Topics:: 1: The Entrepreneurship Process 2: Ethics and Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurship

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1: The entrepreneurship process

2: Ethics and Social Responsibility of
The entrepreneurial process
It is the process of pursuing a new venture,
/ new products into existing markets./
There are four phases:
1. Identification & evaluation of opportunity
2. Development of the business plan
3. Determination of the required resources
4. Managing of the resulting enterprise
Phase 1:
Identification & evaluation
of opportunity
a. Opportunity identification is the
process by which an entrepreneur
comes up with the opportunities for a
new venture.
Sources of opportunity:
• Customers and business associates
• Member of the distribution system
• Technical people
1: . . .
B. opportunity evaluation: Identified
opportunities should be screened &
It is the most critical element of the
entrepreneurial process. It involves:
• The length of the opportunities
• Real and Perceived value
• The risk and return
• Its fitness with personal skill & goal
of the entre.
... assessment plan: evaluating opp.
Similar to business plan but different in
that it focus on only opportunities not the
entire venture .
Deciding whether or not to act on the opport.
It includes:
• Description of the product/service
• Assessment of opportunities
• Assessment of the entrepreneur & the team
• Specification of all activities & resources needed
• The source of capital to finance the venture
Phase 2: developing
It is the general future direction of the
It is written document describing all relevant
internal and external elements and
strategies for starting new venture.
It is one of the time consuming phase
In BP:
• Opportunity will be defined and
• Resource required will be obtained &
Phase 3: determining
the resource required
Focus on the variety and amount of resource
Identify and differentiate critical resources
from helpful resources
Determine resource required
Determine the existed resources
Identify the resource gap &
possible supplier
Developing access to needed
Assessing the downside of insufficient or
Phase 4: managing
the resulting
All about implementing the BP
Examining the operational problems
• Implementing the management style and
• Determining the key variables for
Establishing controlling system
Ethics and social
Business ethics concerns itself with the
investigation of business practice in light of
human value.
Ethics refers to the ‘study of whatever is right
and good for humans
Ethics is the study exploring the general nature
of morals and the specific moral choices to
be made by the individual in his relation
with others.
Ethics . .
. entrepreneurs have been shown to be
particularly sensitive to examine pressure
and general social norms in the community,
as well as pressures from their
A central question in business ethics:
whose Benefit and at whose expense should
the firm be managed?
In addressing this question the entrepreneur
ensures that resources are deployed
fairly between the firm and its

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