Liquidity Ratio 1
Liquidity Ratio 1
Liquidity Ratio 1
• Have you tried buying from sari-sari
stores on credit?
• Liquidity
• Profitability
• Efficiency
• Leverage
1.Current Ratio
- It measures the ability of the
business to pay its short-term
obligations as they fall due.
Current Liabilities
2. Quick Ratio
- Also known as acid test ratio
measures immediate liquidity with
the ability to pay current liabilities
with the most liquid assets.
Compute the following
1. Current assets is PHP2,000, current liabilities is
PHP3,500. What is current ratio?
2. Inventory is PHP150. Accounts payable is PHP450. Cash
and accounts receivable total PHP800. What is the current
ratio? Quick ratio?
3. If current ratio is 1.7, what is the total accounts receivable
if cash is PHP20,000, inventory is PHP7,500, and accounts
payable is PHP30,000.
1. Current ratio: 2,000/3,500 = 0.57