Rheumatic Fever: Ahmednagar Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital Ahmednagar

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Seminar On

Presented By –
Kodaskar Tejal

Guided By
Dr. Dapse

Ahmednagar Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

O Rheumatic fever is one of the complications associated
with strep throat. It’s a relatively serious illness that can
cause stroke, permanent damage to your heart, and
death if it’s left untreated.
O The condition usually appears in children between the
ages of 5 and 15, even though older children and adults
have been known to contract the fever as well. It’s still
common in places like sub-Saharan Africa, south
central Asia, and certain populations in Australia and
New Zealand.
O Rheumatic fever is caused by group A streptococcus.
This bacterium causes strep throat or, in a small
percentage of people, scarlet fever. It’s an
inflammatory disorder
O Rheumatic fever causes your body to attack its own
tissues after it’s been infected with the bacteria that
causes strep throat. This reaction causes widespread
inflammation throughout your body, which is the
basis for all of the symptoms of rheumatic fever.
O Rheumatic fever is caused by a reaction to the
bacteria that causes strep throat, group
A streptococcus. Although not all cases of
strep throat result in rheumatic fever, this
serious complication may be prevented with
diagnosis and treatment of strep throat. If your
child has any of the following symptoms, they
should get a strep test:
O a sore throat
O a sore throat with tender and swollen lymph nodes
O a red rash
O difficulty swallowing
O thick, bloody discharge from nose
O a temperature of 101°F or above
O tonsils that are red and swollen
O tonsils with white patches or pus
O small, red spots on the roof of their mouth
O a headache
O nausea
O vomiting
O A wide variety of symptoms are associated with rheumatic
fever. An individual with the illness could experience a few,
some, or most of the following symptoms. Symptoms usually
appear two to four weeks after your child has been diagnosed
with strep throat. Common symptoms of strep throat include:
O small, painless nodules, or bumps, under the skin
O chest pain
O rapid fluttering or pounding chest palpitations
O lethargy or fatigue
O nosebleeds
O stomach pain
O painful or sore joints in the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles
O pain in one joint that moves to another joint
O red, hot, swollen joints
O shortness of breath
O a fever
O sweating
O vomiting
O a flat, slightly raised, ragged rash
O jerky, uncontrollable movements of their hands, feet, and face
O a decrease in attention span
O outbursts of crying or inappropriate laughter
O looking for rash or skin nodules, which are hard bumps
beneath the skin
O listening to their heart to check for abnormalities
O performing movement tests to determine their nervous
system dysfunction
O examining their joints for inflammation
O testing their blood for strep bacteria
O performing an electrocardiogram, which measures the
electric waves of their heart
O performing an echocardiogram, which uses sound waves to
produce images of their heart
O valve stenosis, which is a narrowing of a valve
O valve regurgitation, which is a leak in the valve that
causes blood to flow in the wrong direction
O heart muscle damage, which is an inflammation that
can weaken the heart muscle and decrease the heart’s
ability to pump blood effectively
O atrial fibrillation, which is an irregular heart beat in
the upper chambers of the heart
O heart failure, which happens when the heart can no
longer pump blood to all parts of the body
O The most effective way to make sure that your child doesn’t
develop rheumatic fever is to treat their strep throat infection
quickly and thoroughly. This means making sure your child
completes all prescribed doses of medication. In addition,
schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that your child is free from
strep bacteria antibodies.
O Practicing proper hygiene methods can help prevent strep
throat. These include:
O covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing
O washing your hands
O avoiding contact with people who are sick
O avoiding sharing personal items with people who are sick
O Aconite :
O High fever, dry, hot skin, thirst, redness of the cheeks;
shooting or tearing pains, worse at night; redness of shining
swelling of the parts affected; pain aggravated by touch;
extreme irritability of temper; disposition to uncover the
parts, and relief from doing it. Throat red, dry, constricted,
numb, prickling, burning, stinging. Tonsils swollen and dry.
Aconite is generally indicated in acute or recent cases
occurring in young persons, especially girls of a full,
plethoric habit who lead a sedentary life; persons easily
affected by atmospheric changes; dark hair and eyes, rigid
muscular fibre.
O Rheumatic affections of pericardium. Uneasiness in the
heart. Piercing pains (stitches) through the region of the
heart, quickly succeeding each other, sometimes they extend
to the small of the back. Sharp stitches through cardiac
region. Stitches being “double”, i.e. one stitch quickly
followed by another; then a long interval.
Sudden loss of memory; everything seems to be in a dream;
patient is greatly troubled about his forgetfulness; confused
unfit for business. Disposed to be malicious, seems bent on
wickedness. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. Lack of
confidence in himself and others. Feels as though he had two
wills, one commanding him to do what the other forbids.
O Soreness, numbness, swelling of affected
joint. Dreads touch. “Bed too hard”. Worse
moving the part. Intercostal rheumatism
simulates pleurisy. Worse damp cold weather.
Heart affected, with dilatation and dyspnoea.
Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons,
lively expression and very red face. For the
bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries;
even if received years ago.
O Joints swollen, red, hot, shining. Exquisitely sensitive to touch
or jar. Red streaks radiate from inflamed joint. Recurrent fever
with pains attacking nape of neck.
Especially with brain symptoms. Throat dry, as if glazed; angry-
looking congestion; RED WORSE ON RIGHT SIDE. Tonsils
DEGLUTITION; worse, liquids. Sensation of a lump.
oesophagus dry; feels contracted. SPASMS in throat. Continual
inclination to swallow. Scraping sensation. Muscles ofa
deglutition very sensitive. Hypertrophy of mucous membrane.
Adapted to bilious, lymphatic, plethoric constitutions; persons
who are lively and entertaining when well, but violent and often
delirious when sick.
THANK YOU....!!!!

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