Trade Unions - Evolution

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 Association by the name of “Bombay Millhands

 Not a trade union in strict sense
 First World War – cost of living improved
 Industrial unrest led to strikes by the workers
 That is why the trade union movement got impetus

by these strikes
 Post independence has been very successful
 After independence democratic spirit grew in the country
 In 1920 in a suit filed against the officials of the Madras

Textile Labour Union – granted an injunction restraining

trade unions
 Buckingham And Carnatic Co. Ltd vs Workers Of The

The origin of the passing of a Trade Unions Act in India was
the historic Buckingham Mill case of 1940 in which the Madras
High Court granted an interim injunction against the Strike
Committee of the Madras Labour Union forbidding them to
induce certain workers to break their contracts of employment
by refusing to return to work. Trade Union leaders found that
they were liable to prosecution and imprisonment for bona
fide union activities and it was felt that some legislation for
the protection of trade union was necessary
 In March 1921, Shri N.M. Joshi, the then General
Secretary of the AITUC, recommended through a
resolution that the Government should introduce
legislation for the registration and protection of
trade unions in India.
 Eventually, the Trade Unions Act, 1926 (“TU Act”)

was enacted for the purpose of ensuring

governance and protection of trade unions
 The Second World War, which broke out in

September 1939, created new strains in the united

trade union movement.
 Hence, again a rift took place in 1941 and the

Radicals left the AITUC with nearly 200 unions with

a membership of 3, 00,000 and formed a new
central federation known as the Indian Federation
of Labour.
 As pointed out earlier, when attempts to
restructure the AITUC failed, those believing in the
aims and ideals other than those of the AITUC
separated from the organization and established
the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
in May, 1947.
 The Trade Union Act, 1926 was brought into operation from 1st
June,1927 by notification in the official gazette by the Central
 The Act was amended in 1947, 1960 and 1962.
 The Trade Unions in India are governed by the Trade union Act,1926.
 This Act was enacted to accord protection to the Union Leaders for
the acts done by them in connection with the legal trade union
 The object of Act is to provide the procedure for registration of a
Trade Union.
 The object of the Act is to make provisions for the registration of
Trade Unions formed by the workers to protect their legitimate rights
while fighting with employers.
 The Act was enacted with the object of providing for the registration
of trade unions and verification of the membership of trade unions
registered so that they may acquire a legal and corporate status.
 As soon as a trade union is registered, it is treated as an artificial
person in the eyes of law, capable of enjoying the rights and
discharging liabilities like a natural person
 The detailed provisions are laid down for formation,
procedure, registration and protections available to the
Union Leaders both from Civil and Criminal Laws while
themselves in the Union activities of a registered Trade
 As per Sidney and Beatric Webb and Dale Yoder, it is a
continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of
maintaining and improving the conditions of working lives.
 The Act extends to the whole of India.
 The Act applies not only to the Union of the Workers but
also to the association of employers.
 Certain Acts do not apply to the registered Trade Unions.
 The Societies Registration Act,1980
 The Cooperative Societies Act,1912
 The Companies Act,1956
 The Registration of any such union under any such Act is
null and void.
 Functions of Trade Union
 Primary functions of a trade union are to protect
and promote the interest of the workers and the
conditions of their employment.
 In India, trade unions generally undertake the
following functions:

1. To achieve higher wages and better working and

living conditions for the members.
2. to generate self confidence among the workers.
3. To encourage sincerity and discipline among
4. To take up welfare measure for improving the
morale of the workers
Commission of Labour has underscored
functions to which trade unions have to
tention such as…
wages for workers
d the security of tenure and improve
portunities for promotion and training
orking and living wages.
rade Unions


ployer relation
organizational health and interest of the

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