3 Accommodation

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Definition : Adjustment of the optical
apparatus so as to change the refractive
power of the eye when the image of a near
object is brought to a focus on the retina.

Ability of the eye to focus on objects of

varying distances is called process of
Mechanism involves change in curvature of lens.

Emmetropic eye -- ciliary muscle relaxed parallel rays

from distant objects focus on retina
closer objects divergent rays behind retina
How to focus divergent rays on retina ?
Increase distance between lens & retina – bony fish
Increase curvature (refractive power ) of lens –mammals
Far point : farthest distance from the eye at which an object
can be seen clearly 6 meter ( 20 ft ) -- infinity
Near point : nearest point from the eye at which object can be
brought into clear focus by accommodation. recedes
throughout life slowly at first & rapidly at advancing age
9 cms 10 yrs, 25 cms young 83cms
Range of accommodation : distance between far point &
near point

Amplitude of accommodation : difference in refractive

powers of lens of fully accommodated eye ( ciliary muscles
maximally contracted ( +29 D ) & resting eye( ciliary muscles
completely relaxed( +15 D )
Young person 29 D – 15 D =14 D
Mechanism of accommodation---- increase curvature of lens to make
it more convex

Young age 20 D to 34 D ------ 14 D

Accommodation for far vision
ciliary muscles completely relaxed –ligaments tense-
lens flatten Refractive power minimum +15 D.

Accommodation for near vision

Both ciliary muscles contract – ligaments laxation—
lens globular- Refractive power maximum + 29 D.

contraction of ciliary muscles controlled by

parasympathetic impulses - 3rd cranial nerve
Lens system of eye consist of
interface bet. Air & ant. Surface of cornea
interface bet. post surface of cornea & aqueous humor
interface bet aqueous humor & ant. Surface of lens
interface bet. post surface of lens & vitreous humor
Person older – lens larger, thicker, less elastic –
progressive denaturation of lens proteins - ability of lens
to change shape decreases with age.
Amplitude of accommodation decreases 14 D to 2 D at 45
to 50 years. zero D at 70 years
lens nonaccommodating –presbyopia
eye remains focused permanently at almost constant
distance (physical characteristics of eye)
near & far vision affected
correction -- Bifocal glasses
Autonomic innervation of eye &reflex arc for light reflex
optic nerve
Pathway for accommodation reflex
optic tract

visual cortex area 17 ( occipital lobe)

area 8 ( frontal eye field)

intermingle with corticospinal tract 

turns back to midbrain

Edinger –Westphal nucleus Sphincter pupillae

Medial recti
Ciliary ganglion short ciliary nerve
Ciliary muscle
Accommodation reflex

1. Constriction of both pupils

2. Convergence of both eyeballs

3. Bulging of anterior surface of the lens - by

contraction of ciliary muscles of both eyes
Pathway for light reflex

Optic nerve
Optic chiasma
Optic tract Pretectal nuclei Edinger Westapal nucleus

Ciliary ganglion

Sphincter pupillae

Pupil constricts
Control of pupillary diameter

Parasymp. Stim. - miosis – pupil constricts

contraction of sphincter pupillae

Symp. Stim. ---mydriasis–

dilatation of pupil - contraction of dilator pupillae

Argyll Robertson pupil

Pupil fails to respond to light but responds to accommodation.
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