01.2 Characteristics, Types, Strengths and Weaknesses of Research

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Research 2
Instructor: Sura Amilbahar
For lesson videos, subscribe to K-12 Study Club.

1 Meaning and Characteristics
of Research
⬥ Define what is research.
⬥ Describe characteristics, strengths and
weaknesses of quantitative research.
⬥ Recognize kinds of quantitative research.

Lesson 2
Types of Research
Classification of Research
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Types of Research
Basic Research Applied Research Developmental
“fundamental/pure” Seeking new Research
research. applications to the Decision-oriented
solution of a problem, research in response
Seeks to discover
develop new system to an immediate need
basic truths or
or procedure. to improve existing
Eg. Gas shortage;
Eg. Boyle’s Law, Eg. Research about
research on gas
Charles’ Law, possible COVID19
production is needed.
Archimedes Principle vaccine.
Classification of Research
Library Research Field Research
- Done in a library where a - Research conducted in a
plethora of resources are natural setting.
available (from printed
- Both applicable to
materials to e-books).
descriptive and
- Main purpose is to give experimental methods.
information on related
topics and problems.

Classification of Research
Laboratory Research
- Conducted in an isolated, well-equipped area with controlled
- Purposes:
1) test hypotheses derived from theory
2) control variance under research conditions
3) discover relations between independent and dependent
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
⬥ Discover Ideas, General
⬥ Test Hypothesis or Research objects
specific Research ⬥ Observe and Interpret
Question/Problem ⬥ Unstructured data
⬥ Measure and Test ⬥ Summary, Patterns,
⬥ Structured data Trends
⬥ Statistical Analysis ⬥ Subjective Conclusion
⬥ Objective Conclusion ⬥ Interviews, FGDs,
⬥ Survey, Experiments observations

Quantitative Research
⬥ Uses numbers in stating generalizations about a
given problem or inquiry.
⬥ Use of objective scales of measurement of the
units of analysis called variables.
⬥ Findings are subjected to statistical treatment to
determine significant relationships or differences
between variables.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research
⬥ Data to be gathered include items such as age,
gender, educational status, salary, etc.
⬥ Standardized instruments for data gathering (for
accuracy, reliability and validity).
⬥ Figures, tables and graphs are used to show results
and findings.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research
⬥ Large population yields more reliable data, but
sampling methods are advisable.
⬥ Quantitative methods can be repeated to verify
findings in another setting.
⬥ Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof,
rather than discovery.

Strengths of Quantitative Research
⬥ Most reliable and valid way of concluding results,
giving way to a new hypothesis or disproving it.
⬥ Bigger sample population brings more reliable and
valid generalizations.
⬥ If designed properly, experiments can filter out
external factors so that results can be seen as real
and unbiased.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
⬥ Costly, difficult and time-consuming.
⬥ Extensive statistical treatment required. Any false
move during the data collection will affect the
results and thus affect the interpretation.
⬥ Limited, proved or unproven results may not
represent uncertainty or grey areas. Some things
are not quantifiable (feelings, experience,
thoughts, etc.)
See ya in Lesson 3… 

Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome
resources for free:
⬥ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
⬥ Photographs by Unsplash
⬥ Research Methods and Thesis Writing by Paler-Calmorin &
Calmorin, 2007
⬥ Research and Method Techniques by C.B. Alicay, 2014
⬥ Research definition, link: https://
www.lexico.com/en/definition/research Retrieved on: Aug. 12, 2020


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