Secondary Education in Pakistan

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Education in Pakistan

Credit Hours : 03

Hazrat Bilal

Department of EDUCATION 1
Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar

•Suggested Reading
•Education in Pakistan, by S.M. Shahid, Published by
Majeed Book Depot
•Routledge and Kegan Paul Zake, W.M. (1992) Pakistan’s
Educational Quagmire, Islamabad: AIOU Press
•Farooq, R.A. (1994) Education system in Pakistan, Islamabad:
Asia Society for Promotion of Annotation and Reform in
•Ghaffar Abdul (1994) Higher Education Peshawar: Ijaz
Printers Department of EDUCATION 3
Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar
A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
Education provides the base for socio-economic
development. An educational system which is of poor
quality should be considered one of the most important
factors hindering poor and developing countries from
growing. In Pakistan, education is always considered of
great importance as documented by almost every regime
but still quality of education lacks, in terms of better
schools, trained teachers, good infrastructure and needs
improvement. 4
A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
This improvement is necessary in spite of the fact that the
government’s past policies have initiated drastic measures
in uplifting the quality of education. It has been observed
over the years that in spite of all the incentives that the
government is offering to the education sector, there’s an
increase in overall enrollment rates but the quality of
teachers is still not very impressive and does not come upto
a decent standard.
A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
In 1947, Pakistan faced two major challenges; first one was
multiethnic groups and a large number of Hindus migrated,
who were working in the fields of economics, commerce
and education. Many school and universities were shut
down, while the rest were under the possession of refuges.
Despite all efforts since that day, Pakistan’s population
remains largely illiterate.

A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
One of the main features reported as a deficiency in the
education system is the poor quality of teachers. Quality of
teachers especially in Pakistan is still questionable.
Teachers’ performance and their training is very important.
Through training and improving basic skills to teach, we
can transform the whole teaching system which will
eventually lead to a better education system.

A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
In Pakistan, there is an increasing concern regarding
education for all concerning both access to basic education
in all the provinces and the quality of education. Quality of
education as mentioned is highly dependant on the quality
of instructors. Now the question is how to evaluate their
quality? For that purpose one should understand the
concept and a general definition of quality. 

A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
Quality of education is related and linked with quality of
teachers, for that many articles showed an attempt to give a
general description about what is quality education and
how will it be affected by the quality of teachers. To come
up with a general definition of quality education many
developed nations, such as U.S.A and education donor
agencies World Bank and International Monetary Fund
(IMF) is putting effort in this context.
A Brief History of
Education in Pakistan
It has been observed and realized that to define quality
education, one has to first set forth its standards and a
bench mark. From this they realized the importance of
education history and international standards that can be
used for setting up a target for improving education quality.

Inherited System of
Education ?
The British System:
The system of education followed in colonial India was
introduced by the British primarily for turning out clerks
and subordinates necessary for carrying on the
administrative affairs of the country in English under the
British masters in the colonial set-up. The system of
education designed by Lord Macaulay in his own words
was aimed at ” forming a class of persons, Indian in blood
and colour, but English in taste, opinions, morals and
intellect.” 11
Inherited System of
Education ?
By the end of the 19th century, Muslims were encouraged
to opt for the British system of education, which opened
the door to economic and social advancement. However
the consensus of the opinion was that since the existing
system was designed by the alien rulers to serve their own
imperialistic ends it can hardly be expected to deliver the

Inherited System of
Education ?
Muslim Institutes:
In reaction to the British system, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
introduced a new English education system which, in
character was Indian- Muslim. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
founded Anglo-Muhammadan College, now known as
Aligarh Muslim University in 1875, and he always
believed that Western education was compatible with

Inherited System of
Education ?
Simultaneously, the orthodox Muslims introduced
institutions like Deoband, Nadwat-ul-ulema Lucknow etc,
thus giving rise to a sharp distinction between the
traditionalists and the modernists, a distinction that
continues to this day.

Inherited System of
Education ?
The inherited System:
The present system of education in Pakistan is the heritage
of the Pre – Partitioned British India. However, since
independence many policies, plans and reports have been
formulated for improving the literacy rate in the country.


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