What Is Coronavirus Daily News Powerpoint

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Daily News
Special Report x UK News x 9th September 2020

At that time, the World Health

Children Return to Organisation asked people to practise
School After Lockdownsomething called social distancing.

• What is coronavirus? This was because of the coronavirus

• What is being done about it?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a type of
• What can we do?
virus. It can cause coughing,
• What should I do if I’m upset by the tiredness, difficulty breathing and a
news? fever. The virus can also cause more
severe symptoms for people who are
UK schools have fully reopened to already ill or elderly.
The World Health Organisation
Many children had to stop attending (WHO) say that most people recover
school due to the lockdown which without needing any special
started in March. treatment.
Nevertheless, some people are
worried about children returning to
However, the Government has said Illustration: A zoomed-in image of
that the return to school is “vital for the virus.
children’s education and for their
What Is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is the name of a As it is new, scientists are

large family of viruses. They still learning about it.
get their name because under
a microscope they look a bit
like a crown.

This coronavirus causes The UK government says

symptoms, such as coughing, that the “current evidence” is
a high temperature and that most cases are mild. The
difficulty breathing. World Health Organisation
say that most people recover
without needing any special
It can cause more serious treatment.
symptoms for some people
who are older or already ill.
Doctors and governments are
keen to slow the spread of the
What Is Being Done about It?

Scientists around the world A system called NHS Test

are working to develop a and Trace has been created.
vaccine. This will help This is designed to test
protect people from the virus. people who have symptoms
and trace those who they
have been in contact with.
Professor Chris Whitty, who
is the UK’s Chief Medical
Adviser, has said that it is By doing this, the
likely to be 2021 before a Government hopes that it will
vaccine is available. slow the spread of the virus.

The World Health If someone begins to show

Organisation is also working symptoms, they can ask to be
with countries to learn about tested.
the virus and help
governments respond.
What Can We Do?

The government says that Sing while you wash!

there are a lot of things we Doctors say that if you sing
can do to stay safe. ‘Happy Birthday’ twice while
washing your hands, you will
If you cough or sneeze, catch make sure you wash for a
it with a tissue, bin it and good amount of time.
then wash your hands with
hot water and soap.
We can also look out for
others. You can give older
Use soap and hot water to relatives or people who might
wash your hands after you be self-isolating a call.
use the toilet, before you eat
and after break.
Make sure that you
understand and follow your
school’s rules on hygiene and
social distancing.
What Should I Do If I’m Upset by the News?

Some of the things we see or Talking to a trusted adult can

hear in the news are help you to feel safe and help
upsetting. you think of things you can
do if you feel worried or
It’s normal to feel upset or upset in the future.
worried about some news
stories. Adults often do as
well. Drawing or writing about
your worries might also help
The news can sometimes you to understand your
make things seem scarier emotions.
than they are. You can find
out the facts about the news
using child-friendly news
Ask yourself how you can
Remember that upsetting help. We often feel better if
events are rare – that’s why we’ve an opportunity to help
they’re in the news. others.

Word Definition
lockdown To remain at home in order to keep safe.
social distancing Limiting the distance between people to prevent the spread
of a disease.
symptoms A physical or mental sign of an illness.
treatment Medical care given for an illness or injury.

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