Effective Speech Plan: Speecom Department of English and Applied Linguistics, BAGCED, DLSU
Effective Speech Plan: Speecom Department of English and Applied Linguistics, BAGCED, DLSU
Effective Speech Plan: Speecom Department of English and Applied Linguistics, BAGCED, DLSU
Department of English and Applied
Linguistics, BAGCED, DLSU
I. What is my speech goal?
Determine what you want your
audience to know, believe, or do.
Analyze the speech context
1. Who is your audience?
2. What is the setting?
Phrase your specific goal statement.
II. Where do I find my speech
Find references material.
Use your own experience.
III. How can I organize the
Chronological order moves from first to
Topical order presents information by
The segments of a speech include the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
IV. Have I adapted my speech
to my audience?
1. The speech should relate to the
interests and needs of the