Hospital: Ms .Neethu Vincent Asst Professor KVM College of Nursing
Hospital: Ms .Neethu Vincent Asst Professor KVM College of Nursing
Hospital: Ms .Neethu Vincent Asst Professor KVM College of Nursing
Definition of Hospital
WHO Expert Committee, 1963:
‘A hospital is a residential establishment
which provides short-term and long-term
medical care of observational, diagnostic,
therapeutic and rehabilitative services for
persons suffering or suspected to be suffering
from a disease or injury and for parturients. It
may or may not also provide services for
ambulatory patients on an out-patient basis’.
WHO expert committee, 1956:
‘The hospital is an integral part of a social and
medical organization, the function of which is to
provide for the population complete healthcare,
both curative and preventive, and whose out-
patient services reach out to the family in its
home environment; the hospital is also a centre
for the training of health workers and for bio-
social research’.
Classification of Hospital
1. Basing on Objective
a. General hospitals
b. Special hospitals
c. Teaching cum
2. Basing onResearch
Administration, ownership, control or financial income
a. Hospital
Governmental or public
b. Non-governmental or private
c. Semi Govt Hospital
d. Voluntary Agency Hospitals
3. Basing on Length of Stay
a. Short-term or short-stay hospitals (Stay less than 30 days)
b. Long-term or long-stay hospitals: (Stay more than 30 days)
4. Depending on Type of Medical Staff
a. Closed-staff hospital:
b. Open-staff hospital:
5. Basing on bed capacity (Size)
a. Small hospital (Upto 100 beds)
b. Medium hospital (More than 100 to less than 300 beds)
c. Large hospital (More than 300 beds)
6. Basing on type of care:
a. Primary Care
b. Secondary Care
c. Tertiary Care
7. By teaching affiliation:
a. Teaching hospital
b. Non-teaching hospital
8. Basing on system of medicine
a. Allopathic hospital
b. Ayurvedic hospital
c. Homeopathic hospital
d. Unani hospital
e. Hospitals of other
system of medicine
9. Basing on regionality
a. Regional
b. District
c. Upazila
d.Union Health
Health and Family Welfare
e. Community Clinics
10. As per WHO Classification:
a. Regional Hospital
b. Intermediate/ District Hospital
c. Rural Hospital
General hospitals:
General Hospitals are meant to provide wide-range of various types of
healthcare, but with limited capacity. They care for patients with
various-disease conditions for both sexes to all ages, medical, surgical,
paediatrics, obstetrics, eye and ear etc. Usually, General hospitals are
devoid of super-specialist medical care.
Special hospitals:
They limit their service to a particular condition, orthopedics,
maternity, paediatrics, geriatrics, oncology etc.
Closed-staff hospital:
Physicians are held responsible for all medical activities in the
hospital including the diagnosis and treatment of patient fee
paying and emergency.
Open-staff hospital:
This type of hospital permits other physicians in the community
to admit and treat patients to the hospital' and treat them.
Open Staff Hospital: Open medical staff, which
means any physician can request to practice at
the facility, regardless of their hospital affiliation.
Rural Hospital:
Remote hospitals with small number of beds and limited service
capacity. It should have 20-100 beds. Upazila Health Complex in
Hospital Function