Information Technology, The Internet, and You

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Information Technology, the

Internet, and You


• The way to think about a personal computer

is to realize that it is one part of an
information system.
There are several parts of an information
• People are an essential part of the system. The purpose of information systems is
to make people, or end users like you, more productive. •
• Procedures are rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware, and
data. They are typically documented in manuals written by computer professionals.
• Software (programs) provides step-by-step instructions to control the computer to
convert data into information.
• Hardware consists of the physical equipment. It is controlled by software and
processes data to create information.
• Data consists of unprocessed facts including text, numbers, images, and sound.
Information is data that has been processed by the computer.
• The Internet allows computers to connect and share information.
PEOPLE are the most important part of an
information system.
• Privacy marginal boxes discuss threats to your personal privacy and
suggest ways to protect yourself.
• Environment boxes discuss important and relevant environmental
issues. The impact of computers and other technologies is more
critical today than ever before.
• Ethics boxes pose a variety of different ethical/unethical situations for
your consideration.
• Careers in IT presents job descriptions, employment demands,
educational requirements, salary ranges, and advancement
Software, or programs, consists of system
and application software.
System software enables application software
to interact with computer hardware.
• Operating systems coordinate resources, provide an interface, and
run applications. Three types are embedded (real-time, RTOS), stand-
alone, and network (NOS).
• Utilities perform specific tasks to manage computer resources.
Application software includes general-
purpose, specialized, and mobile applications.
• General purpose—widely used in nearly all career areas; programs
include browsers, word processors, spreadsheets, database
management systems, and presentation graphics.
• Specialized—focus more on specific disciplines and occupations;
programs include graphics and web authoring.
• Apps (mobile apps, mobile applications)—designed for mobile
devices; most popular are for text messaging, Internet browsing, and
connecting to social networks.
Hardware consists of electronic devices that can follow
instructions to accept input, process the input, and produce
Types of computers
Supercomputer, mainframe, midrange (server),
and personal computers (PCs) are four types of
Personal computers can be desktop, laptop
(notebook computer), tablet, smartphone, and
Personal Computer Hardware
There are four basic categories of hardware devices:
• System unit contains electronic circuitry, including microprocessors and memory.
Random-access memory (RAM) holds the program and data currently being
• Input/output devices are translators between humans and computers. Input devices
include the keyboard and mouse. The most common output device is the computer
display (monitor).
• Secondary storage holds data and programs. Typical media include hard disks, solid-
state storage, and optical discs (CD, DVD, and Blu-ray).
• Communication devices allow personal computers to communicate with other
computer systems. Modems modify audio, video, and other types of data for
transmission across the Internet.
Data is the raw unprocessed facts about
something. Common file types include:
Document files created by word processors.
Worksheet files created by spreadsheet
Database files created by database
management programs.
Presentation files created by presentation
graphics programs.
• Connectivity describes the ability of end users to use
resources well beyond their desktops.
• Central to the concept of connectivity is the network
or communication system connecting two or more
• The Internet is the world’s largest computer network.
• The web provides a multimedia interface to resources
available on the Internet.
Along with the Internet, three other things are
driving the impact of technology:
• Cloud computing uses the Internet and the web to shift
many computer activities from a user’s computer to
computers on the Internet.
• Wireless revolution has changed the way we communicate
and use computer technology. Wireless devices include
tablets, smartphones, and watches.
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is the continuing development
of the Internet that allows everyday objects embedded with
electronic devices to send and receive data over the

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