Organizer Resource Person: Department of ECE Aliah University Kolkata, India

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Resource Person

Organizer Mr. Kanagaraj Venusamy

Department of ECE Academician
Aliah University [email protected]
Kolkata, India Sultanate of Oman, Muscat
Mind map
 Overview about Sensors and Actuators
 Measurement system
 Embedded System
 Control system
 Familiarization of simulator-Tinkercad
 Arduino microcontroller development board
 Practical Experiments
Basic electronics circuits building using real-time simulator ❖ Electronics circuit assemblies ❖ Introduction
to Arduino Uno –Microcontroller development board ❖ Interfacing sensors and actuator with microcontroller
development board ❖ Arduino IDE Programming ❖ Experiments using real-time simulator ❖ Features of
Real-time simulator ❖ Project guide by using an open-source virtual platform.
 Question and Answer
 Discussion
 References
Criteria to Choose a Sensor
The following are certain features that are considered when choosing a sensor.
 Type of Sensing: The parameter that is being sensed like temperature or pressure.
 Operating Principle: The principle of operation of the sensor.
 Power Consumption: The power consumed by the sensor will play an important role in defining the total
power of the system.
 Accuracy: The accuracy of the sensor is a key factor in selecting a sensor.
 Environmental Conditions: The conditions in which the sensor is being used will be a factor in choosing the
quality of a sensor.
 Cost: Depending on the cost of application, a low cost sensor or high cost sensor can be used.
 Resolution and Range: The smallest value that can be sensed and the limit of measurement are important.
 Calibration and Repeatability: Change of values with time and ability to repeat measurements under similar
Basic Requirements of a Sensor or Transducer
The basic requirements of a sensor are:
1.Range: It indicates the limits of the input in which it can vary. In case of temperature measurement, a
thermocouple can have a range of 25 – 250 0C.
2.Accuracy: It is the degree of exactness between actual measurement and true value. Accuracy is expressed
as percentage of full range output.
3.Sensitivity: Sensitivity is a relationship between input physical signal and output electrical signal. It is the
ratio of change in output of the sensor to unit change in input value that causes change in output.
4.Stability: It is the ability of the sensor to produce the same output for constant input over a period of time.
5.Repeatability: It is the ability of the sensor to produce same output for different applications with same
input value.
6.Response Time: It is the speed of change in output on a stepwise change in input.
7.Linearity: It is specified in terms of percentage of nonlinearity. Nonlinearity is an indication of deviation of
curve of actual measurement from the curve of ideal measurement.
8.Ruggedness: It is a measure of the durability when the sensor is used under extreme operating conditions.
9.Hysteresis: The hysteresis is defined as the maximum difference in output at any measurable value within
the sensor’s specified range when approaching the point first with increasing and then with decreasing the
input parameter. Hysteresis is a characteristic that a transducer has in being unable to repeat its functionality
faithfully when used in the opposite direction of operation.
What is MEMS?
 MEMS is short for Micro Electro Mechanical Systems.

 It is a technology associated with manufacturing of microscale devices like Sensors, Transducers, Actuators,
Gears, Pumps, Switches etc.

 Microsystems Technology (MST).

Temperature Sensor-TMP 36
1.Change the name of your design here

2.This is the main toolbar. From the left to the right: Rotate the selected part clockwise, delete the
selected part, undo and redo your last action(s), create annotations and toggle their visibility.

3.Some parts allow you to change their program. Click here to do so.

4.Start the simulation

5.Export your design to Autodesk EAGLE.

6.Choose the parts to display in the list below. I recommend choosing “All”.

7.These are the parts you can use.

8.The main work area. Drag and drop parts here to add them to your design.

9.Fit everything into the view.

List of Libraries @tinkercad
A few of the most common Arduino libraries can be included with easily accessible
links to their respective documentation pages.
Programming Microcontrollers: Arduino Uno
Programming microcontrollers can be done in one of two ways (or a combination of
How to Use
Tinkercad to
Test &
Logic Gates
 OR gate-74HC32
 Power supply
 Breadboard
 Bulb/Led/Buzzer
Arduino UNO-Microcontroller Development Board
The Arduino UNO is a standard board of Arduino.
 UNO means 'one' in Italian. It was named as UNO to label the first release of
Arduino Software.
 It was also the first USB board released by Arduino. It is considered as the powerful
board used in various projects.
 developed the Arduino UNO board.
 Arduino UNO is based on an ATmega328P microcontroller. It is easy to use
compared to other boards, such as the Arduino Mega board, etc.
 The board consists of digital and analog Input/Output pins (I/O), shields, and other
 The Arduino UNO includes 6 analog pin inputs, 14 digital pins, a USB connector, a
power jack, and an ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header.
 It is programmed based on IDE, which stands for Integrated Development
Environment. It can run on both online and offline platforms.
•ATmega328 Microcontroller- It is a single chip Microcontroller of the ATmel family. The processor code inside it
is of 8-bit. It combines Memory (SRAM, EEPROM, and Flash), Analog to Digital Converter, SPI serial ports,
I/O lines, registers, timer, external and internal interrupts, and oscillator.
•ICSP pin - The In-Circuit Serial Programming pin allows the user to program using the firmware of the Arduino
•Power LED Indicator- The ON status of LED shows the power is activated. When the power is OFF, the LED will
not light up.
•Digital I/O pins- The digital pins have the value HIGH or LOW. The pins numbered from D0 to D13 are digital
•TX and RX LED's- The successful flow of data is represented by the lighting of these LED's.
•AREF- The Analog Reference (AREF) pin is used to feed a reference voltage to the Arduino UNO board from the
external power supply.
•Reset button- It is used to add a Reset button to the connection.
•USB- It allows the board to connect to the computer. It is essential for the programming of the Arduino UNO
•Crystal Oscillator- The Crystal oscillator has a frequency of 16MHz, which makes the Arduino UNO a powerful
•Voltage Regulator- The voltage regulator converts the input voltage to 5V.
•GND- Ground pins. The ground pin acts as a pin with zero voltage.
•Vin- It is the input voltage.
•Analog Pins- The pins numbered from A0 to A5 are analog pins. The function of Analog pins is to read the analog
The memory structure is shown in the below image:

The preinstalled flash has a bootloader, which takes the

memory of 0.5 Kb.
Here, SRAM stands for Static Random Access Memory, and
EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-
Only Memory.

Technical Specifications of Arduino UNO

The technical specifications of the Arduino UNO are listed
•There are 20 Input/Output pins present on the Arduino UNO
board. These 20 pis include 6 PWM pins, 6 analog pins, and 8
digital I/O pins.
•The PWM pins are Pulse Width Modulation capable pins.
•The crystal oscillator present in Arduino UNO comes with a
frequency of 16MHz.
•It also has a Arduino integrated WiFi module. Such Arduino
UNO board is based on the Integrated WiFi ESP8266 Module
and ATmega328P microcontroller.
•The input voltage of the UNO board varies from 7V to 20V.
•Arduino UNO automatically draws power from the external
power supply. It can also draw power from the USB.
1- How to print on serial monitor
The Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal that communicates by receiving
and sending Serial Data.
we have two loop in coding "void setup( )" and "void loop( )". In "void setup( )" we are writing command
"Serial.begin(9600);" serial monitor begin in the given time, 9600 bits per second. The second command
"serial.print("");" , this prints the name given in the parenthesis.
Components required:
1- Arduino board
1- Tinkercad
Coding for serial monitor:
void setup()
Serial.println(“Aliah University,West Bengal,India");
void loop()
2.How to Use the TMP36 Temp Sensor - Arduino

•Low Voltage Operation (+2.7 V to+5.5 V)
•Calibrated Directly in °C
•10 mV/8°C Scale Factor (20 mV/8°C on TMP37)
•±2°C Accuracy OverTemperature (typ)
•±0.5°C Linearity (typ)
•Stable with Large Capacitive Loads
•Specified -40 °C to +125 °C, Operation to +150 °C
•Less than 50 µA Quiescent Current
•Shutdown Current 0.5 µA max

•Connect the 5V pin to 5 Volts (5V)

•Connect the SIGNAL pin to analog pin 0
•Connect the GND pin to ground (GND)
//TMP 36 Temperature sesnor- Display temperature-Code

void setup()
void loop()
float degcel=((analogRead(A0)*(5.0/1024))-0.5)/0.01;
TMP36 Temperature Sensor With Arduino in Tinkercad
Arduino PWM
The PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is a method of controlling the average voltage. It is a stream of
voltage pulses that reduces the electric power supplied by the electrical signal. The effective voltage is
controlled by the width of individual pulses in a stream of voltage pulses of a PWM signal.
The common use of PWM pins includes controlling LEDs and DC Motors.

How to calculate Arduino PWM?

The analogWrite() function discussed above is used to generate a PWM
signal in Arduino.
The value associated with the analog signal is from 0 to 255. It means 256
levels of values.
The maximum voltage read by the Arduino is 5V.
We can determine the output PWM voltage by using the below formula:

PWM voltage = ( Duty cycle/ 256) x 5V

//Motor A
const int motorPin1 = 5; // Pin 14 of L293
const int motorPin2 = 6; // Pin 10 of L293
//Motor B
const int motorPin3 = 10; // Pin 7 of L293
const int motorPin4 = 9; // Pin 2 of L293

//This will run only one time.

void setup(){

//Set pins as outputs

pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin4, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);



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