thinking about your family

Cause Forgot bring your ID card

Cause Missed writing exam

Effect Failed writing course

 Example:

Effect Decrease in personal liberties

Increase in nationalism
Greater prejudice against those
Effect of Middle Eastern decent

The events of September 11,

Cause 2001 changed the face of our
nation forever
Transition Paragraph

 In block organisation, a short paragraph often

separates one major section from another major
section. This paragraph is called a transition

 Its purpose is to conclude one section and

introduce another section.

 It is helpful when your topic is long and

Diagram of cause-effect essay

Introduce the subject

Describe the cause and its effects


effect effect effect

Chain Organisation
In a chain-reaction essay, the reader
describes how one event led to another.

Introduction Effect Effect

Cause Cause Conclusion

My wife left me!

Chain Reaction of events:

 I received a deport from my boss.

 Because of my arrest, I lost my job.
 Because I lost my job, I had no money.
 Because I had no money, my wife left me.
 Remember your purpose

 Focus on immediate and direct causes (or


 Strengthen your essay by using supporting

When evaluating a cause and effect
essay, ask the following questions:

What are the causes?

What are the effects?
Which should be emphasised?
Are there single or multiple causes?
Are there single or multiple effects?
Is a chain reaction involved?

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