What Is Gravity? PowerPoint

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What is

In this presentation I will explain what
gravity is, why it’s important, and how it
affects everything on Earth

By Kyle Thompson
• Gravity is the force that causes • Gravity is a non-contact force
all objects to be drawn together. • This means that objects are pulled
• Gravity is a force of attraction that towards each other without
exists between any two masses, contact, making it a non-contact
any two bodies, any two particles. force
Gravity is not just the attraction
between objects and the Earth.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Importance of
Gravity on Earth
• Without Earth’s gravity we couldn’t live on Earth
• This is because gravity pulls us down to Earth
and keeps us on the ground
• Without gravity from the sun we would float off
into outer space
• The sun’s gravity keeps us in orbit and we get
just the right temperature for life on Earth
• Without the Earth’s gravity we wouldn’t be able to
• The gravitational pull from the Earth keeps the
atmosphere in tact allowing us to breathe the
oxygen that we need and not feel the negative
affects of space
What Factors Affect
the Gravitational Force
Between Objects?

• Objects with greater mass have a stronger force of gravity between them. For example,
because Earth is so massive, it attracts you and your desk more strongly that you and your
desk attract each other. That’s why you and the desk remain in place on the floor rather
than moving toward one another.
• Objects that are closer together have a stronger force of gravity between them. For
example, the moon is closer to Earth than it is to the more massive sun, so the force of
gravity is greater between the moon and Earth than between the moon and the sun. That’s
why the moon circles around Earth rather than the sun. You can see this in the Figure
How the Masses of • When object 1 is 1x10^20 and object 2 is 5x10^20, the gravitational
force is 5x10^20 because you multiply the first numbers to get the
Objects Affect the gravitational force

Gravitational Force • Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both
interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a
Between Them greater gravitational force. So as the mass of either object increases, the
force of gravitational attraction between them also increases.

Mass of Object 1 1x10^20 3x10^20 2x10^20 3x10^20

Mass of Object 2 1x10^20 1x10^20 2x10^20 4x10^20
Gravitational 1x10^20 3x10^20 4x10^20 12x10^20
Force (N)
• Gravity is a non-contact force that causes all
objects with mass to be drawn together
• Gravity is important because we couldn’t survive
without it
• Mass and distance affect gravitational forces
between objects
• Mass affects the gravitational force between
objects because objects with greater mass have
a greater gravitational force
• Distance affects the gravitational force between
objects because objects with greater distance
have a lesser gravitational force than objects
close together
• https://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question3
(Slide 1)
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-contact_force#:~:text=A%20non
Works Sited (Slide 2)
• https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/what-is-gravity/en/#:~:text=Gravity%2
(Slide 3)
• https://flexbooks.ck12.org/cbook/ck-12-middle-school-physical-scie
(Slide 4)
• https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/circles/Lesson-3/Newton-
(Slide 5)

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