Classroom Management Presentation 120712190047 Phpapp02

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Classroom Management

EDUC 312: Principles and Methods of Teaching

Group 4
Classroom management
• Classroom management has been cited as
one of the most serious obstacles in
promoting effective teaching.
• One of the most common reasons for teacher
burnout and attrition of first year teachers.
“The number one problem in
the classroom is not
discipline; it is the lack of
procedures and routines”.
The First Days of School by Harry Wong
The presenters aim the following objectives:

1.) to clarify the meaning and significance of

classroom management
2.) to establish the provisions that must be
taken care of in providing the proper
learning situation
3.) to explain how to maintain desirable
classroom discipline; and
4.) to present some strategies and guidelines in
good classroom management and discipline.
What is Classroom management?
• Administration or direction of activities with special
reference to such problems as discipline,
democratic techniques, use and care of supplies
and reference materials, the physical features of
classroom, general house-keeping, and the social
relationships of pupils
• Good classroom management creates an
atmosphere that permits activities to be carried on
efficiently and economically maximizing the time,
effort and energy of both the teacher and the
Objectives of a well-organized classroom
a.) to have efficiency in the teachers and
student’s time, efforts and energies;
b.) to efficiently use the physical
facilities of school; and
c.) to promote an atmosphere which
foster imaginative and creative
Aspects of Classroom Management

a. Managing the Physical Environment

1. Physical Condition of the Classroom
2. Lighting
3. Furniture Arrangement
4. Seating Arrangement
b. Establishing Classroom Routine
c. Directing and Controlling Learning
Principles in Classroom Management
1. Consistent, proactive discipline is the crux
of the effective classroom management.
2. Establish routines for all daily tasks and
3. Orchestrate smooth transitions and
continuity of momentum throughout the day.
4. Strike a balance between variety and
challenge in the students’ activities.
5. As classroom manager, be aware of all
actions and activities in the classroom.
Principles in Classroom Management
6. Resolve minor inattention and disruption
before they become major disruptions.
7. Reinforce positive behavior.
8. Treat minor disturbance calmly.
9. Work out a physical arrangement of the
chairs that facilitates an interactive
teaching-learning process.
10. Make good use of every instructional
moment. Minimize discipline time to
maximize instructional time.
Principle is effective and constructive Discipline

•  Students need control and direction

but it is unlikely that they can learn
self-control and self-direction if they
are controlled and directed all the time
and at every turn.
Principle is effective and constructive Discipline

• In general, students should learn to discipline

themselves and thus grow up to become adults
who are responsible, law-abiding, considerate of
the welfare of others and able to carry on the
important responsibilities of life in the face of
frustration, tempting distractions and other
difficulties. Schools should help the students
develop self-discipline by teaching them such values
and traditions.
Principle is effective and constructive Discipline

•  Effective discipline aims for self-direction

and should be based on the tenets of
democracy. Discipline, to be effective,
should be vital, meaningful, sympathetic,
and humane. The key is consistency and
persistence. Democracy means freedom
with restraint. Constructive discipline is
feasible only when a thorough identification
and study of the causes is made by the
Important functions of discipline:

1.) It is necessary for socialization – for the

learning of standards of conduct that are
approved and tolerated in any culture
2.) It is necessary for normal personality
3.) It is necessary for the internalization of
moral standards and obligations.
4.) It is necessary for the students’ emotional
Principles underlying effective discipline, the
teacher should:
1.) be responsible for his own class discipline;
2.) provide a wholesome atmosphere which
results from orderly and adequate classroom
3.) stimulate worthy motives and give the pupils
every opportunity to direct their own efforts;
4.) be aware of the pupils’ rights to be respected;
5.) be aware of the individual differences and
should give each children equal share of his
attention, guidance, and direction.
Causes of Disciplinary Problems

 1. Teacher factor

a. teacher’s personal characteristics
b. teacher’s scholastic qualifications

2. Pupil as a factor in discipline 

3. School as a factor in discipline
Strategies and guidelines in classroom
management and discipline

• All teachers are faced with problems of discipline. It

is suggested that the best approach should be
positive rather than negative. Aggressive disorder
should be dealt with positively such as having a
personal conference with the pupils and parents.
• Negative measures which should be avoided are
sarcasm, threats, forced apology, punishment of
the group for the offense of one or a few, ridicule,
nagging, embarrassment, name calling, humiliating
remarks, and corporal punishments.
Teacher should always take note of the following:

• Establish good routine habits and keep pupils busy.

• Stand at a place in the room where everybody can
be within your gaze.
• Be alert to detect any signs of boredom,
discontent, or misbehavior.
• Call on pupils who do not pay attention or who may
begin to be disorderly.
• Firmness and forcefulness in speaking can make
the pupils be attentive.
• Remain calm and poised even in an emergency.
• Discipline - is about teaching people
appropriate behaviour and helping
then become stronger or more in
control of his or her emotions and
being independent and responsible.
Ways to avoid serious discipline problems

• Know the subject matter and be well-prepared.

• Call on class to order as soon as the bell rings.
• Follow an established routine everyday until students
learn to follow it automatically.
• Have all the needed materials and equipment ready for
use so you do not waste students’ time getting things
• Walk around the classroom whenever possible to make
sure all the students are doing what they are supposed
to be doing.
• Check on the previous assignment promptly.
• Make it clear to students that you expect them to work.
Ways to avoid serious discipline problems

• Allow reasonable amount of time for special activities.

• Avoid the use of threats.
• Keep your sense of humor.
• Compliment students on worthy contributions.
• Handle calmly all undesirable attempts to attract attention.
• Try to involve all students in class activities.
• Always have planned alternate activities ready for
emergency situations.
• Never be sarcastic.
• Implement group-oriented methodologies such as
cooperative learning approach, peer tutoring and team
Modes for Establishing Discipline

• Discipline is the students’ responsibility.

• Discipline is the teachers’ way of establishing
a desirable student-oriented environment for
• Discipline is coupled with effective teaching
strategies and techniques
• Discipline is achieved through the effects of
group dynamics on behavior.
• Discipline is believed to be the exclusive
responsibility of the teachers.
Strategies for Handling Discipline Problems

1. Deliberately ignore the misbehavior –

to a point.
2 . Intervene with nonverbal signals.
3. Reduce the distance between the
offender and you.
4. Make an effort to rekindle lost
5. Use humor to defuse tension.
Strategies for Handling Discipline Problems

6. Give functional assistance to-

perplexed students.
7. Do things differently now and then.
8. Give support through routine-some
students need it more than other.
9. Use nonpunitive exile.
10. Physical restraint is sometimes
Democratic Technique
There is a minimal degree of external control
necessary for socialization, personal maturity,
conscience development, and emotional security of
the child. It provides explanations, permits
discussion, and invites the participation of pupils in
the setting of standards whenever they are
qualified to do so. It implies respect for the dignity
of the individual and avoids exaggerated emphasis
on status differences and barriers between free
How to Handle Behavioral
Problem Children
According to research, the common characteristics of
Filipino children with behavioral problems are:
dishonesty as shown in lying and cheating in
examinations, timidity and shyness even among
peers and family, sensitiveness followed by crying,
disobedience and lack of respect for authority,
tardiness and absenteeism for no valid reason,
unnecessary giggling, talking, swearing, and using
vulgar words often, low voice in the classroom but
loud voices in the halls, and isolating himself or
herself from the rest of the class and being
uncooperative and unfriendly.
Behavior Modification: It is the new approach
to classroom discipline which can be used
effectively to help students and to prevent
problems arising from the first place. There are
three objectives for changing children’s behavior
which are 1) strengthen existing behavior, 2)
develop new behavior, and 3) stop inappropriate
Principles behind behavior modifications

1. Principle of positive reinforcement.

2. Method of successive approximation
3. Modeling principle.
4. Cueing Principle.
5. Discrimination Principle.
Principles behind behavior modifications

6. Substitution Principle.
7. Intermittent Reinforcement Principle.
8. Satiation Principle.
9. Extinction Principle.
10. Incompatible Alternative Principle.
Positive Reinforcement Technique

1. The child whose behavior is to be reinforced or modified should be in
agreement as to what should be done. The tact and diplomacy as
well as the genuine concern of the teacher, which can be felt by the
child, will be very helpful in this phase.
2. The child should know what is expected of him; he should know and
clearly understand the rules.
3. If step 1 and2 are met and the child still misbehaves, it is possible that
he does not possess the skills and abilities he is asked to accomplish.
It would be necessary then to determine these skills deficits and to
teach them first before the actual problem is handled.
4. If the first 3 conditions are met and misbehavior continues, the
possibility is that the student is not motivated to do what is
expected of him.
1. Rewards
a. reward the students every time the given
behavior occurs
b. giving of rewards every now and then
should be given once the behavior is
securely acquired
c. vary the types of reward given
2. Punishment
1. Learn what types of punishment the school authorities
2. Learn what punishment can be given.
3. Never assign extra homework as punishment.
4. As punishment, never prohibit students from attending a
favorite class.
5. Do not assign a punishment which is actually a reward.
6. Never strike a student.
7. A punishment should come early in a sequence of
misbehavior and should be systematically applied.
2. Punishment(cont..)
8. Be consistent with punishment.
9. Before accusing or punishing any student, get the facts.
10. Be prepared to document any serious incidences of
11. Never punish a whole class for the offense of one individual.
12. be sure that the child understands why he is being punished.
13. Punishment is more effective if the teacher already has
appositive relationship with the pupil.
14. It is generally better if reprimands can be delivered privately,
rather than publicly, to the pupil concerned.
Last Thought :

“Being an effective Class Manager

is not a talent which some people just have

and others do not – it is a set of skills

and an attitude learned throught

patience and practice”

• Aquino, Gaudencio V. Principles and Methods of Effective Teaching.
San Juan. National BookStore, Inc. 1988. pp 363 – 384.
• Casinto, Carlo Domingo C. Hand book on Principles of Teaching.
Quezon City. Rex Bookstore Inc. 2010. pp 128 – 153.
• Kelly, William A.,Ph.D. Educational Psychology. Milwaukee.The
Bruce Publishing Company. 1965. pp 497 – 507.
• Lupdag, Anselmo D. Educational Psychology. Mandaluyong City.
National Bookstore.1984. pp 210 – 214.
• Lardizabal, Amparo S., Alicia S. Bustos, Luz C. Bucu, and Maura G.
Tangco. Principles and Methods of Teaching. Quezon City. Phoenix
Publishing House Inc. 1999. pp 267 – 282.
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