PWC Information Management Framework: Data Governance Is A Key Component of Information Management

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The document discusses the key elements of an Information Management Framework including Support, Foundation and Leverage Components. It also outlines the key aspects of a Data Governance Operating Model including Data Ownership, Data Definition, Data Quality and Information Lifecycle Management.

The document mentions that an Information Management Framework consists of Support Components, Foundation Components and Information Leverage Components.

The document outlines some of the key elements of a Data Governance Operating Model including Data Ownership, Data Definition, Data Quality, Information Lifecycle Management, Information Architecture, Information Security, Policy and Standards.

Data Governance

PwC Information Management Framework

Data Governance is a key component of Information Management

Support Components Foundation Components
Information Support components Data Foundation components are comprised
are comprised of dimensions that Architecture of dimensions that are core building
lend physical and structural support blocks that underpin the entire
to the information needs of the Data approach
enterprise. Physical Quality
• Data Quality: the ability of an
Environment enterprise to quantify the quality of
• Data Architecture: Approach to data
data through metric based analysis
architecture covering elements, glossary, Data
and rectify those issues efficiently.
storage, transmission and interfaces. Governance
• Data Governance: the policies and
• Physical Environment: hardware and
procedures to ensure a uniform data
software technology utilized to load, Security
management approach and the
store and report enterprise information
processes in place to ensure
Organization adherence and transparency into the
• Security: the user and data Information policies.
classifications that protect the Driven • Organization: resource skills,
information of the enterprise and the Decision Information corporate culture and executive
audit/logging protocols to ensure Making Delivery sponsorship that enable the
transparency into that usage.
enterprise to take advantage of
information premium practices.

Leverage Components
Information Leverage components are comprised of
dimensions that derive value from the information
produced by the enterprise.
• Information Delivery: ability of the system to analyze data across
business units through automated and ad hoc queries.
• Information Driven Decision Making: capability of the enterprise to use
information and analysis to drive business and revenue generating
decisions for their business unit.

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Data Governance

Data Governance Operating Model

Information Asset Management Information Architecture

• Data Ownership: Data ownership is • Data Architecture Governance:
defined as accountability for accuracy Data Partner with the data architecture team
and completeness of data throughout Definition to establish a single view of enterprise
the information lifecycle to support a Data data with focus on promoting the right
particular data domain, attribute, or Quality source, eliminating redundancy, and
process. Data owners drive business developing standard methods for
culture change by increasing distribution and reporting.
awareness that data is a strategic Information • Data Model Publication: Create a
corporate asset to be shared internally Lifecycle self-service canonical data model and
and externally with clients. Data underlying data dictionary across the
• Data Definition: (1) Define a common Policy and Governance enterprise. Ensure appropriate
business language and data model for Standards awareness, access to published
core data categories shared across the content, and proper controls are in
enterprise, (2) establish authoritative Data Arch. place.
sources of data, and (3) ensure that Governanc Information Security
Security e
the business and technical terminology
Data Model • Security: Define and enforce policies,
conforms to approved data standards.
• Data Quality: Improve the ability of the Publication procedures, and standards pertaining
enterprise to proactively control and to protecting information from
measure the quality of data through unauthorized collection, use,
metric based analysis and provide disclosure, disruption, modification,
guidance to address the root cause perusal, inspection, and destruction.
efficiently. Establish data governance Partner with security and privacy
policies and standards for auditable teams.
data quality assurance. Policy and Standards
Information Lifecycle Management • Develop, enforce, and continuously
• Define and enforce policies, improve data governance policies,
procedures, and standards pertaining procedures, and standards that
to efficient retention, archival, and provide a comprehensive framework to
defensible destruction of data. the enterprise for effectively managing

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Data Governance

Other Accelerators

Data Governance Dashboards Data governance organization Data governance

models role descriptions

Data governance policies Data governance SLA framework Data Governance Opportunity

PwC - Technology Consulting

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