The Enron Case Presntation (Group 1) (1) 12
The Enron Case Presntation (Group 1) (1) 12
The Enron Case Presntation (Group 1) (1) 12
Abhinav Chaudhary
Abinash Das
Ahana Das
Akarsh Deep
Akash Bhadra
Amal Jain
History &
• Expanded to Broadband Services
Talent Biannual feedback system based on 360-degree review
system, PRC.
proportion of his own compensation under these
transactions, reason being that his SPEs were
making earnings in millions.
• Finance Committee analysed the risk for Raptors
from decline of Enron’s stock price and report said
that if stock price fell to $40, the company will
have to produce 35 million shares (approx.) to
meet the Raptor commitments.
• Compensation & Management Development
Committee chaired by Charles LeMaistre
reviewed Fastow’s remuneration as well as
outside income sources for all senior officers.
• Lay and Skilling were the highest compensation
earners including bonuses and stock options.
• Lay got an added advantage and received line of
credit of $7.5 million and used that to obtain more
Actions than $77 million in cash which he repaid using
company’s stock. This was reported to SEC and
the committee claimed that they were unaware of
the transactions occurring.
• Compensation policies also focussed on earnings
growth and stock prices more which led to conflict
of interests.
An Audit & Compliance Arthur Andersen, the There was a lack of
Committee came to picture external auditor indicated independent oversight of
because of all such issues, risks associated with management by the Board
consisting of a professor of Enron’s accounting and which contributed to
accounting and former mentioned that nine Enron’s collapse.
dean of Stanford Business accounting practices used
School. Some of the by the company were
reviews made were on: classified risky and
declared them company’s
“leading edge”.
Enron’s compliance with GAAP
Adequacy of reserves and
related party transactions
Disclosures relating to litigation
risks and credit risks
Overview of key business
trends and changes in Internal
Control System
EXTERNAL The external auditors had to make sure whether a firm’s
AUDITOR financial statement is in accordance with GAAP
The audit industry became competitive in 1970’s which
imposed challenges on the audit firms to apply consisting
accounting and auditing standards to develop low cost
audit procedures.
Enron outsourced its internal audit functions to Arthur
Anderson who was Enron’s external auditor since 1985.
Mr. Anderson classified Enron in its maximum risk
Enron’s employees entered into numerous complex
transactions and sometimes structured those
transactions in a way to achieve financial reporting
Over the years, 86 Anderson employees joined Enron
including its CAO, CEO and many Enron employees
were on the payroll of Anderson.
• In 2001, Enron’s CEO Jeffrey Skilling resigned
and Kenneth Lay took over again as CEO.
During 1999-2001 many other top executives