Social 7 - Orange Shirt Day

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Orange Shirt Day

September 30th

Social 7J
What is it?

Discuss with a shoulder buddy what you know about Orange

Shirt Day
Orange Shirt Day

September 30th marks the day that thousands of

Indigenous children have been taken from their
homes and were forced to attend Residential
Schools in Canada

The last residential school closed in 1996, just 24

years ago
The Residential School System was active in Canada
for more than 160 years, accounting for the forced
assimilation upward of 150,000 children.

Canada had 80 residential schools. The last residential

school closed in 1996, just 22 years ago. The Canadian
government followed a policy of “Kill the Indian in the
child.” We tried to isolate and remove children from
the influences of their families and community.
Phyllis Webstad - A Survivor

What to look?

- What happened to her?

- Why is the Orange shirt important in this video?
- What happened after?
The Effect of Residential Schools
- It resulted in mass cultural genocide, physical, and
sexual abuse, and the deaths of thousands of
Indigenous children.
- You might be thinking … what is genocide?

Well… it is where acts are committed with the intent to

destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or
religious group. These acts fall into five categories: Killing
members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental
harm to members of the group, forcibly transferring
children of the group to another group
The Effects of Residential Schools

After it happened: September 30th was reclaimed as a day of

education and resilience, with many cultural centers offering
virtual and in person information for schools, classrooms,
families, and communities.

On september 30th, we wear Orange because…


Why is it important we participate in
Orange Shirt Day?

- Think, Pair, Share

- You have 5 minutes
When I was Eight...

What to look for?

You will be given a sheet with questions

Changes to My Thinking (Exit Slip)

- Fill out the Chart

Let’s go outside...During Tutorial

- Let's go outside and take a photo as a class wearing

Orange shirts!

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