Lesson 5 Critical Reading Skills

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By the end of the lesson
you will have been able to:
Explain critical reading as looking for ways
of thinking and as reasoning
Identify claims explicitly made in a written
Formulate evaluate statements about a text
Determine how central claims are develop
and argued
Determine the audience the text is
written for
Identify the context in which the text is
Examine the evidence that the text uses
Evaluate the validity of arguments in
the text
Determine textual evidence to validate
assertions and counterclaims made
about a text read
Strategies For
Effective Critical
You have to read a text with an open
Remember to think critically all
throughout the reading process and ask
higher-order questions whenever possible
The statements in the text must also be
Examine the facts and example; try to
check if there are gaps and
Check for the accuracy and reliability of
the sources and distinguish fact from
Aside from evaluating, look for what isn’t
presented well
Assess if the conclusion are acceptable,
based on all the facts presented
Remember to evaluate the credibility of
the writer
Analyze the motivation for writing the text
by looking at the writers sociopolitical,
cultural, economic and personal situation.

Refers to work whose meaning

is shaped by referencing or
calling to mind other text

Basically, other texts help add

meaning to the current text

Through other texts w/ch

parallel to it in terms of plot,
characters, premise and the
like, you’ll able to understand
the context of the piece

Characterized by external links embedded

in a text by the writer.

The reader can read a text in a non linear

way because its led to the other link
outside the main text.

Enables the reader to arrive at the

intended interpretation.
Hypertext example in online media
Hypertext example in PRINT media
Assume it was printed.

¹The Pearl of the Orient Seas’ is blessed

with many beautiful beaches, but
Boracay² still remains one of the most
popular tourist destination

¹A historical moniker given to the

²A small island in Aklan, Visayas
Types of Claims

Claim Of Fact
Claim Of Values
Claim Of Policy
Observe the ff. words

oRecent Evidences
Claim Of Fact

An argument about a quantifiable


This claim is not fact, it only

asserts a stand regarding a
debatable topic; it only claims to
be a fact.
Claim Of Fact

A well-argued claim of fact,

clearly states the main argument
and defines vague and
controversial terms

It’s supported w/ factual info.

such as statistics, testimony and
Claim Of Fact

a statement about how things were in the past,

how they are in the present, or how they will be
in the future.

What makes it arguable is that the speaker has no

direct way of establishing the truth of the claim.

Ex. "The Earth is round".

"In our righthanded world, left-handed people are
discriminated against"
Claim Of Values

Are arguable statements concerning the relative

merits of something which is measured

Ex. "Hawaii is a better place to go for summer

vacation than Colorado."

What makes a value claim arguable is that

different people may disagree on the criteria
used to evaluate something
Claim Of Values

Argues when something is good or bad

It is based on judgment and evaluation
on a philosophical, aesthetic or moral

It is also assessed based on accurate

Claim Of Values

Involves offering a set of criteria for

consideration, and as legitimate and
showing how applying the criteria justifies
the claim.

Often value claims are comparative.

Claim Of Policy

An argument which asserts the

implementation of a certain policy

This is driven by the need to present a

solution to problems that have arisen.

Sometimes it is given as a response to

claims of fact.
Claim Of Policy

It generally states solutions and plans

that are procedural and organize.

It is also incorporate judgment of

coupled with supporting information
Claim Of Policy

It’s best to act in

the manner
Logical Fallacies
The errors in reasoning that invalidate
an argument
As a critical reader, you
have to identify and
examine fallacies and
manipulative language on
the text
False Dilemma
occurs when an arguer presents
his/her argument as one of only two
options despite the presence of
multiple possibilities

Either you fully devote yourself to the
company or you quit
Appeal to Ignorance
Occurs when something is instantly
concluded to be true just because it is
not proven to be false and vise versa.

The writer does not talk about the connection
between the victims killer and his sister, so there
must be none
Slippery Slope
Occurs when a series of increasingly
superficial and unacceptable
consequence is drawn
If we ban computer shops, then students will
not be able to do research. And if they do not
have tools for research, these students will
fail there subjects
Complex Question
Occurs when two or more points are rolled
into one and the reader is expected to either
accept or reject both at the same time, when
one point may be satisfactory while the other
is not

"Have you stopped cheating on exams?"
Appeal to force
Occurs when a treat, instead of
reasoning, is used to argue

If you do not admit that evolution is
not real, we will isolate you from the
Appeal to Pity
Occurs when the element of pity is
used instead of logical reasoning

Please do not fire me for being absent all month; I
have a sick mother and a special child to support.
Appeal to Consequences
Occurs when an unpleasant
consequences of believing something
are pointed out to show that the belief
is false

You can’t believe the colonialism is bad, because if
it were, then we would not be civilized.
Occurs when an argument is
considered to be valid because it is
what the majority thinks

Most Filipinos want to have fair skin because
they think they look beautiful.Therefore, having fair
skin must be the real standard of beauty
Attacking the Person
Occurs when someone tries to refute
an argument by attacking the
character of the person instead of
attacking the ideas of the argument.
I cannot accept your argument because unlike
me you are not educated at Harvard Univesity.
Appeal To Authority
Occurs when the argument quotes an
expert who is not qualified in the
particular subject matter

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft,
recommends the effective fabric softening
properties of Downy Fbric Softener.
Aunonimous Authority

The authority in question is not

mention or named.

Experts claim that eating peanuts causes
Hasty Generalization

Occurs when a sample is not

significant or enough to support a
generalization about a population.

Martha, the foreigner from France is very
impolite.French people are mean and rude.
False Analogy

Occurs when a writer assumes that

two concepts that are similar in some
ways are also similar in other ways

Drugs are like massages,they make you feel

Occurs when a general rule is applied

to a situation, even when it should be

Jaywalking is not allowed, so you should have
done that even when you were being chased by
Post Hoc

Occurs when the arguer claims that

since event A happened before event
B,A is the cause of B.

Dina saw a black cat when they went home.Along
the way, they crash into a tree.The black cat must
be the reason why they met an accident
Wrong Direction

Occurs when the directions between

cause and effect is reserve.

Liver damage leads to alcoholism.
Complex Cause
Occurs when the explanation for an
event is reduced to one thing when
there are other factors which also
contributed to the event.
We we’re not able to solve the problem because
of limited time. Even if all the other groups we’re
able to do so.
Irrelevant Conclusion
Occurs when an argument which is
supposed to prove something
concludes something else instead

We must support the fight for gender equality
between men and women.Women have suffer
enough violence at home.Violence against women
must be stop.
Straw Man
Occurs when the position of the
opposition is twisted so that it is
easier to refute.

Opponent : We should relax the law governing
the allowed smoking areas in the city
Fallacy : We should not do so, because the
number of smokers might increase.
Affirming the Consequent

Any argument of the form: If A is true

then B is true, if B is true therefore A
is true.

We must support the fight for gender equality
between men and women.Women have suffer
enough violence at home.Violence against women
must be stop.
Denying the Antecedent
Any argument of the form: If A is true
then B is true; if A is not true then B is
not true.

Example If you are drinking wine, you have a
problem. Therefore, if you are not drinking wine.
You do not have a problem.

Occurs when argument contradict one


Frank is older than Jake, Jake is older than Noli,
and Noli is older than Frank.
Isorena, Jonathan
Del Rio, Cherry Mae
Hadji Jamel, Samerah

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