Intrusion Detection: CS 432 - Computer and Network Security Sabancı University

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Intrusion Detection

From the book:

Computer Security: Principles and Practice
by Stalllings and Brown

CS 432 – Computer and Network


Sabancı University
 significant problem of networked systems
 hostile/unwanted trespass
 from benign to serious
 user trespass
 unauthorized logon, privilege abuse
 software trespass
 virus, worm, or trojan horse
 classes of intruders:
 masquerader, misfeasor, clandestine user
Security Intrusion and Intrusion
Detection – Def’ns from RFC 2828
Security Intrusion
a security event, or combination of multiple security
events, that constitutes a security incident in which an
intruder gains, or attempts to gain, access to a
system (or system resource) without having
authorization to do so.
Intrusion Detection
a security service that monitors and analyzes system
events for the purpose of finding, and providing real-
time or near real-time warning of attempts to access
system resources in an unauthorized manner.
Examples of Intrusion
 remote root compromise
 web server defacement
 guessing / cracking passwords
 copying / viewing sensitive data / databases
 running a packet sniffer to obtain
 impersonating a user to reset/learn password
 Mostly via social engineering, phishing
 using an unattended and logged-in workstation
Intruder Types and Behaviors
 Three broad categories
 Hackers
 Criminals
 Insiders
 motivated by “thrill” and “status/reputation”
 hacking community is a strong meritocracy
 status is determined by level of competence
 benign intruders might be tolerable
 do consume resources and may slow performance
 can’t know in advance whether benign or malign
 What to do
 IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems), IPS (Intrusion
Prevention System), VPNs can help to counter
 Awareness of intruder problems led to
establishment of CIRTs
 Computer/Cyber Incident Response Teams
 collect / disseminate vulnerability info / responses
Criminals / Criminal Enterprises
 Here the main motivation is to make money
 Now the common threat is organized groups of cyber criminals
 May be employed by a corporation / government
 Most of the time, loosely affiliated gangs
 Typically young
 often Eastern European, Russian, Southeast Asian
 common target is financial institutions, bank accounts and
credit cards on e-commerce servers
 criminal hackers usually have specific targets
 once penetrated act quickly and get out
 IDS may help but less effective due to quick-in-and-out
 sensitive data needs strong data protection (e.g. credit card
 Strong authentication would also help (2-factor auth.)
Insider Attacks
 Most difficult to detect and prevent
 employees have access & system knowledge
 Attackers are motivated by revenge / feeling of
 when employment terminated
 taking customer data when moving to competitor

 IDS/IPS may help but also need extra precautions

 leastprivilege (need-to-know basis)
 monitor logs
 DLP (data loss prevention) tools – sw agents monitoring
user behaviors
 Upon termination revoke all rights and network access
Insider Behavior Example
1. create accounts for themselves and their friends
2. access accounts and applications they wouldn't
normally use for their daily jobs
3. conduct furtive instant-messaging chats
4. visit web sites that cater to disgruntled
5. perform large downloads, file copying and
6. access the network during off hours.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
 IDS classification
 Host-based IDS: monitor single host activity
 Network-based IDS: monitor network traffic
 logical components:
 Sensors
 collect data from various sources such as log files, network packets
 sends them to the analyzer
 Analyzers
 process data from sensors and determine if intrusion has occurred
 may also provide guidance for the actions to take
 user interface
 acts as a console
 view the output and manage the behavior
IDS Principle
 Main assumption: intruder behavior differs from
legitimate user behavior
 expect overlaps as shown
 problems
 false positives:
authorized user
identified as
 false negatives:

intruder not
identified as
IDS Requirements
 run continually with minimal human
 be fault tolerant
 resist subversion
 minimal overhead on system
 scalable, to serve a large numbe of users
 configured according to system security
 allow dynamic reconfiguration
Host-Based IDS
 specialized software to monitor system activity to
detect suspicious behavior
 primary purpose is to detect intrusions, log suspicious
events, and send alerts
 can detect both external and internal intrusions
 two approaches, often used in combination:
 signature detection
 attack patterns are defined and they are used to decide on
 anomaly detection
 collection of data related to the behavior of legitimate users
 Statistical tests are applied to observed behavior
 threshold detection – applies to all users
 profile based – differs among the users
Audit Records
 A fundamental tool for intrusion detection
 Two variants:
 Native audit records - provided by OS
 always available but may not contain enough info
 Detection-specific audit records
 collects information required by IDS
 additional overhead but specific to IDS task
Anomaly Detection
 Threshold detection
 Checks excessive event occurrences over time
 Crude and ineffective intruder detector per se
 Creates lots of false positives/negatives due to
 Variance in time
 Variance accross users
 Profile based
 Characterize past behavior of users and groups
 Then, detect significant deviations
 Based on analysis of audit records
 example metrics: counter, guage, interval timer,
resource utilization
 analysis methods: mean and standard deviation,
multivariate, markov process, time series (next slide)
Profile based Anomaly Detection -
Analysis Methods
 Mean and standard deviation
 ofa particular parameter
 Not good (too crude)
 Multivariate analysis
 Correlationsamong several parameters (ex. relation
between login freq. and session time)
 Markov process
 Considers transition probabilities
 Time series analysis
 Analyze time intervals to see sequences of events
happening rapidly or slowly
 All statistical methods using AI, Mach. Learning
and Data Mining techniques.
Signature Detection
 Observe events on system and applying a set
of rules to decide if intruder
 Approaches:
 rule-based anomaly detection
 analyze historical audit records for expected behavior,
then match with current behavior
 rule-based penetration identification
 rules identify known penetrations or possible
penetrations due to known weaknesses
 rules are mostly OS specific

 rules obtained by analyzing attack scripts from Internet

 supplemented with rules from security experts of target
Distributed Host-Based IDS
main idea: coordination and cooperation among IDSs
across the network
Host agent module: audit
collection module; sent to
LAN Monitor central manager
agent module:
analyze LAN
traffic and send
to Central

Analyze and
correlate data
received from
other modules
Network-Based IDS
 network-based IDS (NIDS)
 monitor traffic at selected points on a network to detect
intrusion patterns
 in (near) real-time
 may examine network, transport and/or application level
protocol activity directed toward the system to be
 Only network packets, no software activity examined
 System components
A number of sensors to monitor packet traffic
 Management server(s) with console (GUI)
 Analysis can be done at sensors, at management
servers or both
Network-Based IDS
 Types of sensors
 inline and passive
 Inline sensors
 Inserted into a network segment
 Traffic pass through
 possibly as part of other networ-
king device (e.g. router, firewall) Passive
 No need for a new hardware; only new software sensor
 May create extra delay
 Once attack is detected, traffic is blocked
 Also a prevention technique
 Passive sensors
 monitors copy of traffic at background
 Traffic does not pass through it, so there is no blocking capability

 More efficient, therefore more common

NIDS Sensor Deployment
Intrusion Detection Techniques in NIDS
 signature detection
 at application (mostly), transport, and
network layers
 Attack patterns are detected in packets
 anomaly detection – attacks that cause
abnormal behaviors are detected
 denial of service attacks, scanning attacks
 when potential violation detected, sensor
sends an alert and logs information
 Decoy systems
 filled with fabricated info
 appers to be the real system with valuable info
 legitimate users would not access
 instrumented with monitors and event loggers
 divert and hold attacker to collect activity info
 without exposing production (real) systems

 If there is somebody in, then there is an attack

 benign or malicious
 Initially honeypots were single computer
 now network of computers that emulate the entire
enterprise network
Honeypot Deployment
1. Outside firewall:
good to reduce
the burden on the
firewall; keeps the
bad guys outside
2. As part of the
service (DMZ)
network: firewall
must allow attack
traffic to honeypot
3. As part of the
internal network:
same as 2; if
riskier; advantage
is insider attacks
can be caught
An Example IDS: Snort
 Lightweight IDS
 open source
 Portable, efficient
 easy deployment and configuration
 May work in host-based and network-based
 Snort can perform
 real-time packet capture and rule analysis
 Sensors can be inline or passive
 In inline case, Snort can also be used as IPS
Snort Architecture
 Packet Decoder: parses the packet headers in
all layers
 Detection Engine: actual IDS. Rule-based
 If the packet matches a rule, the rule specifies
logging and alerting options
 Snort uses a simple, flexible and effective rule
definition language
 But needs training to be an expert on it
 Each rule has a fixed header and zero or more
 Header fields
 action: what to do if matches – alert, drop, pass, etc.
 protocol: analyze further if matches - IP, ICMP, TCP,
 source IP: single, list, any, negation
 source port: TCP or UDP port; single, list, any, negation
 direction: unidirectional (->) or bidirectional (<->).
 dest IP, dest port: same format as sources
 Many options
 Different
categories, see table 6.5 for the list
 Other header fields can be checked using options

 Option format
 Keyword: arguments;
 Several options can be listed separated by semicolon
 Options are written in parentheses
 example rule to detect TCP SYN-FIN attack:
Alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any \
(msg: "SCAN SYN FIN"; flags: SF;)
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
 Later addition to terminology of security products
 Two Interpretations of IPS
 inline network or host-based IDS that can block traffic
 functional addition IDS capabilities to firewalls
 An IPS can block traffic like a firewall, but using
IDS algorithms
 may be network or host based
 Inline Snort is actually an IPS
End of CS 432
 Lectures finished; no lectures in the last week
 There is Snort lab on May 17 lab hour.
 Do not forget project step 2 and HW2 as well
 Final Exam is on May 28, 2019, 16:00
 Places:
 Lastname: A – Kaya: FENS L062; the rest: FENS L063.
 Comprehensive
 Rulesare same as Midterm
 Handouts from other books are available at SUCourse

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