Fish III - Processed Fish Products - Surimi - Atmira

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Fish products

and Processing

THL – 3rd November 2015 -

Fish Processing
 Nutritious, perishable, low acid food  susceptible
to the growth of food poisoning bacteria
 Processed fish ± 23 – 47%.
 Processing methods :
 Cooking (for example, boiling or frying)
 Lowering the moisture content (by salting, smoking and drying
collectively known as curing)
 Lowering the pH (by fermentation)
 Lowering the temperature with the use of ice or refrigeration also
preserves the fish, but causes no noticeable changes to the texture
and flavor.
World review of fisheries and aquaculture (FAO, 2000)
Produk Fermentasi

makromolekul Kecap Ikan
(protein) menjadi
yang lebih Bekasang
sederhana (termasuk Terasi
senyawa citarasa) Petis Ikan

Pengolahan Pengolahan Anekaragam

Tradisional Modern Produk Olahan

Penggaraman Pengalengan Sosis

Pengeringan Pembekuan Nuget

Pemindangan Bakso

Pengasapan Abon

Fermentasi Produk Lainnya

Produk Fermentasi (KECAP IKAN)


Penambahan Gula
Dan Garam




Produk Fermentasi (Terasi)
Udang Kecil


1-2 hari

Penghancuran dan
Penggaraman (>13%)


Penjemuran (3-4 hari


(1-4 mg; 20-30oC)
Salting of Fish – Sodium Chloride
 Calcium and magnesium chlorides  slow down the
penetration of salt into the flesh;  rate of spoilage.
 Sodium chloride == soft and yellow in colour.
 Calcium and magnesium salts give a whiter colour but tend
to impart a bitter taste.

 Several factors which affect the rate at which salt is taken up

and water is replaced in fish are:
 The higher the fat content, the slower the salt uptake;
 The thicker the fish, the slower the penetration of salt to the center.
 The fresher the fish, the more slowly salt will be taken up;
 The higher the temperature, the more rapid the salt uptake.
Salting of Fish - Principles
• Osmosis happens when water flows
from a lower concentration of a
solution to a higher concentration
through a semipermeable membrane.
• When meat is placed in a brine, the
meat's cell fluids are less concentrated
than the salt water in the brining
• Water flows out of the cells in the
meat and salt flows in. The salt then
dissolves some of the fiber proteins,
and the meat's cell fluids become
more concentrated.
Salting of Fish – Sodium Chloride
 Physical properties of salt
 Fine grain salt dissolves more rapidly in water and is
preferred for making brines.
 Rapid removal of water on the surface  “Salt Burn”

Curing types :
 Lightcure (4-6%)  dried down to 35% moisture.
 Medium cure (8-10%)  not saturated brine – Salt burn
 Heavy cure (16-20%)  saturated brine – Salt burn
Salting of Fish – Spoilage
 Red Halophilic Bacteria (growth : 15 - 82oC ; very
rapid : 32 – 46 oC)
 Salt tolerant bacteria (halophiles) (red or pink
bacteria)  cause a reddening of wet or partly dried
salt fish.
 Halophilic moulds can grow on fully dried fish and
cause the formation of dark patches.
 Storage temperature : 7 - 10 oC
Salting of Fish – Salting types
Brine salting Dry salting
Kench salting

Brine salting The fish are immersed in a solution of salt in water.

Dry salting Granular salt is rubbed into the surface of the fish.
Kench salting Granular salt is rubbed into the surface of split fish and the fish are
stacked with a sprinkling of salt between each layer of fish. The
liquid (pickle) which forms is allowed to drain away.
Drying of Fish
Several factors influence the rate of drying:
 Relative humidity (RH) of the air
 Air velocity
 Air temperature
 Surface area of the fish
 The nature of the fish
 The thickness of the fish
 Temperature of the fish
 The water content

daging dan duri

Daging ikan

Pencapuran Bumbu
(+ tapioka+…STPP)



Nuget dan Sosis
 Concentrated protein extract of minced fish flesh after
several processing :
1. Leaching
2. Adding salt
3. Adding cryoprotectant
4. Freezing
 Surimi is a primary material used for gelling foods (fish
gels) such as kamaboko and fish balls.
 Surimi generally comes in a block form and is stored
Raw material
 The important criteria in selection of fish for surimi
1. Low cost
2. White meat
3. Non oily
4. Abundantly available year round
5. Good gelling ability
Example :
Ikan kurisi, ikan merah/ikan mata goyang, ikan
gulamah/tigawaja dan ikan kuniran/ikan biji nangka,
Nila, patin.
Surimi making process (1)
1. Raw material
 Organoleptic inspection, temperature check.
 Fish is drained and weighed.
 Stored in chill room (2 -5 °C) and properly iced.

2. Sorting and Cleaning

 Sorted according to size

3. Heading/gutting
 Mechanical fish meat separators
 Remove the head, gut, and thoroughly clean the belly walls
before deboning the carcass.
Surimi making process (2)
4. Washing
 Remove the blood and adherent particles

5. Deboning & Mincing

 Low temperature mincing process – avoid denaturation.
Surimi making process (3)
6. Washing (Leaching)  removing sarcoplasmic protein
 Important key in determining the quality of the surimi
 Rapidly washed with chilled water (5–10oC)  preserve the
 Result : myofibril protein  influences the gel-forming ability of
 Water:meat = 5:1
 1st washing : NaHCO (sodium bicarbonate) 0.5% solution  (to

: Neutralized pH & Reducing water absorbtion)

 2nd washing : normal icy water
 3rd washing : NaCl 0.1 – 0.5% solution

- Easy to remove excess water

Fish protein
 Protein daging ikan terdiri 3 bagian:
 Protein sarkoplasma (miogen) (20-30%)
- Larut dalam air
- Terdiri dari albumin, mioalbumin, mioprotein
 - Mengandung enzim proteolitik (20 – 30 %).
Protein miofibrillar (65-75%)
- Larut dalam larutan garam
- Terdiri dari : myosin, aktin, tropmiosin, aktomiosin
(gabungan dari aktin dan miosin)
- Berperan dalam penggumpalan & pembentukan gel
 Protein stroma (1-3%)
Surimi making process (4)
7. Refining
 To remove any connective tissue, skin, scales or
other undesirable.
 Refiner with cylindrical perforated screen with
perforation size of 1-3 mm and a screw shaped rotor.

8. Dewatering/ screw pressing

 Remove water - Screw press machine
Dewatering machine
Refining machine
Surimi making process (5)
9. Mixing
With cryoprotectant
 To ensure maximum functionality of frozen surimi because
freezing induces protein denaturation and aggregation.
 Sucrose and sorbitol, alone or mixed at ~9% w/w to
dewatered fish meat, serve as the primary cryoprotectant in
the manufacture of the surimi.
 In addition, a mixture (1:1) of sodium tripolyphosphate and
tetrasodium pyrophosphate at 0.2-0.3% is commonly used
as a synergist to the cryoprotective effectives of
carbohydrate additives.
 Cryoprotectants are chemicals that dissolve in water and lower the
melting point of water  “antifreeze.”
 Cryoprotection can be regarded as a process of replacing water
molecules with other molecules that cannot freeze.
 Examples : glycerol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO).
 Concentration : 5% to 15%
 Cryoprotectants memperbesar bagian cairan yang tidak dapat
terbekukan. Larger unfrozen pockets for cells  mengurangi
kerusakan tekstur dari terbentuknya es.
 Es akan berhenti terbentuk ketika cryoprotectant semakin
terkonsentrat dan melting pointnya sama dengan lingkungan sekitar.
 Suhu < -100ºC  unfrozen liquid pocket – glass transition 
unlimited storage time.
The essential concept of cryoprotection during cell freezing
(Source : Cryonics/Third Quarter 2007)
 Konsentrasi cryoprotectants sangat tinggi (60%)  “glass
formation” -- transformasi cairan – solid TANPA adanya
 Freezing process – berlangsung sangat cepat. Kristal es tidak
sempat terbentuk.
The essential concept of cryoprotection during vitrification
(Source : Cryonics/Third Quarter 2007)
Properties of Cryoprotectants
 Good cryoprotectants are effective at depressing the melting
point of water
 Do not precipitate
 Are relatively non-toxic to cells at high concentration.
 All cryoprotectants form hydrogen bonds with water
 Common cryoprotectans used  Penetrating
 Penetrating cryoprotectants are small molecules able to cross
cell membranes.
 The role of penetrating cryoprotectants is to reduce ice
growth and reduce cell dehydration during freezing.
Surimi making process (6)
10. Shaping and packing
 Shaped into blocks, packed into polythene bags

11. Freezing
 Rapid freezing (drum freezing, plate freezing)
 Inner temperature reaches -25°c

12. Cold storage

 packed into cartons - shifted to cold storage which
is maintained below -18°C temperature
Surimi-based products
 Steamed Fish cake
Surimi-based products
 Chikuwa is made by moulding surimi ground with
other ingredients around a brass tube or a piece of
bamboo & grilled. Chikuwa has a hollow cylindrical
shape. Good chikuwa is white inside with a brown
Surimi-based products
3. Crabstick / shrimp imitation
Surimi + other ingredients (6% starch –  texture, gel
strength, egg white – appearance : glossy and whiter,
vegetable oil – modify texture)
Surimi-based products
3. Fish Ball
Skualen :
 Bahan baku utama untuk pembuatan skualen adalah hati ikan hiu dari
keluarga Squalidae dan ikan hiu ini banyak tersebar merata di seluruh
perairan Indonesia.

 Skualen adalah suatu senyawa kimia banyak terdapat dalam minyak hati
ikan hiu botol yang hidup pada perairan dalam (300 -1000 meter)

 Secara kimia, skualen adalah senyawa hidrokarbon yang mempunyai

enam ikatan rangkap. Senyawa ini merupakan cairan jernih yang tidak
larut dalam air, sedikit larut dalam alkohol dan larut dalam pelarut
 Senyawa hidrokarbon tidak jenuh – membentuk ikatan
hidrogen dengan air dan asam dalam tubuh.
 Proses ini membebaskan oksigen di dalam tubuh.
 Squalene ini memiliki struktur serupa dengan karoten,
vitamin A, K, D, E, tokoferol.
 Kegunaan : kosmetik, suplemen kesehatan
 Sebagai : antioksidan, antibiotik, antikanker, meningkatkan
sistem imun, pelembab kulit, memperlancar fungsi hati.

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