Gravimetric Analysis: The Determination of Phosphorus in Plant Food

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De Jesus, John Thronn
Ladjahasan, Jona Marie
• Gravimetric analysis is used to determine the percentage of phosphorus in any
plant food. A precipitant of known composition is produced and weighed to find
percent of phosphorus in compound. From the mass and known composition of the
precipitate, the amount of original ion can be determined. This is a usual procedure
done in order to identify the appropriate amount of phosphorus in any plant food
as to know how much of this element is being absorbed and utilized by plants.
• The following are the objectives for this activity:
1. Explain the process of gravimetric analysis;
2. Identify the process of solving fractions of certain compound;
3. Relate the importance of this activity to our day-to-day, basic life
Answers to Questions:
1. The label on a plant food reads 23-19-17. What does this mean?
“Balanced plant food” contain all three nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) in various
proportions, these nutrients are required by all plants which can affect their plant growth in
specific ways. The package label displays a three-number formula (such as 8-10-6 or 12-12-12)
identifying the percentage of each nutrient in that blend of plant food.
• The first number in the formula always stands for nitrogen, which promotes greenery and leafy
growth in plants.
• The second number is the percentage of phosphorus, used by plants in roots, flowers, fruits and
• The third number represents the amount of potassium or potash in the plant food. This nutrient
is required for healthy stems and proper growth.
Answers to Questions:
2. MgNH4PO4·6H2O has a solubility of 0.023g/ 100 mL in water. Suppose a 5.02 g
sample were washed with 20 mL of water. What fraction of the MgNH4PO4·6H2O
would be lost?
Answers to Questions:
3. MgNH4PO4·6H2O loses water stepwise as it is heated. Between 40ºC and 60ºC
the monohydrate (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) is formed and above 100ºC the anhydrous
material (MgNH4PO4) is formed. What are the phosphorous percentage of
monohydrate and anhydrous material?
Answers to Questions:
4. Ignition of MgNH4PO4·6H2O produces NH3, H2O and magnesium
pyrophosphate, Mg2P2O7. Complete the balance equation for this reaction. If 5.00
g of MgNH4PO4·6H2O are ignited, how many grams of Mg2P2O7 would be
Soils do not provide all the elements and nutrients that are needed by plants, so
plant foods exist. Through this activity, we are now able to identify the process of
knowing the amount of several elements that plants usually need as these elements
are usually contained in a solid compound and definite composition. As taking care
of plants takes over some of the trends these days, it is a must that we also consider
growing our plants healthy with the right amount of nutrients it needs, which can be
identified through the process of gravimetric analysis which identifies the amount
of analyte of the certain elements we are trying to identify.
Gravimetric Analysis: The Determination of Phosphorus in Plant Food. (n.d).
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