Transfer of Technology: A Seminar Presented As A Part of 1year M.Pharm II ND Seminar Requirement ACY 2019-21

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Transfer of Technology

A seminar presented as a part of

1year M.Pharm II nd Seminar requirement
ACY 2019-21

Regd no. 19L81S0706

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 What is technology?

 Why do we need technology?

 Technology transfer

 Different Kinds of Technology Transfer

 Types of technology transfer

 Necessary Conditions for Successful Technology Transfer

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What is technology?
 The collection of tools, including machinery, modifications,
arrangements and procedures used by humans and also things
created by humans.

 Whether it's practical (like washing machines, tumble dryers,

refrigerators, cars, flooring materials, windows, or door handles)
or for leisure (like televisions, Blu-ray players, games consoles,
reclining chairs, or toys), all these things are examples of

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Why do we need technology?
 Efficient

 Easier

 Developed and Advanced

 Faster

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Definition of Technology Transfer

 Technology transfer [and commercialization] is defined as the

transfer of results of basic and applied research to the design,
development, production, and commercialization of new and
improved products, services or processes.

 That which is transferred is often not really technology but rather

a particular kind of knowledge that is a precursor of technology.

 The transfer process emphasizes the value and protection of the

intellectual product of the researchers.

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 Technology Transfer is a Process.

 It has stages, phases, and typical behaviors.

 It operates and can be understood at different levels (e.g.,

technology policy, individual scientists).

 It involves different “stakeholder” perspectives (e.g., developers

and users).

 It is therefore a “communication process.”

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 So, Where to enter the catalytic process of
technology transfer?

 Universities and Research Institutes.

 Mainly on the level of basic and applied research,

and early stage development.

 Entrepreneurial companies.

 Any stage from research and development to the


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Technology Transfer (TOT)

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 Forms in Which Technology May Be Transferred Technology is
primarily transferred in two forms First, it can be transferred via
machinery or other intermediate goods.

 This is normally adequate for manufacturing purposes where the

nature of the technology is not complex.

 Technology can also be transferred through individual experts.

 Transferring technology via a competent expert has the advantage

of cost savings to the recipient, but it is generally suitable only for
small and medium-sized projects where the technology is simple
and unpatented.

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Difference between Old technology and New

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Different Kinds of Technology Transfer


Within the “walls” of an institution or company. Transfer between

different functions within a company or institution.


Outside the “walls” of an institution or company. Transfer

between a company or institution and the rest of the world.
Public/Private: Transfer from publicly funded research to the private

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Types of technology transfer

Vertical technology transfer:

when information is transmitted from basic research to applied
research, from applied research to development, and from
development to production. Such transfers occur in both directions.

Horizontal technology transfer:

when technology used in one place, organisation, or context is
transferred and used in another place, or organisation.

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Necessary Conditions for Successful
Technology Transfer

1. Technology is transferred most effectively by direct people-to-people


2. Technology transfer agents must be well-qualified and able to communicate

effectively to people who are capable of receiving applying the technology.

3. In addition to transfer agents and capable recipients. “facilitators” or

“middle men” are needed.

4. Users and transfer agents should be involved in choosing. Planning and

implementing the technology so it meets actual needs and is appropriate for
the situation.

5. All parties involved must feel that they are “winners” and must, in fact be

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 Why is Technology Transfer important? Technology
transfer helps develop early stage intellectual property into tools for
direct use by the research community, or into bases for new
platforms, products, or services to be made into products for public

 Technology transfer involves the transfer of knowledge and

technical-knowhow as well as physical devices and equipment.

 Some of the mechanisms that make technology transfer possible

include: joint research, cooperative agreements, licensing, technical
meetings, trade shows, and information dissemination.

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 Military Technologies

 Astronomical Technology

 Practical Technologies

 Agriculture Technology

 Industrial Technology

 Information Technology

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Military technology
 Military technology is the application of technology for use in warfare.

 It comprises the kinds of technology that are distinctly military in nature

and not civilian in application, usually because they lack useful or legal
civilian applications, or are dangerous to use without
appropriate military training.

Astronomical Technology
 The fruits of scientific and technological development in astronomy,
especially in areas such as optics and electronics, have become essential to
our day-to-day life.
 with applications such as personal computers, communication satellites,
mobile phones, Global Positioning Systems, solar panels and Magnetic
Resonance .

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Practical Technologies

 A distinction is usually made between practical and practicable.

 Practical refers to a person, idea, project, etc., as being more concerned
with or relevant to practice than theory: he is a very practical person; the
idea had no practical application.

 Practicable refers to a project or idea as being capable of being done or put

into effect: the plan was expensive, yet practicable 

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Industrial Technology
 Industrial Technology is the use of engineering and manufacturing
technology to make production faster, simpler and more efficient.

 The industrial technology field employs creative and technically proficient

individuals who can help a company achieve efficient and profitable

 Industrial technology programs typically include instruction in

optimization theory, human factors, organizational behavior, industrial
processes, industrial planning procedures, computer applications, and
report and presentation preparation.

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Information technology 

 the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications)

for storing, retrieving, and sending information.

 Information technology is defined as a broad term that includes the

development, installing and use of anything to do with computing and

 An example of information technology is the creation of a new word

processing program.

 An example of information technology is cloud computing.

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Transfer of technology in agriculture

 Front-line demonstrations in farmer’s fields.

 Field days and interactive farmers-scientists meetings or focus


 National level/ State level training programmes for development

personnel, State officials and farmers & other agencies.

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 Farmers' Participation Action Research Programmes (FPARP).

 Publications including extension pamphlets and technical


 Programmes in public media like Radio Talks, TV Programmes,

News papers and other forums.

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