PDMS Draft: Introduction Course

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PDMS Draft


/ -1 / -ver.0.2- /
PDMS Draft, Scope

 Overview
 Starting up PDMS Draft
 The Draft hierarchy
 Using the mouse
 Creating a simple drawing
 Dimensioning
 Labelling
 2D Drafting
 Step by step creating a complete View
 Syntax, tips and tricks

/ -2 / -ver.0.2- /
PDMS Draft, Overview

 What is Draft?
 PDMS module for generating drawings from the Design module
• Fully annotated engineering drawings
• Intelligent drawings as data is taken from the Design module
• Drawings can be updated to reflect design changes

 Drawing creation ( simplified )

 Select the part of the Design model required
 Select the direction to view the part from
• North, South, East, West, Up, Down, Isometric
 Select the appropiate scale
 Add annotations ( dimensions, labels, 2D text )

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PDMS Draft, Overview

 3D graphics
 The design model can be viewed from any angle at any scale
 The appearance of the model is controlled from representation rules, pre-
defined in the project ( company )
• Different line styles for different Design items
• Selected during view creation, re-selecting can be done anytime
 Various levels of wireline and hidden-line removal can be used
 Sectional views can be created by using flat or stepped section planes
 The scale can be selected from a set of Metric, Architectural and Engineering
• Auto scale can be used for the largest scale that fits

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PDMS Draft, Hierarchy


(some of these
REGI can be predefined)








/ -5 / -ver.0.2- /
PDMS Draft, Starting up

Click on the PDMS icon

Select Project
Select User name
Type in the Password
Select MDB ( Multiple DataBase )
Select Module ( Draft )
Select Macro files
Press OK

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PDMS Draft, Starting up
Main Menu Bar

 The Main display

Main Toolbar
2D View Toolbar

Main Display

Status area
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PDMS Draft, Starting up

Click Display > Members

Inthe Members list, click your way
down to a sheet ( SHEE ) element
Click the + button
Now you have loaded an existing sheet

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PDMS Draft, Starting up

Mouse buttons:
 Left button:
•Selecting from menus & drop-downs
•Picking a PDMS element in the Main
•Picking and moving annotation
 Middle button:
•Zoom in by holding button as you make
a window
•Zoom out by clicking once at the point
you want to be in the centre of the view
 Right button:
•Displays the pop-up View menu

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

In the Members list, click the World

Create Department >JBJ_DRAFT
Create Registry >JBJ_DRAFT/REGI1
Create Drawing, Explicitly >JBJ_TEST
 From Template >user elements underneath
will be created automatically according to
project settings (not used by all companies)
 Explicitly >all user elements have to be
created separately by the user
Create Sheet >JBJ_TEST/S1
Select a backing sheet >A1
Create View, User Defined > .../S1/N

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

The User-defined view form View size, position, frame on/off

 Used for setting the view parameters
View centre, view on/off, offset
 Pops up when you create a view, can
Drawlist, drawlist reference
also be found under Modify>View,
User defined Wireline > Hidden line

Sets the representation

Sets the hatching rules

Updates the design in the view Sets the viewing direction

Rotates the view contents etc.

Sets the nearest scale
Used when this form is changed
Sets the largest scale

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Click Graphics > Drawlist

 Now you see the Drawlist Management
Click your way to Equipment /C-106
Click the Add button of the form
Now /C-106 appears in the Drawlist
Members list to the right
Severaldrawlists can be made and copied,
for example one per view
Note the difference between the Add/Remove
and Delete entry/Delete all buttons
Nextpage will explain the Drawlist
Management form closer

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Buttons for managing drawlists

List of drawlist for current sheet

List specifies what you will see on

your drawing
Hierarchy from Design module

Deletes members only from the


Add/Remove from model to

drawing graphics

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Click dismiss to go back to the View

Set Direction > North
Click Auto-Scale to centre the view to
the graphics defined in the Drawlist
Click Nearest > 1:20
 Gives you the most suitable scale, in
this case 1:20 since we use Metric
Set View type > Universal Hidden
Set Style > Basic
Click Apply
Click Update design

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

The Main Display now looks like this

Go back to the View form
Pick Frame > Size > Cursor
 By clicking two corner points for a
window you set a more suitable size
for the view
 Note that the graphics of the tank
moves to the middle of the resized
view, since you set the view centre
with the Auto-Scale
 Resize your view until you are
satisfied and your window looks like

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Go back to the View form

Pick Frame > Position > Cursor > Top
By clicking once on the sheet you will
position the top right corner of your view
 Repeat this procedure until your window
looks like this
On the main menu bar pick Create > Copy
> CE ( Current Element )
The Copy View form will appear
In the Rename field change .../N to .../D
Press OK to make the copy
You now have two identical views on top of
each other

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Go back to the View form

Click the CE button to make the new view
Set Direction to Down
Pick Frame > Position > Cursor > Top Left
In the Point form change from 2D- Cursor
hit to End point of
In the Main Display click on the view frame
close to the left bottom corner
Click the right mouse button and choose
Inthe View form click the Apply and Update
Design buttons

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Your Main Display should now look

like this
Repeat the Copy View sequence
copying either one of your views, giving
the new view the name .../W
Make the W-view active in the View
form and position it to the right of the N-
view with the Position command
Now you have three views in your
Set the Direction for the W-view to
Click the Apply and Update Design

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PDMS Draft, Creating a drawing

Resize the W-view with the Frame > Size >

Cursor command
Pick Frame > Copy Size > Height
 Identify either one of the other views
( identical size )
Position the W-view again using the right
bottom corner and the endpoint on one of the
other views
To move the views apart
 Pick Display > Command line
 Click on the D-view
 In the Input form type by y-10 and enter
 Click on the W-view
 In the Input form type by x-10 and enter

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

 Hierarchy
 Dimensioning is done with the Dimensioning Application
• Draft > Dimensioning or the -button on the Main tool bar
 Dimensioning elements are created under Layers owned by Views
 The layers are created automatically as you create your View
 New layers can also be created, note that the right Application has to be
running as you create your layer in order to get all settings correct



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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning
Dimension text

 LDIM, Linear DIMension

Dimension line

Overshoot 5000

Projection line


First dimension Second dimension

point point

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

 Dimensioning Toolbar
 Dimensioning Application > Create > Dimension Toolbar
 This toolbar can be used to create all kinds of dimensions

Horizontal Dimensions Vertical Dimensions

Non-orthogonal Dimensions Angular Dimensions

Diametrical Dimensions Radial Dimensions

PCD Diametrical Dimensions PCD Radial Dimensions

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

Creating a simple horizontal dimension

 First select the right view > N
 From scroll down on the Dimension
Toolbar, choose the Chain dimension
 The Linear/Angular Dimensions form
will appear
•This form is used for specifying
dimension points and changing settings
for the dimension, -text, projection lines,
gaps etc.

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

Make sure that the Item selection is

highlighted on the Dimension form
Click Create and click on the left foot
of the tank in your N-view
Click Create again and click on the
right foot of the tank
You have now dimensioned the distance
between the 0-points of the two boxes
symbolizing the feet
The dimension is automatically
distanced with a default offset from the
dimension points

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension form highlight the P-point

option and click Create
Click once on the cylinder defining the main
body of the tank
 The P-points of the cylinder are now
 Goto the left P-point with the cursor and
press the left mouse button. When the
cursor gets highlighted let the button go
On the Dimension form pick Pos >
Dimension > Cursor and position the
dimension beneath the tank
Pick Control > Close on the Dimension form
In the Members list you now have an LDIM
with three dimension points

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension Toolbar, choose the

Tail dimension type
On the Dimension form, change to P-
point and pick the same P-point as in the
prior dimension
On the Dimension form, change to Item
and click the -field
Select all the nozzles one at a time
Press Escape on your keyboard
Position the dimension above the tank

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

The Chain/Tail/Truncate attribute can

be changed through the Atts > Definition
Set the Type to Chain and press Apply,
then see the effect on your dimension
Setthe Type to Truncate and press
Setthe Type back to Tail and press
Dismiss the form
Pick Control > Close on the Dimension

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

Click on the frame of W-view

On the Dimension Toolbar pick a
Diametrical dimension
Click once on the tank cylinder
The Diametrical Dimension form will
Click on the Geometry button
The Dimension Modification form will
appear and the dimension will be
highlighted in your view

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension Modification form set

the Text Angle to Standard and click OK
Cancel the form
Inthe Members list you now see a
 No dimension points since the
dimension is attached to a single

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension Toolbar pick an

Angular dimension
You are prompted to pick the element
the dimension is to be attached to > pick
the main body cylinder in the W-view
The Dimension form will appear
Highlight the Item type and click Create
(empty the -field)
Pick one of the nozzles pointing down
Click Create again on the Dimension
form and pick the other nozzle

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension form click Atts >

The Modify Angular Dimension form
will appear
On the Modify Angular Dimension form
change Clockwise > Anticlockwise
Click Apply and Dismiss the form
The Angular dimension will now be the
right way

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PDMS Draft, Dimensioning

On the Dimension form click Dim > Angle >

 The Dimension text will be oriented
On the Dimension form click Pos >
Dimension and position the dimension
beneath the nozzles with the cursor
Click Control > Close on the Dimension
In the Members list you see an ADIM with
two dimension points
Note the difference between LDIM <>
 The ADIM itself and the points are
connected to elements, in a LDIM only the
points are connected to elements

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

 Hierarchy
 Labelling is done with the Labelling Application
• Draft > Labelling or the -button on the Main tool bar
 Labelling elements are created under Layers owned by Views
 The layers are created automatically as you create your View
 New layers can also be created, note that the right Application has to be
running as you create your layer in order to get all setting correct




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PDMS Draft, Labelling

 GLAB, General LABel

 Contains only ( intelligent ) text
 Connected to design elements

Leader connection

Leader line


Leader attachment

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

 SLAB, Symbolical LABel

 Generated from templates
 Can contain 2D primitives
• Shapes, text etc.
 Defined by a reference to a Symbol Template, SYTM
 Often company specific labels, for example labelling of gridlines, welding
symbols etc.
 Connected to design elements

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

Creating General labels

 Start the Labelling Application
 Click on the frame of the N-view to
set the correct View
 On the Main toolbar pick Create >
General Label
 The General Label form will appear
 Click Create NEW
 Pick each of the nozzles in turn
 Press Escape on your keyboard when
you are finished

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

You now have a label connected to the

0-point of each nozzle
 As the default text contents of a
generated label is ’#NAME’, you do
not have to set it further
 The text is modified with the Text
Contents form on General Labels >
Attributes pulldown
To be able to read info from the
databases you have to use the # -sign
followed by a syntax; for example
’#ZONE’, ’#OWNER’ (see later pages)

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

Positioning the labels 1

 Click on a label on the screen
 Goto the Command Input window
 Type AT@ followed by Enter
 Position the label with the cursor
Positioning the labels 2
 Click on a label on the screen
 Click the CE button on General
Labels form
 Pick Position > Label > Cursor
 Position the label with the cursor
Positon all the labels as this

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PDMS Draft, Labelling

 General Label Attributes

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PDMS Draft, Modify Mode

Modify Mode is used to modify Dimensions,

Labels and 2D geometry by graphical
 Can also be used to resize and position View
To enter Modify Mode, click the -button on
the 2D View Toolbar
Click on one of the labels in your N-view >
several hotspots will be shown
 Now you are able to modify the label
geometry and position by using the different
•Attachment position
•Connection position
•Bends on the leader line

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PDMS Draft, Modify Mode

Tomodify the geometry of an item you

move a hotspot by clicking and dragging
To position an item you move your
cursor to any other part than a hotspot
and click and drag the item
If you press the Escape key, no changes
will be made to item
To save your changes, move the cursor
away from the item and press your left
mouse button
The Modify Mode will be active until
you press the Modify Mode button again

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PDMS Draft, Modify Mode

By default, an item or hotspot will be moved

to the 2D cursor position
After selecting an item in Modify Mode, hold
down the right mouse button with the cursor
in the Main Display area
 A 2D View menu including snap settings
 You are now able to snap as you position
and modify Labels, Dimensions and 2D
drafting elements
 Try the different possibilities on different
elements (GLAB, LDIM...)
 Note that the snap will be reset to 2D
Cursor hit as you choose a new element

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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

 Hierarchy
 2D Drafting is done with the 2D Drafting Application
• Draft > 2D Drafting or the -button on the Main tool bar
 2D Drafting primitives can ony exist as members of Sheet Notes (NOTE) or
Layer Notes under a View (VNOT)
• The base elements are by default created automatically as you create your Sheet and
• New layers can also be created, note that the right Application has to be running as
you create your layer in order to get all settings correct


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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

Start up the 2D Drafting Application

Creating Notes (if necessary)
 Pick Create > Note at the appropiate
level; SHEE / VIEW
Creating 2D primitives
 Pick Draw > Primitives from the 2D
Drafting bar menu
 A Draw form will appear, here shown
with pulldowns

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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

To add some 2D annotation to your

 Click on your D-view
 On the Draw form pick the Outline
 The Point Construction Options form
will appear
 Make a few points around the nozzle
in the middle of the tank, press the
Cancel button when you are done
 The graphics of the View are now
hidden behind the cloud

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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

 On the Main Toolbar, pick Modify >

 The Blank 2D form will appear
 Pick Unblank > Identified and click
on the cloud followed by Escape
 Dismiss the Blank 2D form and
refresh your Main Display
 On the Draw form pick a text with
justification left
 Position the text next to the cloud
with the cursor
 The Modify Text form will appear

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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

 Add the text HOLD, change the Font

to Red and the Height to 5 and press
 Dismiss the Modify Text form
 In the Members list you now have one
Outline and one Text Primitive
•The OUTL contains vertices defining
the points you clicked
•The TEXP has no hierarchy but contains
an attribute called BTEX where your text
is stored

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PDMS Draft, 2D Drafting

Modifying 2D primitives:
 The easiest way is to use the Modify
Mode when you want to move the
Primitives and change the size etc.
 To modify colours, linetypes and texts
you have to use the Edit > Primitive
command on the Main Toolbar
•Changes can also be made through the
Command Input form if you are familiar
with the attributes and syntax

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 PDMS Draft offers capabilities to make

section planes, cutting the design model
or parts of it, to improve the visualization
on your drawing
 The next task will show you how to:
1. Make a new View
2. Add a new Drawlist for the View
3. Add the piping connected to the tank
4. Make two Section planes to cut the
5. Centre the View
6. Add a Local rule to change the outlook of
the piping
7. Add Labels to the piping
8. Set the View Frames off

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

1. Create a new View

• Start the General Application
• From The Main Menu bar pick
Create > View > User defined
• Name the view .../ISO
• A View with the default size appears
on your Main Display
• Start the Modify Mode and click on
the new View
• Move the View and resize it by using
the hotspots
• Quit the Modify Mode by clicking the
-button again

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

2. Create a new Drawlist as a copy of

the Drawlist used in the other Views
 From the Main Menu bar pick
Modify > Drawlist
 The Drawlist Management form
 Click on the Create Copy button
 The Create Drawlist form appears
 Name the drawlist .../ISO
 The Copy Drawlist form appears,
with the default Drawlist highlighted
> click OK

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

3. Add the piping connected to the tank

 On your Main Display click on one
of the tank nozzles in any of your
Views making it CE (Current
 In the Command Input window type
Q CREF and hit Enter on your
 The Command window gives you the
answer Cref /.../B1
 Click once on the row Cref /.../B1
 Mark up the /.../B1 part and copy it
by using your right mouse button

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the Drawlist Management form

paste in /.../B1 in the field between the
arrows and hit Enter on your
 In the Reference List Members you
will now jump to that element
 Click the Add button to include the
Element in the Drawlist
 Repeat this for all the nozzles on the
tank, eventually your drawlist should
look like this
 Dismiss the Drawlist Management
 On the User-Defined View form click
Graphics > Drawlist Ref...

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 The Drawlist Reference form appears

 Select the .../ISO Drawlist and click
4. Create the Section planes
 Set the User-Defined View
• View Type > Universal Hidden
• Style > .../BASIC
• Direction > Down
• Click Auto Scale
 Click Apply followed by Update

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 We are going to make two sections, one on

each side of the tank, cutting away the
piping going East and West
 There are three ways to make the section
•Section Flat, where you define a plane at a
position in a certain direction regardless of the
view angle
•Section Perpendicular, where you define a
plane at a position. The plane works according
to the view angle. Suitable for orthogonal
view angles
•Section Stepped, where you define a plane
with several points in a certain direction
 Your View angle will be isometric,
therefore the most suitable section to use is
 With your ISO view as CE pick Create >
View > Section Flat

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 The Create a Flat Plane form appears

 Set the form as follows:
•The Position pull down > Cursor
•The Cutting pull down > .../ISO
•The Direction > W
 Click the Position button and in your ISO
view click to the right of the tank
 You have now set a plane going West at
that position and since the Retain Data is
set to In front of Plan you will keep
everything East of your plane and remove
everything West of your plane
 Click OK

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the Main Menu bar pick Graphics

> Update > Design
 Your View should now look
something like this
 With your ISO view as CE pick
Create > View > Section Flat
 The Create a Flat Plane form appears
•The Position pull down > Cursor
•The Cutting pull down > .../ISO
•The Direction > E
 Click the Position button and in your
ISO view click to the left of the tank
 Click OK

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the Main Menu bar pick Graphics

> Update > Design
 Now the piping is cut off at both sides
of the tank
 You can modify the Planes by
picking Modify > View > Section Flat
•The Modify a Flat Plane form appears
•You can reposition your planes if you
are not satisfied with the current results
•Try out the Sketch and Erase buttons to
see your planes and their working

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

5. Centre the ISO View

 On the Main Menu bar pick Modify
> View > User-Defined
 On the User-Defined View form pick
View > Centre > Identify
 In any of your Views select the main
body of the tank
 Set the Direction > ISO1
 Click Apply followed by Update
 In the updated view some of the
piping layes outside the View frame >
you need to raise the graphics in the

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the User-Defined View form pick

View > Centre > Explicit
 The User Defined Centre Position
form appears
 We need to set the Up coordinate to a
smaller value to lower the View centre
 Set the value in the Up field to 3700
 Press OK

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the User-Defined View form click

Apply followed by Update Design
 Your basic View is now complete
6. Create a Local Rule for the View
 A Local Rule sets a different
Representation Style for all or for a
selection of elements in a View
 We want to have the tank drawn as it
is now, but we want the piping drawn
with dashed lines, since the tank is
the main element on the drawing
 On the Main Menu bar pick Create >
View > Local Rules

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 The Local Rules form appears

 Click Create
 The Create RRUL form appears
 Click OK
 In the With field type OWNER EQ PIPE
•The branches and their components will be
affected since the BRAN elements are owned
by PIPE elements
•The elements on the tank are not affected
since their are owned by EQUI elements
 Set the Style by clicking on the
.../FUTURE line
 Click Apply

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PDMS Draft, Step by step

 On the Main Menu bar pick Graphics

> Update > Design
 The piping is now drawn with a
dashed linetype and the tank is drawn
with the Style you picked as you
created your View (.../BASIC)
 If you check your Members list at
View level you see the elements you
just created
•We did not name these elements but if
you have several section planes or local
rules in the same view you can give them
a specific name in order to find them
more easily later on

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7. Add Labels to your View

 Start the Labelling Application
 Click on your ISO-view
 On the Main Menu bar pick Create >
General Label
 The General Labels form appears
 Click on the Create NEW button
 Select a component on any of the

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 On the General Labels form pick the

Text Contents from the Attributes
 The Dynamic Text form appears
 Set the text to #PIPE(C2:) and press
 On the General Labels form select
Common Elements from the Attach to
-pull down
 Click Create COPY

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 Select one component on each pipe

 Use the Modify Mode to position the
 Quit the Modify Mode when you are
satisfied with the Labels
 Start the General Application

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8. Set the View Frames off

 In the Main Display area click your
right mouse button
 Select View Frames on/off
 Your drawing is now finished

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PDMS Draft, Tips & Tricks

 Intelligent text
 Can be used in both the Labelling and the Dimensioning Applications
 Defined by using the # - sign before the text you want to read from the other databases
(Design, Catalogue, Specification)
 Ability to read strings, for example the SPREF for a beam could be
/DIN_SPEC/RHS/50x50x5. The text is divided into Paragraphs and Characters as
follows: C2

/DIN-SPEC /RHS /50x50x5

P1 P2 P3

 To get the string 50x50x5 in a General Label using Intelligent text we have two
• Set the Dynamic Text (BTEX) to: #SPREF(P3:)(C2:)
• Set the Dynamic Text (BTEX) to: #SPREF(C15:)

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 Some general examples of Intelligent text used in General Labels:

• BTEX ’#ZONE(C2:)’ gives you the name of the zone owning your element
• BTEX ’#PIPE(C2:)’ gives you the name of the pipe owning your element
• BTEX ’#NAME(C2:)’ the default value, gives you the name of the element
• BTEX ’El.#POSU+’ gives you the z-position of the element with a +/- prefix
• BTEX ’#SPREF(C2:)’ gives you the specification reference of the element
• BTEX ’L=#CUTL mm’ gives you the cutlength of a section
• BTEX ’#XLEN * #YLEN * #ZLEN’ gives you the size of a box
• BTEX ’~D#DIA * #HEI’ gives you the diameter and the height of a cylinder
 See also the standard Intelligent text presets from the Dynamic text form

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 In the Dimensioning Application we can set Intelligent text on both the

Dimension Line text (DMTX) and as Projection Line text (PLTX)
• The default value for the DMTX at LDIM, RDIM and ADIM level is #DIM
• Some examples of what could be added:
- DMTX ’~D #DIM’ gives you the measure with a ø –symbol as prefix
- DMTX ’#DIM +FA100’ gives you the measure with +FA100 representing any
text you need
- DMTX ’( #DIM )’ gives you a measure in brackets
• For the PLTX you can use the default presets from the Dimension Points form:

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