16th Annual K-InBRE Poster #58 - Charles Neef PHD - Biosensors From Copolymers of Vinylferrocene and 4-Vinylimidazole

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Biosensors from Copolymers of Vinylferrocene and 4-Vinylimidazole

Yegor Pashchenko & Charles J. Neef*

Chemistry Department, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762

[email protected], 620-235-4494

Introduction Conclusions
* *
* x y * x y • Novel copolymers have been prepared from
Fe + N R-Br N
• Ferrocene containing polymers have active redox N
Fe Fe vinylferrocene and vinylimidazole.
N N Br
properties suitable for use as biosensors , energy
1 R = Ethyl, Hexyl R • The imidazole moiety was converted to the
storage2, and as catalyst3. imidazolium salt with an alkyl bromide.
• Previous work in our laboratories has studied FT-IR Spectra of Neutral 1:1 Copolymer and • Multiple redox waves were observed in the CV of
the 1:1 Hexylated Copolymer CVs of Hexylated Copolymers in H2O
copolymers of vinylferrocene with the hexylated copolymers in CH2Cl2.
vinylpyridinium as biosensors. • Adhesion of the hexylated polymer was poor.
• These vinylferrocene with vinylpyridinium • An ethyl substituent on the imidazole exhibited
copolymers exhibited selectivity to dopamine or better adhesion compared to the hexyl substituent.
serotonin depending on monomer ratio. • The imidazolium containing polymer showed much
• Incorporation of ferrocene and imidazolium into greater sensitivity to dopamine than the pyridinium
a polymer for biosensor applications has not been containing polymer.
reported to date.
• In this research, we report biosensors from Future Work
copolymers containing ferrocene and • Study effects of monomer ratio to sensitivity.
Electrochemical Stability of Hexylated Electrochemical Stability of Ethylated
imidazolium Copolymers in H2O Copolymers in H2O • Study effects of ascorbic acid on biosensor.

Experimental References
1. J. Chen, C.O. Too, G,G. Wallace, & G.F.
• Polymers were synthesized via free radical Swiegers, Electrochimica Acta, 49(5), 691–
initiation. 702 (2004)
• Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) was carried out using a 2. L. Jureviciute, S. Bruckenstein, & A.R.
Gamry Interface 1000 potentiostat. Hillman, Journal of Electroanalytical
• A standard three electrode setup was used with Pt Chemistry, 488(1), 73–81 (2000)
working and counter electrodes with a Ag pseudo 3. J. Chen, A. Burrell, G. Collis, D. Officer, G.
Chronoamperometry of Ethylated PVFc-co- Integrated CA Response of Ethylated PVFc-
VIm with Various Amounts of Dopamine co-VIm with Various Amounts of Dopamine Swiegers, C. Too, & G. Wallace,
or Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
Electrochimica Acta, 47(17), 2715–2724
• Sodium perchlorate was used as the supporting
electrolyte at a concentration of 0.1 M.
• Polymer films for testing were prepared by casting
from chloroform solutions [2 mL] at a concentration
We would like to thank KINBRE (P20
of 2 mg/mL. GM103418 ) and Pittsburg State University for
financial support of this project.

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