Long Welded Rails: G S Yadav, IRSE 1994 Pb2, Iricen 7420041112

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G S Yadav, IRSE 1994
[email protected]

As regards to rail length ( length of rail between two joints)

track can be classified as below :
1. Free rail : rails of 13 m or 26 m length ( used on bridges
on which LWR is not permitted. Also used on sharp
curves on which LWR/SWR is not permitted)
2. SWR : rails ( welded or otherwise) of 39 m length (Used
at locations where LWR is not permitted such as grades
steeper than 1 in 100)
3. LWR : rails of 250 m length or more
Note : CWR is basically LWR that is carried through station
• Long Welded Rail (LWR) is a welded rail, the central part of
which does not undergo any longitudinal movement due to
temperature variations. A length of greater than 250 metre on Broad
Gauge (BG) and 500 metre on Metre Gauge (MG) will normally
function as LWR .The maximum length of LWR under Indian
conditions shall normally be restricted to one block section
On functional basis the rail sleeper fastenings can be
classified as below :
1. Rail free fastenings ( RFF), and
2. Creep resistant fastenings (CRF) or resilient rail
fastenings or elastic rail fastenings
RFF are mainly used on girder bridges to isolate track from
bridge deck in such a manner that interplay of forces in
Track and Bridge deck is avoided
CRF are used with PSC sleepers at almost all locations.
On IR, Pandrol clips , also known as Elastic Rail Clips along
with Grooved Rubber Pads and Liners are used
• Rails provided with rail free fastenings ( RFFs) expand or contract freely when rail
temperature varies. As there is no resistance to thermal movement of these rails,
no thermal forces gets induced in these rails.
• Rails provided with creep resistant fastenings( CRFs) are not free to expand or
contract when there is change in rail temperature. The resistance against free
thermal movement results in building up of thermal force in rails.
• Such thermal forces can be of tensile or compressive nature depending upon the
temperature at which rails are fastened to sleepers(neutral rail temperature) and
the prevailing rail temperature
• If not managed properly these thermal forces can cause rail breakages or lateral
instability of track, rendering track unsafe for traffic.
• Proper understanding of thermal behaviour of track and the resultant forces is ,
therefore, of paramount importance for track engineers.
• SWR and LWR are the rails ( provided with CRFs) in which thermal forces build up
with change in rail temperature
(1) Concepts of thermal behaviour of metals ( linear thermal expansion) : Derivation of
formula for thermal force in a restrained rail
(2) Concept of Rail Temperature : tmin , tmax, tmean ; Different Temp Zones
(3) Concepts of Track Resistance : Longitudinal, Lateral and torsional resistance : Factors
affecting longitudinal resistance , Graph of longitudinal resistance. Longitudinal
resistance offered by fastenings as well as by ballast.
(4) Force diagram in LWR : BL, fixed portion and local stress transition locations, effect of
bridges etc. Derivation of formula for BL, Breathing lengths for different temperature
(5) Movement at free end of LWR : derivation of Formula
(6) Installation temperature, prevailing rail temperature, Stress free temperature and/or
distressing temperature, Rationale behind fixing distressing temperature
(7) Concept of hysteresis
(8) Lateral track stability ( Buckling Behaviour)
(9) Rail Structure Interaction ( LWR on Bridges)
Concepts of thermal behaviour of metals ( linear thermal expansion)

+ ΔT



1. When a free Rail of length L is subjected to rise in temperature of ΔT, it expands freely by ΔL.
2. As thermal movement is not restrained , there is no build up of reaction forces in the Rail
3. Reaction forces will build up if expansion of Rail is restrained
4. This type of situation exists with Rail free Fastenings such as on Girder Bridges
Concepts of thermal behaviour of metals ( linear thermal expansion)

+ ΔT

Thermal Force Diagram

N Compression

Free thermal Expansion ΔL = Lα ΔT

As this expansion is now restrained, this will result in Thermal Strain = (Lα ΔT)/L = α ΔT
Resultant Thermal Stress = E x Thermal Strain = E α ΔT Hooke’s Law
Resultant Thermal Force P = AE α ΔT
Concepts of thermal behaviour of metals ( linear thermal expansion)

1. In track with elastic fastenings the thermal movement is restrained due to: (1) friction between Rail and
fastenings, and (2) longitudinal Ballast Resistance.
2. The elastic fastenings are designed in such a way that the resistance offered at Rail seat level is more
than the longitudinal Ballast Resistance ( See fig below)
3. In such a situation the induced thermal forces will try to move the track frame in longitudinal direction.
This movement is restricted by longitudinal ballast resistance
4. The central portion of LWR, also called the fixed portion or non breathing length, behaves like a fully
restrained rail with maximum thermal force as P = AE α ΔT
5. The condition of fixity at both ends of central portion of LWR is achieved gradually through gradual
building up of longitudinal ballast resistance over a length called the Breathing Length.

Tendency Of Rail Movement

To avoid creep of Rails
P1 P2

Rail Temperature

• Rail temperature is the temperature of the Rail at site as recorded by an approved

type of Rail thermometer.
• Ambient temperature is the temperature of air in shade at the same place.
• Mean Rail temperature (tm) for a section is the average of the maximum (tmax) and
minimum rail temperature (tmin) recorded for the section
• Installation Temperature (ti) is the average rail temperature during the process of
fastening the rails to the sleepers at the time of installation of the LWR
• Destressing Temperature(td) is the average rail temperature during the fastening of
the rails to the sleepers after de-stressing LWR w/out use of rail tensors.
• Stress Free Temperature (t0) is the temperature of destressing when rail tensor is
used. At this temperature the LWR will be truly stress free.
Rail Temperature

• Indian Railways has been divided in 4 temperature zones as

under :

ZONE Range Of Rail Temperature

I 40 to 500C
II 51 to 600C
III 61 to 700C
IV 71 to 760C
Rail Temperature
ZONE Range Of Rail Temperature
I 40 to 500C
II 51 to 600C
III 61 to 700C
IV 71 to 760C

The rail temperature obtaining

at a station and the annual
mean rail temperature have
been indicated outside and
the brackets respectively
Rail Temperature

Rationale Behind fixing td

Ballast resistance

• Longitudinal ballast resistance R gets mobilised when there is relative

displacement of sleepers with respect to Ballast in the longitudinal
• Lateral ballast resistance comes into play when track has tendency to get
displaced in the lateral direction due to build up of compressive forces.
• Maintenance operations on track have significant adverse effect on ballast
• Condition of ballast( clean or caked up), condition of sleepers ( new or
worn out at bottom) etc have significant impact on ballast resistance
Ballast resistance

Longitudinal Ballast
Resistance in Loaded
Condition 25.5 kg/Rail/cm
( 50 KN/m)
R Longitudinal Ballast
Resistance in Unloaded
condition 12.74 kg/Rail/cm
( 25 KN/m)
Force Diagram in LWR Etc.

Longitudinal Resistance per sleeper

Rail tendency to expand

Breathing Length Lb

Thermal Force Diagram

Force Diagram in LWR Etc.

Formula for Breathing Length :

Maximum force in central portion of LWR
Longitudinal ballast resistance = R kg/Rail/m
The force in central portion builds up over the BL of length L b
Therefore, Lb x R = AEαΔT or , Lb = AEαΔT /R

Factors affecting force diagram : (1) Change in track structure like Rail, (2) Track passing through cuttings and tunnels (3)
Track in the vicinity of large water bodies etc
Breathing Lengths in Different Temperature Zones
Factors Affecting Force Diagram : Force/Stress Transitions Zones in
Central Portion of LWR

(A) Stress Transitions Zones Caused By Rail Temperature Changes : These can be
encountered in areas of track where there is consistent rail temperature difference
between adjacent LWR sections. Some of such locations are :
1. Tunnel portals
2. Transition from deep cutting to embankment
3. Transition from white painted rail to unpainted rail ( temperature difference of
about 60 C
4. Transition from exposed to embedded rail ( like long level crossings)
5. Passage over a river ( on a bridge)
Factors Affecting Force Diagram : Force/Stress Transitions Zones in
Central Portion of LWR

(B) Stress Transitions zones generated by track structure changes : lpcations

exhibiting track structure changes are :
1. Track passing over Bridge
2. Transition from ballasted to slab track or any other higher fixity track structure
( different type of sleepers with different type of fittings)
3. Change of rail section
4. Stress transitions over switches and crossings

Note : Such stress transition zones in central portion of LWR cause longitudinal
movement of sleepers to build up difference in forces in the adjacent portions. Thus
packing of sleepers gets disturbed at such locations like in Breathing length.
Force Diagram in case of Fractures

Force Diagram After Fracture

Thermal Movement at End of LWR ( at SEJ)

• Movement at the end of LWR :

• m = Lb α ΔT/2 ( half of free movement in BL)
• = (AE α ΔT/R) α ΔT/2
• = AE (α ΔT)2 / 2R
• or, m = k (ΔT)2

Lb α ΔT/2

Typical Annual Hysteresis Loop for Zone IV with Temp range 760C and mean temp 380C
Tutorial On Hysteresis

• Find the gap at SEJ at rail temperature of 550C with the

following data :
• Rail Section 60 kg/m ( A = 76.86 cm 2)
• Type of sleepers PRC ( R = 13.74 kg/cm/Rail)
• Sleeper Density 1660 per km
• Temperature Zone IV ( Range 760C and Mean 380C)
• De-stressing Temperature 430C
• Gap at SEJ at Td 40mm

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