Chapter 5.information System Managin The Digital Firm Fifteenth Edition

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The key takeaways are that IT infrastructure provides a shared technology platform for firms' information systems applications and includes computing platforms, facilities management, IT management services, and can be viewed as a service platform.

The components of IT infrastructure include computer hardware platforms, operating system platforms, enterprise software applications, data management and storage, networking/telecommunications platforms, internet platforms, and consulting/system integration services.

Technology drivers that influence the evolution of IT infrastructure include Moore's Law and increases in microprocessing power, the law of mass digital storage regarding data storage increases each year, and Metcalfe's Law regarding increases in network value as more members join.

Management Information Systems:

Managing the Digital Firm

Fifteenth Edition

Chapter 5
IT Infrastructure and
Emerging Technologies

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Defining IT Infrastructure
• The shared technology resources that provide the
platform for the firm’s specific information systems
• Set of hardware and software required to operate an
• Set of firm-wide services including:
– Computing platforms providing computing services
– Physical facilities management services
– IT management, education, and other services
• “Service platform” perspective
– More accurate view of value of investments
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Technology Drivers of Infrastructure
Evolution (1 of 2)
• Moore’s law and microprocessing power
– Computing power doubles every 2 years
– Nanotechnology
• Law of Mass Digital Storage
– The amount of data being stored each year doubles
• Metcalfe’s Law and network economics
– Value or power of a network grows exponentially as a
function of the number of network members.

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What Are the Components of IT

1. Computer hardware platforms

2. Operating system platforms
3. Enterprise software applications
4. Data management and storage
5. Networking/telecommunications platforms
6. Internet platforms
7. Consulting system integration services

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Operating System Platforms
• Corporate servers
– Windows Server
– Unix
– Linux
• Client level
– Microsoft Windows
– Android, iOS, Windows 10 (mobile/multitouch)
– Google’s Chrome OS (cloud computing)

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Enterprise Software Applications
• In 2016, firms spend $321 billion on software for
enterprise applications
• Largest providers: SAP and Oracle
• Middleware providers: IBM, Oracle

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Consulting and System Integration Services
• Even large firms do not have resources for full range of
support for new, complex infrastructure
• Leading consulting firms: Accenture, IBM Global
Services, HP, Infosys, Wipro Technologies
• System integration: ensuring new infrastructure works
with legacy systems
• Legacy systems: older TPS created for mainframes that
would be too costly to replace or redesign

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What Are the Current Trends in Computer
Hardware Platforms? (3 of 4)
• Cloud computing
– On-demand computing services obtained over
▪ Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
▪ Software as a service (SaaS) Google Apps
▪ Platform as a service (PaaS)
– Cloud can be public or private
– Allows companies to minimize IT investments
– Drawbacks: Concerns of security, reliability
– Hybrid cloud computing model

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What Are the Current Computer Software
Platforms and Trends? (1 of 3)
• Linux and open-source software
– Produced by community of programmers
– Examples: Apache web server, Mozilla Firefox
browser, OpenOffice
– Linux
• Software for the web: Java, HTML, and HTML5
– Java Virtual Machine
– Web browsers
– HTML and HTML5
– Ruby and Python

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What Are the Current Computer Software
Platforms and Trends? (2 of 3)
• Web services and service-oriented architecture
– Web services
– XML: Extensible Markup Language
– SOA: service-oriented architecture
▪ Set of self-contained services that communicate
with one another to create a working software
▪ Software developers reuse these services in other
combinations to assemble other applications as

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