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Bio Electrodes:
 Bio electrodes function as an interface between biological structures and
electronic systems.
 Electrical activity within the biological structure is either sensed or
 The electrical systems are either passively sensing (measuring) or
actively stimulating (inducing) electrical potentials within the biological
structure or unit.
 Bioelectric potentials generated in our body are ionic potentials and it is
necessary to convert these ionic potentials into electronic potentials
before they can be measured by conventional methods.
 Devices that convert ionic potential into electronic potential are called
 A transducer that converts the body ionic current in the body into the
traditional electronic current flowing in the electrode is a Bio Electrode.
Bio Electrodes:
 Able to conduct small current across the interface between the body and
the electronic measuring circuit.
 Oxidation is dominant when the current flow is from electrode to
electrolyte, and reduction dominate when the current flow is in the
 The net current that crosses the interface, passing from the electrode to
electrolyte consist of
 Electrons moving in a direction opposite to that of current
in the electrode.
 Cations moving in the same direction.
 Anions moving in direction opposite to that of current in electrolyte.
Properties of Bio Electrodes:
 Good conductors.
 Low impedance.
 Should not polarize when a current flows through them.
 Should establish a good contact with the body and not cause
 Should not cause itching swelling or discomfort to the patient.
 Metal should not be toxic.
 Mechanically rugged.
 Easy to clean.
Electrode – Skin/Tissue Interface
 Interface between body and electronic measuring device.
 Conducts current across the interface.
 Ions carry current in the body.
 Electrodes are capable of changing ionic current into electronic
 Termed as Electrode – Electrolyte or Electrode – Tissue Interface.
Electrode – Skin/Tissue Interface
Half Cell Potential
 The potential difference that is caused by the ability of electrons to flow from
one half cell to the other.
 Electrons are able to move between electrodes as the chemical reaction is a
redox reaction.
 Half cell potential is altered when there is current flowing in the electrode due
to electrode polarization.
 When the metal comes in contact with solution, the electrolyte surrounding the
metal is at different electric potential from rest of the solution.
 A second electrode is required to find half-cell potential- hydrogen
 Half-Cell potential is determined by
 Metal involved
 Concentration of its ion in solution
 Temperature
Nernst Equation in context of Half Cell Potential
 Nernst Equation governs the half-cell potential.
 When two ionic solutions of different concentration are separated
by semipermeable membrane, an electric potential exists across the

 a1 and a2 are the ionic activity of the ions on each side of the membrane.
 Ionic activity is the availability of an ionic species in solution to enter
into a reaction.
 Normally Standard Half Cell Potential (E0) is an equilibrium value and
assumes zero-current across the interface.
 When current flows, the half-cell potential, E 0 , changes.
 Overpotential ( V p ): Difference between non-zero current and zero-current
half-cell potentials; also called the polarization potential.
 Ohmic Overpotential ( V r ) : Due to the resistance of the electrolyte (voltage drop
along the path of ionic flow).
 Concentration Overpotential ( V c ): Due to a redistribution of the ions in the
vicinity of the electrode-electrolyte interface (concentration changes).
 Activation Overpotential ( V a ): Due to metal ions going into solution (must
overcome an energy barrier, the activation energy) or due to metal plating out
of solution onto the electrode (a second activation energy).
Mechanism Contributed to Overpotential
 Ohmic overpotential: Voltage drop along the path of the current, and
current changes resistance of electrolyte and thus, a voltage drop does
not follow ohm’s law.
 Concentration overpotential: Current changes the distribution of ions at
the electrode-electrolyte interface
 Activation overpotential: Current changes the rate of oxidation and
reduction. Since the activation energy barriers for oxidation and
reduction are different, the net activation energy depends on the
direction of current and this difference appear as voltage.
Polarizable Electrodes
 Perfectly Polarizable Electrodes
Electrodes in which no actual charge crosses the electrode-electrolyte interface
when a current is applied.
The current across the interface is a displacement current and the electrode
behaves like a capacitor.
Overpotential is due concentration.
 Example: Platinum electrode

 Perfectly Non-Polarizable Electrode

Electrodes in which current passes freely across the electrode-electrolyte
interface, requiring no energy to make the transition.
These electrodes see no overpotentials.
 Example: Ag/AgCl Electrode
 Blurring of a radiographic image, produced by respiratory, muscular, or other
movement of the patient.
 When polarizable electrode is in contact with an electrolyte, a double layer of
charge forms at the interface.
 Movement of the electrode will disturb the distribution of the charge and results
in a momentary change in the half cell potential until equilibrium is reached
 Motion artifact is less minimum for non-polarizable electrodes.
 Signal due to motion has low frequency so it can be filtered out when measuring a
biological signal of high frequency component such as EMG or axon action
 However, for ECG, EEG and EOG whose frequencies are low it is
recommended to use non-polarizable electrode to avoid signals due to motion
Electrode Types
 Surface Electrode
o Metal Plate
o Floating Electrodes
o Flexible Electrodes
 Microelectrodes:
 Internal Electrode:
 Needle Electrode
Electrode Types - Surface
 Primarily used in ECG, EEG and EMG
 With conductive path between metal and skin being electrolyte paste or
 Sub types are
 Metal
 Suction
 Floating
 Flexible
Electrode Types – Surface - Metal
 Metal-plate electrode used for application to limbs.
 Metal-disk electrode applied with surgical tape.
 Disposablefoam-pad electrodes, often used with
electrocardiograph monitoring apparatus.
Electrode Types – Surface - Suction
 A metallic suction electrode is often used as a precordial electrode on
clinical electrocardiographs.
 No need for strap or adhesive and can be used frequently.
 Higher source impedance since the contact area is small.
Electrode Types – Surface - Floating
 The recess in this electrode is formed from an open foam disk, saturated
with electrolyte gel and placed over the metal electrode.
 Minimize motion artifact.
Electrode Types – Surface - Flexible
 Used for newborn infants
 Compatible with X - ray
: It is an electrode of very small size, used in electrophysiology for either
recording of neural signals or electrical stimulation of nervous tissue.
 MEAs are Circuit less chips
 Sufficiently small to be placed into cell.
 Sufficiently strong to penetrate cell membranes.
 Tip diameter: 0.05 – 10 microns.
 CMOS based MEA (Microelectrode Array) have high spatial
temporal resolution at excellent signal quality.
 Useful to access the behavior of electrogenic cells.
Internal Electrode:
 For detecting fetal electrocardiogram during labour, by means of
intracutaneous needles.
 No electrolyte – skin
 No electrolytic gel is required.
Needle Electrodes
 It penetrates the skin to record the potentials.
 It reduces interface impedance.
 S i n g l e w i r e inside the needle which acts as the unipolar
electrode measuring potential at the point of contact.
 Types are concentric, bipolar and monopolar.
Applications of Bio Electrodes
 Cardiac Monitoring
 Infant Cardiopulmonary Monitoring
 Sleep Encephalography
 Diagnostic Muscle Activity
 Cardiac Electrogram
 Implanted Telemetry of Biopotentials
 Eye Movement

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