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Fundamentals of Well Stimulation Technique

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Fundamentals of well stimulation

• Stimulation operations are carried out to revive a sick well by
certain techniques, when a restriction to flow occurs around
the wellbore or in the reservoir
• The simple goal of any stimulation effort is to increase the
flow of oil and gas from wells drilled by reducing/eliminating
this restriction.
• The upstream industry has been experimenting with well
stimulation (including hydraulic fracturing techniques) since
long, before “fracing” became a household term. Stimulation
has taken many forms, including extremes like the a-bomb
frac attempted in the 1960s.
• The reason for fracing’s rise from luxury to necessity is a truly
pervasive trend in the oil and gas business – the increasing
difficulty and complexity of producing new reserves.
• First step: identify restriction, e.g. perfs, reservoir,
gravel pack…, fines, clays, paraffins
• Second step: select and design appropriate
treatment to improve productivity.
• 1890) to (1950) – openhole completions, typical stimulation was
liquid or solid nitroglycerin. Hazardous, but successful. Zero
hour Bombing CO.
• (1895) – first acid treatment, 65 bbls of HCl pumped in Ohio Oil
Company’s Crosley Farm lease in Lima, Ohio. Oil increase 300%.
• (1932) – 500 gal of HCl w/arsenic inhibitor in a wooden tank(3’
dia x 12’ long) on a wagon. Transferred to well by siphoning
through a garden hose. Displaced with oil. Dead to 16 bopd.
Pure Oil Co. (Amoco), Fox No. 6 in Michigan by Dow Chemical
Co. Aka Dowell
• (1935) – Halliburton Oil well Cementing Co. expanded into
• (1947) – first hydraulic fracture treatment. Western Kansas
in Hugoton Basin, Klepper No. 1. Four gas productive
limestone pays (3-perf zones,1-OH). 1000 gals of Gasoline-
based, napalm-gelled fracturing fluid followed by 2000 gals
of gasoline + breaker per zone. Through tubing with cup-
type straddle packers.
• (1945) to (1963) – development of acid-fracturing
• (Early 1970s) – introduction of foamed frac treatments.
• (1990s) – fracturing of horizontal wells, coiled tubing
• (2000s) – microseismogram monitoring
Stimulation today..
• Plug And Perf
One of the most common techniques used for completions
today, plug and perf is a cased hole completion approach. It
entails the placement (or pumping down) of a bridge plug and
perforation (perf) gun to the desired stage in a well bore. Once
the plug is set, the perf gun fires holes in the casing,
penetrating the reservoir section between the set plugs. Then
hydraulic fracturing takes place, and the frac fluid is pumped
into this same section. The process is repeated for each stage,
the downhole tools moving from the end of the wellbore back
toward the beginning until all the stages have been fraced.
Then the plugs are drilled or milled out.
• Sliding Sleeve & Open Hole Fracs
Sliding sleeve is a newer method than plug and perf
and is designed to speed up multi-stage frac jobs. It
is an open hole method where multiple stages can
be fractured with a single pumping session. Sliding
sleeve tools are permanently placed in open holes
with mechanically actuated sleeves before perf.
Then constant downhole pressure is used to reduce
completion times by cutting out the “plug, perf,
repeat” process.
Methods to consider..

1. Perforating – increases area open to flow through

the completion
Matrix acidizing – reduces skin damage resulting from near wellbore
permeability damage caused by drilling, completion, work over or
plugging caused by precipitation of deposits from produced water or
oil. Here acid is injected into the formation below the pressure at
which fracture can be opened.
Acid reacts while flowing through the pore structure of the rock,
thereby increasing permeability in the neighborhood of the wellbore.
Due to extremely large surface area contacted by acid in matrix
treatment, spending time is short. Therefore, it is difficult to afface the
formation more than a few metres from the wellbore. Removal of
plugging in sandstone, limestone or dolomite can result in a very large
increase in well productivity.
• Hydraulic fracturing – increases the effective wellbore radius by
creating an increase in contact area between well and reservoir.
Here the rock is physically parted by use of hydraulic force, and the
“crack” of the rock is filled with proppants, which acts a s a highly
conductive path for hydrocarbon flow. Normally these treatments
are carried out in wells with very deep damaged zone or reservoir
with inherent or low permeability.
• Chemical treatments- These normally remove
formation damage by either solvent action or by use
of a surface active agent. They bring about
stimulation mostly by improving relative
The use of acids (HCl & H2SO4) to stimulate or
to improve oil production from carbonate
reservoirs was first attempted in 1895.
Because of severe corrosion of well casing and
other metal equipment, the process failed to
arouse general interest
The next attempts to use acid occurred
between 1925 and 1930. These consisted of
using hydrochloric acid (HCl) to dissolve scale
in wells in the Glenpool field of Oklahoma and
to increase production from the Jefferson
Limestone (Devonian) in Kentucky. None of
these efforts were successful and “acidizing”
once again was abandoned.
The discovery of arsenic inhibitors, which
allowed HCl to react with the formation rock
without seriously damaging the metal well
equipment, revived interest in oil well
acidizing in 1932.
At that time, Pure Oil Co. and Dow Chemical Co.
used these inhibitors with HCl to treat a well
producing from a limestone formation in Isabella
County, MI. Results of this treatment were
outstanding. When similar treatments in
neighboring wells produced even more
spectacular results, the acidizing industry was
The primary purpose of any acidizing
treatment is to dissolve either the formation
rock or materials, natural or induced, within
the pore spaces of the rock. Originally,
acidizing was applied to carbonate formations
to dissolve the rock itself.
Over a period of time, special acid
formulations were developed for use in
sandstone formations to remove damaging
materials induced by drilling or completion
fluids or by production practices.
There are two primary requirements that an
acid must meet to be acceptable as a treating
(1) it must react with carbonates or other
minerals to form soluble products, and

(2) it must be capable of being inhibited to

prevent excessive reaction with metal goods in
the well.
Other important considerations are
availability, cost, and safety in handling. While
there are many formulations available, only
four major types of acid have found extensive
application in well treatments: hydrochloric,
hydrofluoric, acetic, and formic acids.
Hydrochloric Acid (HCI)

An aqeuous solution of HCl is most commonly

used for acidizing treatments, for reasons of
economy and because it leaves no insoluble
reaction product. When HCl is pumped into a
limestone formation, a chemical reaction takes
place, producing CaCl2, CO2, and H2O.
2 HCl  CaCO3  CaCl 2  CO2  H 2O
Similar reactions occur when dolomite or impure
limestone is treated with HCI. Dolomitic lime
contains a large percentage of magnesium
combined as calcium magnesium carbonate.
Although it reacts more slowly, this mineral also
dissolves in HCl, and the resulting magnesium
chloride is soluble in the spent acid.
Other impurities occurring in limestone and
dolomite are often insoluble in acid, and if
appreciable percentages of such components are
present, special additives must be included in the
acid solution to ensure their removal.
HCl ordinarily is manufactured in concentrations
of 32 to 36 wt% HCl and is diluted at service
company stations to 15, 20, or 28% for field use.
The concentrated acid, the various chemical
additives, and water are mixed in the tank truck
used to haul the acid to the well site.
Acetic and Formic Acids

Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and formic acid (HCOOH)

are weakly ionized, slowly reacting, organic
acids. They are used much less frequently than
HCI and are suitable primarily for wells with high
bottom hole temperatures (BHT’s above 250°F)
or where prolonged reaction times are desired.

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH = Ca (CH3COO)2 + CO2 + H2O

HAc is available in concentrations up to 100%
as glacial HAc. while HCOOH is available in 70
to 90% concentrations. For field use, HAc
solutions normally are diluted to I5 % or less.
Above this concentration, one of the reaction products,
calcium acetate, can precipitate from its “spent acid”
solution because of its limited solubility. Similarly, the
concentration of HCOOH normally is limited to 9 to 10%
because of the limited solubility of calcium formate.

Where more dissolving power per gallon of acid is

desired, HCI is sometimes mixed with HCOOH or HAc.
Such blends still provide extended reaction times.
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
HF is used in combination with HCI and has
been referred to as “intensified acid” or “mud
removal” acid.
HF is used primarily to :
 remove clay-particle damage in sandstone
 improve permeability of clay-containing
 increase solubility of dolomitic formations.
Its utility is based on the fact that some clays.
silica, and other materials normally insoluble
in HCI have some degree of solubility in HF.

4 HF  SiO2  SiF4  2 H 2O

2 HF  SiF4  H 2 SiF6
In carbonates, application of HF/HCl mixtures must
be controlled carefully because of cost and possible
precipitation of reaction products such as calcium
fluorides or complex fluosilicates, which have a very
limited solubility. For reaction with silicates, such as
natural clays or clays in drilling fluids, the blends
usually contain 2 to 10% HF and 5 to 26% HCI.

The concentration of HCl used in the blend should

be equal to or greater than that of the HF.
More recent developments of HF involve the
use of delayed-action agents in sandstone
acidizing. The system provides slow
generation of acid from the hydrolysis of
methyl formate. Yielding methyl alcohol and
HCOOH acid. The acid then reacts with
ammonium fluoride to yield HF in situ.
A significant development in this area of slow-
reacting, HF-supplying, clay-dissolving acid has
been the fluoboric acid system. This acid
hydrolyzes to form hydroxyfluoboric acid and
HF, which will dissolve clays.

HBF4  H 2O  HBF3OH  HF
This reaction provides a slow-release source of
HF, which can penetrate deeply before
spending. The slowly generated
hydroxyfluoboric acid reacts with clays to form
a non swelling, non dispersing product that
stabilizes fine clays and holds fine particles of
silica in place.
Acid Additives
Corrosion Inhibitors

Inhibitors are chemical materials that, when dissolved in

acid solutions, greatly retard the reaction rate of the acid
with metals. They are used in acidizing to avoid damage to
casing, tubing, pumps, valves. and other well equipment.
Inhibitors cannot completely stop all reaction between the
acid and metal; however, they do slow the reaction,
eliminating 95 to 98% of the metal loss that would
otherwise occur.
Most inhibitors have practically no effect on the
reaction rate of acid with limestone, dolomite, or
acid-soluble scale deposits. The length of time that
an inhibitor is effective depends on the acid
temperature, type of acid, acid concentration, type
of steel, and the inhibitor concentration.

e.g., n-dodecylpyridinium bromide (n-DDPB) and

Surfactants are chemicals used to lower the surface
tension or interfacial tension of fresh acid or spent
acid solutions. The presence of a surfactant -
 improves the penetrating ability of the acid solution
entering a formation.
 permit the acid to penetrate oily films clinging to the
surface of the rock and lining the pores, so that the
acid can come in contact with the rock and dissolve it.
 facilitates the return of spent acid following
the treatment.

 demulsifying action obtained.

 capable of inhibiting the occurrence of

emulsions or destroying those already formed.
 promote dispersion and suspension of fine
solids to provide better cleanup following
treatment. These solids may be either mud
solids or natural fines released from the
formation. They are suspended and physically
removed from the formation.
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether is a mutual
solvent surfactant used in matrix sandstone
acidizing to water-wet the formation. This
agent prevents particle migration and
subsequent particle plugging. It improves
cleanup by preventing the stabilization of
emulsions by fine particles. Many different
surfactants are used in acidizing.
Silicate-Control Agents

Various silicate compounds, commonly known as

clays and silts, usually are present in most
limestones and dolomites. One of the
characteristics of these silicates is that they will
swell in spent acid. Naturally, this is undesirble
because swollen silicate particles may block
formation flow channels, reducing well production.
Silicate-control additives are chemicals that prevent
released silicate particles from adsorbing water. Some
buffer the pH of the solution near the isoelectric point
(where the volume of the swelled clays is at a minimum).
Others cause shrinkage of the silicate particles by replacing
the adsorbed water molecules with a water-repellent
organic film. Thus, possible formation plugging is
prevented, treating pressures are lowered, faster cleanup
is provided, and the occurrence of particle-stabilized
emulsions is minimized.
Iron-Control Agents

Iron control is approached two ways. The oldest

and most common approach is to use
sequestering agents, which act by complexing
iron ions, thereby preventing precipitation when
the acid spends.
A second method is use of reducing agents that
reduce any ferric ions (Fe3+) to ferrous ions (Fe2+),
which do not precipitate as the hydroxide or
hydrous oxide until the pH of the system is above
7. Since acids in contact with the formation rock
will not spend to a pH that high, the hydroxide
will not damage the well. Spent acid usually has a
pH between 4.5 and 6.5.
Erythorbic acid is one of the most effective
reducing agents that can be used for this
purpose. The reduction of all the ferric iron to
ferrous iron, however, does not prevent the
precipitation of ferrous sulfide (FeS), which
precipitates when the acid spends to a pH of 2,
as it will readily in almost any formation.
To protect fully against iron precipitation in a sour
well, a complexing agent is needed. Citric, lactic, and
acetic acids as well as EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra
acetic acid) or NTA (Nitrilo tri acetic acid) are
popular sequestrants. In some wells where H2S can
become mixed with the acid it also may be advisable
to use both the reducing agent and the sequestering
agents, since ferric iron can react with H2S to
precipitate free sulfur, which itself can damage
permeability The loss of effectiveness of acetic
acid at temperatures above 125°F and the
possibility of precipitating calcium citrate also
are factors that should be considered in
guarding against iron precipitates.
Methyl and isopropyl alcohols sometimes are used
at concentrations of 5 to 20 vol % of acid to reduce
surface tension. Methyl alcohol is sometimes used
at concentrations, up to 66 % to increase vapor
pressure of the acid and spent acid solution. Use
of alcohols thus improves both rate and degree of
cleanup, which can be particularly helpful in dry
gas wells.
Gelling and Fluid Loss Agents

Natural gums and synthetic polymers are added

to acid to increase the viscosity of the acid
solution. This reduces leakoff into large pore
spaces and, to some extent, into natural hairline
fractures. It also provides some degree of
reaction rate retardation.
Other materials used to control leakoff are fine
(IOO mesh) sand and fine salt. These materials
bridge in hairline fractures to reduce fluid flow
out of the main fracture during fracture acidizing
Another successful fluid-loss control agent is a
mixture of finely ground, oil-soluble resins.
Originally designed as a diverting agent for use
through gravel packs during sandstone matrix
acidizing treatments, this agent was later shown
to be effective as a fluid-loss agent in fracture
acidizing, when used at higher concentrations.
Liquefied Gases

Liquid nitrogen and liquid CO2 sometimes are

used in acid solutions to provide added energy
for better well cleanup. Nitrogen also is used to
make foamed acid, which provides excellent
leakoff control in low permeability rock.
Retarded Acids
It is often desirable in acid fracturing treatments
to retard the reaction rate of the acid to provide
deeper penetration of active acid into the
formation. Retardation may be accomplished by
use of slower-reacting acids (Hac and HCOOH), by
adding chemicals to reduce reaction rate, or by
increasing concentration to extend spending time.
Acidizing Techniques
There are three fundamental techniques used in acidizing
1. Well bore Cleanup or well spotting: The wellbore is filled-
up and soak in acid. Fluid movement is at a minimum,
unless some mechanical means of agitation is used.
2. Matrix Acidizing. This is done by injecting acid into the
matrix pore structure of the formation, below the
hydraulic fracturing pressure. Flow pattern is essentially
through the natural permeability structure.
3. Acid Fracturing. This is injection into the formation above
hydraulic fracturing pressure. Flow pattern is essentially
through hydraulic fractures: however, much of the fluid
does leak off into the matrix along the fracture faces.
Acid Pumper

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