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The key takeaways from the document are that conventional water treatment is used to comply with regulations for surface water supplies and produce safe drinking water. It goes through four major processes: mixing/coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and operation of facilities.

The four major processes in conventional water treatment are mixing/coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and operation of facilities.

The primary purpose for conventional water treatment is to comply with EPA and state regulations requiring filtration as a mandatory treatment technique for all surface water supplies. It also assists with producing safe drinking water.

Module 14: Conventional

Drinking Water Plant Operator
Certification Training

Please silence cell phones.

Unit 1 – Conventional Water Treatment Overview
Unit 2 – Mixing, Coagulation, and Flocculation
Unit 3 – Sedimentation/Clarification
Unit 4 – Filtration
Unit 5 – Operation of Conventional Filtration

Unit 1 – Conventional Water Treatment Overview

Learning Objectives
• Understand the purpose for Conventional
Water Treatment and relevant regulations
• Use vocabulary appropriate to conventional
filtration of water in discussing the process.
• Follow the Typical Process Flow Diagram and
identify the four major conventional filtration

Purpose for Conventional Water
• The primary purpose for Conventional Water
Treatment is to comply with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (Pa. DEP) regulations requiring
filtration as a mandatory "treatment
technique" for all surface water supplies.
• Conventional Filtration also assists with
production of safe drinking water.
Terms and Definitions

Source: EPA

Source Water

Intake Structures

Flow Measurement

Venturi meter consists of a tube whose

diameter gradually decreases to a throat and
then gradually expands to the diameter of the
intake pipe.
Unit 1 Exercise

1. Combined filter effluent turbidity

must be below:
a) 0.3 NTU in at least 95% of the turbidity
measurements taken and 1.0 NTU at all times
b) 1.0 NTU in at least 95% of the turbidity
measurements taken and 1.5 NTU at all times
c) 0.3 NTU in at least 95% of the turbidity
measurements taken and 0.5 NTU at all times
d) 0.5 NTU in at least 95% of the turbidity
measurements taken and 1.0 NTU at all times

Unit 1 Exercise
2. Typical sources of turbidity in raw
water sources include:
a) Humic acids and other organic
compounds resulting from decay of
plants, leaves
b) High iron concentrations which give
waters a rust-red coloration
c) Heavy rains flushing into a water
d) All of the above 11
Unit 1 Exercise
3. National Secondary Drinking Water
a) Are focused on treatment goals that are below the
regulatory Primary Maximum Contaminant Levels for
those contaminants that present health risks based
on acute or chronic exposure
b) Are guidelines regulating contaminants that may
cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth
discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor,
or color) in drinking water
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
Unit 1 Exercise
4. Venturi and magnetic flow
measurement systems are used to:
a) Regulate the rate at which water flows
into the water treatment plant
b) Measure the rate at which water flows
into the water treatment plant
c) Monitor the chemical which flow into the
water treatment plant
d) All of the above
Unit 1 Exercise

Vocabulary Review
Across Down
3. Coagulation 1. Turbidity
6. Flocculation 2. Conventional
7. Sedimentation Filtration
8. Floc 4. Clarification
10. Colloids 5. Disinfection
9. Sludge

Key Points

• Turn to page 1-13 to summarize the unit key


Unit 2 – Mixing, Coagulation, and Flocculation

Learning Objectives
• List the major chemicals used in the
coagulation process and explain their
importance to the process.
• Explain the importance of flocculation to
conventional filtration.
• List two types of mechanical flocculators in
common use.

pH Aid Baffle Flocculator (typ) Baffle
Adjustment Wall Wall

Flash Mixing/ Flocculation


Hydraulic Mixing

Propeller – type Mixer

Coagulant Chemicals
There are a variety of primary coagulants which
can be used in a water treatment plant:
Primary Coagulants
Metallic salts
Aluminum Sulfate (Alum)
Ferric Sulfate
Ferric Chloride
Synthetic inorganic polymers
Polyaluminum Chloride
Coagulant Aids

 Coagulant aids are added to the water during

the coagulation process to:

Improve coagulation
Build a stronger, more settleable floc
Overcome slow floc formation in cold water
Reduce the amount of coagulant required

Choosing Coagulant Chemicals

Based on raw water conditions including:

Water Temperature

Example 2.1 – Dosage Calculation

Calculate the dosage (mg/L), if 1500 pounds of

dry Alum are required to treat 15 - MGD of
Dose = (lbs/day)
Flow x 8.34 1500

mg = 1500 lb/day 15
L (15 x 8.34)
  = 12 mg/l

Example 2.2 – Dosage Calculation
A system treated 875,000 gallons of water using
100 pounds of lime. Calculate the lime dosage
in mg/L.
First must convert volume from gallons to
million gallons = 875,000 = .875
mg = 100 lb/day
L (0.875 x 8.34) .875
  13.7 mg/l
Hazard Communication Safety Data
The Hazard Communication Standard requires
chemical manufacturers, distributors, or
importers to provide Safety Data Sheets
communicate the hazards of hazardous chemical

Chemical Containment

Floc Formation

The goal of flocculation is to promote growth

of flocs to a size that can be removed by
sedimentation and filtration.
Calculating Theoretical Detention
Theoretical Detention Time Formula:

Detention Time (time) = Volume of Tank (gallons)

Influent Flow

Units of time should match

Example 2.3 – Flocculation Detention
Time Calculation
The flow to a flocculation basin that has a volume
of 36,670 gallons is 1930 gpm. What is the
detention time in the tank, in minutes?

Detention Time (time) = Volume of Tank (gallons)

Influent Flow
  = 36,670 gallons
1930 gpm
  = 19 minutes
Example 2.4 – Flocculation Detention
Time Calculation
A flocculation basin receives a flow of 2,830,000 gpd. System prints
indicate the basin holds 60,915 gallons. Assuming the flow is steady and
continuous, what is the flocculation basin detention time in minutes?

Need the units to match (flow given in gpd, question wants answer in minutes).

 So convert 2,830,000 gpd to gpm = 2,830,000 gpd ÷1440 = 1965 gpm

 Determine the detention time:

Detention Time (time) = Volume of Tank (gallons)

Influent Flow
  = 60,915 gallons
1965 gpm
  = 31 minutes

Multiple Stage Flocculation

The floc is getting larger and larger as it

passes from stage to stage.

The mixing intensity is generally reduced as

flow passes through the compartments.
Unit 2 Exercise
1. List the primary coagulants (3 metallic salts
and 1 synthetic inorganic polymer) used in
the coagulation process.
Aluminum Sulfate Ferric Sulfate
Ferric Chloride Polyaluminum Chloride
2. In the space provided, explain the
importance of coagulant aids—synthetic
organic polymers.
Coagulant Aids strengthen and add density
to the flocs.
Unit 2 Exercise

3. List three types of chemicals that can be used

to add or replace alkalinity or pH.
Lime, soda ash, caustic soda.

4. True 9. True 14. True19. False

5. False 10. True15. True20. False
6. True 11. True 16. True21. True
7. False 12. True17. True22. False
8. False 13. True18. False
Unit 2 Exercise

23. A system treats 845,000 gallons of water

using 25 pounds of calcium hydroxide (slaked
lime) every day. What is the dose?
a) 1.42 mg/L
b) 3.55 mg/L
c) 7.11 mg/L
d) 9.23 mg/L

Unit 2 Exercise

24. A system uses 225 lbs of dry polymer as

coagulant aid each day to treat a plant flow
set at 3,260,000 gpd. What is the dose?
a) 576.33 mg/L
b) 103.27 mg/L
c) 8.33 mg/L
d) 4.21 mg/L

Unit 2 Exercise

25. If the plant flow is set at 350,000 gallons and

the system uses 12 pounds of anhydrous
ferric chloride, what is the dose?
a) 4.11 mg/L
b) 411 mg/L
c) 2.86 mg/L
d) 286 mg/L

Unit 2 Exercise

26. The flow to a flocculation basin is 399,000

gpd. The basin holds 11,550 gallons. What is
the detention time in the tank, in minutes?
a) 33 minutes
b) 35 minutes
c) 37 minutes
d) 39 minutes

Unit 2 Key Points

• Turn to pages 2-18 and 2-19 to summarize the

unit key points.

Unit 3 – Sedimentation/Clarification
After this unit, you’ll be able to:
• List five operating parameters important to
• Identify the four zones of a sedimentation basin.
• Given the formula and required data, calculate each
of the following: detention time, surface loading
rate, mean flow velocity, and weir loading rate.
• Explain why tube or plate settlers increase settling
• Identify five characteristics upon which the
sedimentation process is dependent.
After coagulation and flocculation comes sedimentation.
Seven basic factors:
1. Particle Size
2. Gravitational Settling
3. Particle Shape
4. Relationship of Downward Movement of Particle to
Forward Flow Velocity
5. Water Temperature
6. Electrical Charge on Particles
7. Environmental Conditions

Short Circuiting

Example 3.1 – Sedimentation
A water treatment plant treats a flowTime
of 1.5 mgd.Calculation
It has 2 sedimentation basins,
each 20 feet wide by 60 feet long, with an effective water depth of 12 feet.
Calculate the Theoretical Sedimentation Detention Time (in hours) with both
basins in service.
1. Determine the volume of both basins:
  Volume = Length x Width x Depth
60 feet x 20 feet x 12 feet = 14,400 ft3 for 1st basin x 2 = 28,800 ft3 for both basins
28,800 ft3 x 7.48 (gallons conversion) = 215, 424 gallons
2. Determine the detention time:
  Detention Time = Volume of Tank (gallons)
Influent Flow *
= 215,424 gallons
1,500,000 gpd (note: 1.5 mgd = 1,500,000 gpd)
= 0.144 day
3. Convert day to hours: hours = 0.144 day x 24 hour = 3.45 hours
Example 3.2 – Surface Overflow Rate
A water treatment plant treats a flow of 1.5 mgd. It has 2 sedimentation basins, each 20
feet wide by 60 feet long, with an effective water depth of 12 feet. Calculate the
Surface Overflow Rate in gallons per minute per square foot of surface area (gpm/ft 2)
for the treatment plant with both basins in service.
1. Convert the mgd to gpm:
  gpm = 1.5 mgd x 1,000,000 = 1042 gpm
 2. Determine the area of both basins:
  Area = Length x Width = 60 feet x 20 feet = 1200 ft2
x 2
2400 ft2
3. Plug into Surface Loading Rate Equation:
  Surface Loading Rate (flow/ft2) – Flow Rate = 1042 gpm
Surface Area, ft 2 2400 ft2
= 0.43 gpm/ft2

Example 3.2 – Mean Flow Velocity
A water treatment plant treats a flow of 1.5 mgd. It has 2 sedimentation basins, each
20 feet wide by 60 feet long, with an effective water depth of 12 feet. Calculate
the Mean Flow Velocity in feet per minute for one of the sedimentation basins,
assuming both basins are in service and there is equal flow distribution to each
1. Convert the mgd to gpm:
  gpm = 1.5 mgd x 1,000,000 = 1042 gpm (both basins)
One basin 1042 gpm = 521 gpm
 2.  Cross Sectional Area = Width x Depth - 20 feet x 12 feet = 240 ft2
 3. Plug into Mean Flow Velocity Formula:
  Mean Flow Velocity =
flow = 521 gpm = 0.29 ft/min
Cross Sectional Area, ft2 x 7.48 gal/ft3 240 ft2 x 7.48 gal/ft3
= 45
Tube or Plate Settlers

Specialized Processes

Example 3.3 – Weir Loading Rate
A rectangular sedimentation basin has a total of 95 feet of weir.
What is the weir loading rate in gpm/ft when the flow is 763

Weir Loading Rate = Flow, gpm

Weir Length
= 763, gpm
95 ft
= 8.0 gpm/ft

Unit 3 Exercise
1. Identify the four zones of a sedimentation basin.
c – Inlet zone
g – Outlet zone
p – Sludge zone
q – Settling zone
2. List four operating parameters important to sedimentation.
d – Detention time
o – Surface loading rate
r – Mean flow velocity
s – Weir loading rate
Unit 3 Exercise
3. List the settling characteristics upon which the
sedimentation process is dependent.
a – Water temperature
d – Gravitational settling
k – Electrical charge of particle
b – Particle size
f – Particle shape
l – Environmental conditions
h – Relationship of downward movement of particle to
forward flow velocity 50
Unit 3 Exercise
4. The largest portion of the horizontal flow sedimentation basin
is the settling zone.
5. If the motor is normally running and the sludge collector is
not moving, the most likely cause of a clarifier sludge collector
problem would be that a shear pin is broken.
6. A sludge collector device should move very slowly.
7. Increase flow to the treatment plant will affect the settling
tank in that the detention time will decrease and the overflow
rate will increase.
Unit 3 Exercise
8. A series of thin parallel plates installed at 45-degree angle for
shallow depth sedimentation are known as lamellar plates.
9. Two methods of improving settling efficiency in a
sedimentation basin are using tilted plates or tube settlers.
10. If the weir overflow rate for a clarifier is too high, floc carry
over will be observed.
11. Improper coagulant dosage and/or improper pH, could cause
floc carry over.
12. When increasing the flow rate, the weir overflow rate for the
clarifier will be increased.

Unit 3 Exercise
13. A sedimentation basin is 65 feet long, 20 feet wide and has
water to a depth of 12 feet. If the flow to the basin is 1297
gpm, what is the detention time in hours?

First Step:
1. Determine the volume of the basin:
Volume = Length x Width x Depth
65 feet x 20 feet x 12 feet
15,600 ft3 for the first basin
x 7.48 gallons conversion factor
116,688 gallons
Unit 3 Exercise

Second Step:
Determine the detention time:
 Detention Time (time) =
Volume of Tank (gallons)
Influent Flow
= 116,688 gallons
1297 gpm
= 90 minutes
Unit 3 Exercise

Third Step:
Convert min to hours:
hours = 90 min x hour = 1 hour 30 minutes
60 min

Unit 3 Key Points

• Turn to page 3-16 to summarize the unit key


Unit 4 – Filtration
After this unit, you’ll be able to:
• Define filtration as it relates to water treatment.
• Identify the four performance considerations of
• Given the formula and required data, calculate each
of the following: filtration rate and backwash rate.
• Explain the importance of good record keeping.



Support Gravel
Filter Underdrain


Removal Processes

Straining Adsorption Absorption

Rate of Flow Controller

Filter control systems regulate flow rates by

maintaining adequate head above the media
• Constant Rate
• Declining Rate

Filter Media
The filter media is the part of the filter which
actually removes the particles from the water
being treated. Applying the layer
of anthracite
provides a higher
filtration rate and
a longer filter run
time than sand

Media Classification

1. Effective Size
2. Uniformity Coefficient
3. Specific Gravity
4. Hardness

Filter Underdrains

Filter Ripening

Filter Ripening Period

Filter Problems
Mud balls: A small agglomerate of floc and filter media
which form on the surface of filters which can grow
in size during a filter cycle.

Air Binding: Caused by the release of dissolved gases

from the water in the filter or under drain or if the
water in the filter bed is drawn down below the filter
Example 4.1 – Filter Capacity
What is the filter capacity of a system if the sand bed
has a surface area of 700 sq ft and the filters are
rated to have a capacity of 3 gpm/sq ft (in gpm)?
Filter Capacity = Filtration Rate x Surface Area
= 3 gpm x 700 sq ft
sq ft
= 2,100 gpm
Example 4.2 – Filter Capacity
The surface of a filter is 15 feet long and 10 feet wide. What is
the rated total capacity for a rate of 5 gpm/sq ft?
 Step 1 – Determine the surface area.
Area = Length x Width
  = 15 ft x 10 ft
  = 150 sq ft
 Step 2 – Determine the filter capacity.
Filter Capacity = Filtration Rate x Surface Area
  = 5 gpm x 150 sq ft
sq ft
  = 750 gpm
Example 4.3 – Filtration Rate
A rapid sand filter has a surface area of 150 sq ft.
If the flow through the filter is 312 gpm, what
is the filter loading rate in gpm/sq ft?
 Filtration = Flow Rate, gpm
Rate Filter Area, sq ft
= 312 gpm
150 sq ft
  = 2.08 gpm
sq ft
Example 4.4 – Filtration Rate
Determine the filter loading rate of a filter 35 feet in diameter
treating a flow of 3000 gpm.
 Step 1 – Determine the surface area.
Area = 0.785 x D2
  = 0.785 x (35 ft)2
  = 961.63 sq ft
 Step 2 – Determine the filter loading rate.
Filtration = Flow Rate, gpm
Rate Filter Area, sq ft
  = 3000 gpm
961.63 sq ft
= 3.12 gpm/sq ft 69

When to Backwash
• Gallons filtered or when a specified time
period has passed indicates the need to
• Head loss on the filter may be used to indicate
the need to backwash.
• An increase in the cleanliness or cloudiness
(turbidity) of the water coming out of the
Backwash Process

Example 4.5 – Backwash Rate
A filter 26 feet wide by 30 feet long needs a backwash rate of 18
gallons per minute per square foot. Determine the required
backwash pumping rate in gpm.
 Step 1 – Determine the surface area.
Area = Length x Width
  = 30 ft x 26 ft
  = 780 sq ft
 Step 2 – Determine the Backwash Pumping Rate, gpm
= FilterArea, sq ft x Backwash rate, gpm/sq ft
  = 780 sq ft x 18 gpm/sq ft
  = 14,040 gpm

Example 4.6 – Backwash Rate
A fitler is 40 ft long and 20 ft wide. If the desired
backwash rate is 20 gpm/sq ft, what backwash
pumping rate (gpm) will be required?
 Step 1 – Determine the surface area.
Area = Length x Width
= 40 ft x 20 ft
= 800 sq ft
Step 2 – Determine the Backwash Pumping Rate, gpm
=Filter Area, sq ft x Backwash rate, gpm/sq ft
  = 800 sq ft x 20 gpm/sq ft
  = 16,000 gpm 73
Unit 4 Exercises

1. Filter Media - The materials used to filter out

2. Filter Underdrains - Where filtered water is
collected during normal operation.
3. Filter Operating Parameters - Filter
production and efficiency
4. Backwashing - The process of reversing the
flow of water back through the filter media
to remove trapped material.
Unit 4 Exercises
5. List two ways filters can become air bound.
 Allowing the filter to run too long
 Release of dissolved gases from water in the filter
 Water is drawn down below the filter surface

6. How can a system achieve longer filter run

By applying a layer of anthracite to the filter

Unit 4 Exercises

7. The removal of particulates by trapping in the

open space between the grains of the media:
a) Straining
b) Adsorption
c) Biological Action
d) Absorption

Unit 4 Exercises

8. The measurement used to define the

uniformity of filter media:
a) Specific Gravity
b) Hardness
c) Uniformity Coefficient
d) All of the above

Unit 4 Exercises

9. One of the most common techniques of

eliminating the turbidity spike directly after a
filter backwash is to filter to waste during
a) End of a timed backwash
b) Filter ripening period
c) Middle of a timed backwash
d) None of the above

Unit 4 Exercises

10. Ways to reduce filter ripening time:

a) Delayed start-up
b) Filter aid addition like an anionic polymer or
c) Filter to waste
d) All of the above

Unit 4 Exercises

11. A problem in a filter that can prevent water

from uniformly passing through a filter:
a) Well formed floc
b) Mudballs
c) Air binding
d) Both b and c

Unit 4 Exercises

12. A method used to indicate when a filter

needs backwashed:
a) Time
b) Head loss
c) Increase in effluent turbidity (breakthrough)
d) All of the above

Unit 4 Exercises

13. Backwash rates set too high:

a) This is not a problem
b) Can cause loss of filter media
c) Will not adequately expand the filter bed
d) All of the above

Unit 4 Exercises

14. A backwash normally uses _____________

of treated water produced (finished water).
a) 1-2%
b) 2-5%
c) 6-8%
d) 8-10%

Unit 4 Exercises

15. A filter 35 feet wide by 20 feet long needs a

backwash rate of 20 gallons per minute per
square foot. Determine the required
backwash pumping rate in gpm.
a) 12,000 gpm
b) 13,000 gpm
c) 14,000 gpm
d) 15,000 gpm

Unit 4 Exercises

16. What is the filter capacity (in gpm) of a

system with a sand bed 40 feet in diameter
when the filters are rated to have a capacity
of 2.5 gpm/sq ft?
a) 78.5 gpm
b) 250 gpm
c) 1,500 gpm
d) 3,140 gpm

Unit 4 Exercises

17. A system has filters that measure 25 feet

long and 15 feet wide. What is the rated
total capacity at a rate of 2 gpm/sq ft?
a) 250 gpm
b) 500 gpm
c) 750 gpm
d) 1,000 gpm

Unit 4 Exercises

18. Determine the filter loading rate of a filter

20 feet in diameter treating a flow of 1500
a) 4.8 gpm/sq ft
b) 9.8 gpm/sq ft
c) 15.1 gpm/sq ft
d) 95.2 gpm/sq ft

Unit 4 Exercises

19.A filter 25 feet long and 35 feet wide treats a

total of 1400 gpm. What is the filter loading
a) 1.6 gpm/sq ft
b) 3.2 gpm/sq ft
c) 3.4 gpm/sq ft
d) 9.8 gpm/sq ft

Unit 4 Exercises

20. A filter has a diameter of 35 feet. If the

desired backwash rate is 25 gpm/sq ft, what
backwash pumping rate (gpm) will be
a) 687 gpm
b) 1,508 gpm
c) 12,761 gpm
d) 24,041 gpm

Unit 4 Key Points

• Turn to pages 4-24 and 4-25 to summarize the

unit key points.

Unit 5 – Operation of Conventional Filtration Facilities

After this unit, you’ll be able to:

• Identify the five components of Normal
• Explain the importance of “jar testing” and
describe how the test is performed.

Monitoring Methods
Monitoring process performance is an ongoing, regular activity
of plant operators.

Early detection of a pre-treatment failure is extremely important

to effective filtration performance.
Monitor Filtration Process
•Filter influent turbidity or, settled water
•Filter effluent turbidity or filtered water
•Headloss - measures solids accumulation
in the filter bed. It is the resistance to flow
as it passes through a filter.

Process Support Equipment
Plant operators must operate and maintain
support equipment in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations: 
• Filter control valves
• Backwash and surface wash pumps
• Chemical feed pumps
• Air scour blowers
• Flow meters and level/pressure gauges
• Water quality monitoring equipment (turbidimeters)
• Process monitoring equipment (head loss and filter level)
• Sludge drying: Sludge drying beds and sludge filter presses

Changes in Source Water Quality

Increases or decreases in source water:

– turbidity
– temperature
Can greatly affect floc formation.

Unit 5 Exercises

A. Write the 5 components of Normal

operations of conventional filtration on the
lines below.
1.Process Performance Monitoring
2.Process Controls and Equipment
3.Process Support Equipment
5.Laboratory Testing
Unit 5 Exercises

B. Circle all of the following which are indicators

of abnormal operating conditions.
9. Increased filtered water turbidity
12. Media cracks and shrinkage
13. Mud balls
14. Rapid filter headloss increase
15. Short filter runs

C. True/False
17. T
18. F
19. T
20. T
21. T
22. T
24. T
25. F
26. F
Unit 5 Key Points

• Turn to page 5-20 to summarize the unit key



• Slides 101 to 155 are module review

• All questions are multiple choice and there is
only one correct answer.

Review Question
1. Typical sources of turbidity in raw water
sources include:
a) Heavy rains
b) High iron concentrations
c) Waste discharges
d) All of the above

Review Question

2. To remove turbidity from water, systems rely

heavily on:
a) Coagulation and sedimentation
b) Sedimentation and filtration
c) Mixing and flocculation
d) Filtration and chlorination

Review Question

3. Combined filter effluent turbidity must be

below ______ NTU in at least 95% of the
turbidity measurements taken and combined
filter effluent turbidity must be below ______
NTU at all times.
a) 0.5 NTU, 1.0 NTU
b) 0.8 NTU, 3 NTU
c) 0.3 NTU, 1.0 NTU
d) 0.5 NTU, 0.3 NTU
Review Question

4. Turbidity in drinking water can be a problem

a) It is not a problem
b) Can provide food and shelter for pathogens
c) Can promote re-growth of pathogens in the
distribution system
d) Both b and c

Review Question

5. Stage I Disinfectants and Disinfection

Byproduct Rule sets maximum disinfectant
residual concentrations for chlorine,
chloramines, and chlorine dioxide at:
a) 2.0 mg/L, 2.5 mg/L, and 0.8 mg/L respectively
b) 4.0 mg/L, 4.0 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L respectively
c) 4.0 mg/L, 4.0 mg/L, and 0.8 mg/L respectively
d) 2.0 mg/L, 2.5 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L respectively

Review Question

6. Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment

a) Regulating contaminants that may cause
cosmetic effects or aesthetic effects in drinking
b) Requires disinfection of all water supplies.
c) Strengthened filter effluent turbidity
d) All of the above

Review Question

7. To control algal growths in domestic water

supply lakes and reservoirs, a system can
a) CuSO4 .5 H2O
b) CaPO4 .5 H2O
c) C2H4O2
d) NaOCl

Review Question

8. By using a Venturi rate of flow meter, a

a) Is able to adjust chemical feed rates
b) Is able to calculate detention times
c) Is able to monitor the amount of water being
d) All of the above

Review Question

9. River, lake and reservoir supplies:

a) Should never be used as a source for drinking
b) Are subject to seasonal changes in water quality
c) Are unsafe for domestic use unless properly
treated including filtration and disinfection
d) Both b and c

Review Question

10. Employees must be trained on ___________

procedures before performing maintenance:
a) Lock-out/tag-out
b) The Surface Water Treatment Rule
c) Filter backwash
d) All of the above

Review Question

11. A _____________is a chamber that contains

mechanical stirrers, which is designed to
assure fast, thorough, mixing of lime and
alum for the purpose of creating floc.
a) Exothermic mixer
b) Flash mixer
c) Bed stirrer
d) Rotator

Review Question

12. Alum addition should be done:

a) After the static mixer
b) With the static mixer
c) Prior to the static mixer
d) In the flocculation basic

Review Question

13. Which of the following is a primary

a) Aluminum Sulfate
b) Bentonite Clay
c) Activated Silica
d) Organohalogens

Review Question

14. A waters alkalinity must be considered when

using Alum and Ferric since every 1 mg/L will
consume ____ mg/L or _____ mg/L alkalinity
(as CaCO3) for coagulation (respectively).
a) 0.05, 0.75
b) 0.5, 0.92
c) 0.25, 0.65
d) 0.75, 0.75

Review Question

15. The flash mix, or rapid mix process, occurs

just _______ coagulation chemicals are
added to the raw water.
a) before
b) after

Review Question

16. Raw water conditions to consider when

choosing a coagulant chemical include:
a) pH and Alkalinity
b) Turbidity
c) Water Temperature
d) All of the above

Review Question

17. Optimal effective pH range of Aluminum

a) 4.5-6.5
b) 5.5 – 7.5
c) 5.0 – 8.5
d) over 9.0

Review Question

18. Chemicals used to add density to slow-

settling floc and to strengthen floc formation:
a) Coagulant aids
b) Flocculants
c) Oxidizers
d) None of the above

Review Question

19. Systems with low turbidity water may need

to add __________ to form floc.
a) Baffles
b) Weighting Agents
c) Organic Matter
d) Aeration

Review Question

20.______________ coagulants in general

consume considerably less alkalinity than
a) Polyphosphate (state not a coagulant,
sequestering agent or corrosion control
b) Polyhalogenated
c) Polyethylene
d) Polyaluminium
Review Question

21. Low alkalinity causes poor coagulation. The

addition of _________ can increase alkalinity
and help coagulation.
a) Lime
b) Caustic Soda
c) Soda Ash
d) All of the above

Review Question

22. Calculate the dosage (mg/L), if 150 pounds

of dry Alum are required to treat 1.5 - MGD
of water.
a) 12
b) 120
c) 415
d) 834

Review Question

23. A second barrier or an outer wall of a

double enclosure which will contain any leak
or spill from a storage container is an
example of:
a) Primary Restriction
b) Secondary Enforcement
c) Secondary Containment
d) Primary Containment

Review Question

24. Required information for accurate

determination of chemical dosages:
a) Chemical Feed
b) Plant Flow
c) Chemical Density
d) All of the Above

Review Question

25. A system treated 1,750,000 gallons of water

using 250 pounds of lime. Calculate the lime
dosage in mg/L.
a) 12 mg/l
b) 17 mg/l
c) 1700 mg/l
d) 1200 mg/l

Review Question

26. Safety Data Safety Sheets (previously MSDS)

provide information on:
a) Chemical Handling and Storage
b) Chemical Composition/information on
c) A and B
d) None of the Above

Review Question

27. Equipment worn to minimize exposure to

serious workplace injuries and illnesses:
a) PPE
b) FFA
d) All of the above

Review Question

28. 50% NaOH solution:

a) is corrosive to the skin
b) may cause a severe burn
c) may be damaging to the eyes
d) All of the above

Review Question

29. Collisions of microfloc particles:

a) Cause a sheering effect where particles break
b) Cause particles to bond and produce larger,
visible flocs
c) Produce unstable particles that will not settle
d) Should be treated with additional coagulant

Review Question

30. Large particles that settle out in the

flocculation basis:
a) Indication that system is producing well-
formed/good size floc
b) Indication that system is functioning as designed
c) Indicates floc reached optimum size and strength
before making it to the sedimentation process
d) Both A and B

Review Question

31. An Emergency Response Plan:

a) Is not necessary in a water filtration plant
b) Is a list of guidelines used to permit the release
of chemicals
c) Can ensure employees are prepared and know
what actions must be taken and what materials
will be needed during a chemical spill
d) All of the above

Review Question
32. Slow stirring is a key aspect of the
flocculation process, however stirring too
a) Is not a problem and can only help the process
b) can prevent particles from clumping enough and
will result in ineffective collisions and poor floc
c) can cause ineffective collisions that produce
perfectly formed floc
d) may tear apart flocculated particles after they
have clumped together
Review Question

33. Flocculation paddle speeds can be adjusted

and with each step the particles get bigger,
therefore the paddle speed should:
a) Stay the same
b) Move faster
c) Move slower
d) Never adjust the paddle speed

Review Question

34. Floc formation is controlled by:

a) The effectiveness of coagulation
b) The effectiveness of collisions in promoting
attachment between particles
c) The rate at which collisions occur
d) All of the above

Review Question
35.Tapered-energy mixing:
a) Flocculation using one large compartment where
the mixing intensity is increased as the flow passes
b) Flocculation using baffled, smaller compartments
where the mixing intensity is reduced as flow passes
c) Sedimentation using one large compartment where
the mixing intensity is increase as the flow passes
d) Sedimentation using one large compartment where
the mixing intensity is increase as the flow passes

Review Question
36. Short-circuiting occurs when:
a) Water bypasses the normal flow path through the
sedimentation basin and reaches the inlet of the flocculation
basin in less than the normal detention time.
b) Water bypasses the normal flow path through the flocculation
basin and reaches the inlet of the sedimentation basin in less
than the normal detention time.
c) Water flows through the entire sedimentation basin and
reaches the inlet of the flocculation basin in the theoretical
detention time.
d) Water flows through the entire flocculation basin and reaches
the inlet of the sedimentation basin in the theoretical
detention time.

Review Question

37. A system has a sedimentation basin that has

a volume of 1,250,000 gallons. The plant
flow is currently set at 4 MGD. What is the
theoretical detention time?
a) 0.013 hours
b) 0.3125 hours
c) 2 hours 15 minutes
d) 7 hours 30 minutes

Review Question

38. High rate sedimentation equipment

developed to increase settling efficiency
would include:
a) Techtonic Plates
b) Lamella Plates
c) Nazca Plates
d) All of the above

Review Question

39. Particles carried through and out of the

basin can be referred to as:
a) Sedimentation Discharge
b) Flocculation Cross Over
c) Floc Carry Over
d) Rechargeable Floc

Review Question

40. The rate at which settled water passes over

the basin effluent weirs or orifices:
a) Weir Loading Rate
b) Upflow Clarifier Rate
c) Contact Flow Rate
d) Velocity Rate

Review Question

41. Used to prevent sudden flow increases or

surges throughout the filter bed:
a) Filter control system
b) Multistage Clarifier
c) Surge Resistant Filter
d) All of the above

Review Question

42. A higher filtration rate and a longer filter run

time can be achieved by applying:
a) A layer of polyphosphate to filter media
b) A coating of silica to filter media
c) A layer of anthracite filter media
d) Both a and b

Review Question

43. Typical filter media characteristics include:

a) Effective Size
b) Uniformity Coefficient
c) Specific Gravity
d) All of the Above

Review Question

44. One of the most common techniques of

eliminating the turbidity spike directly after a
filter backwash is to:
a) Spray filter with fresh water before returning to
b) Filter to waste during the filter ripening period.
c) Apply a coating of orthophosphate sequestering
agent to filter media.
d) Press filter media
Review Question

45. Reduce filter ripening time by:

a) Allow the filter to rest before start-up
b) Slow start-up where a freshly washed filter is
started at a slower filter rate and eventually
brought up to full rate.
c) Filter aid addition where a chemical like an
anionic polymer or a coagulant is added to the
influent of the filter.
d) All of the above

Review Question

46. Added subsequent to or simultaneously

with a primary coagulant, prior to
flocculation, or prior to filtration (as a filter
a) Biomes
b) Anthracite
c) Polymer
d) Antiseptic

Review Question

47. Adding polymer or coagulant to backwash

water can:
a) Reduce ripening time of filters
b) Agitate filters
c) Produce mud balls in filters
d) Help in clear well settling time

Review Question

48.________________monitoring of filtered water

is done to indicate that pathogenic organisms
such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium are being
removed during the filtration process.
a) Phosphate
b) Turbidity
c) Algae
d) Fragment

Review Question

49. What is a small agglomerate of floc and

filter media which forms on the surface of
filters and can grow in size during a filter
a) Conglomerates
b) Particulates
c) Media Ball
d) Mud Ball

Review Question

50. Air binding can be caused by:

a) the release of dissolved gases from the water in
the filter or under drain
b) the water in the filter bed is drawn down below
the filter surface
c) allowing the filter to run too long
d) all of the above

Review Question

51. What is the filter capacity of a system if the

sand bed has a surface area of 1,200 sq ft and
the filters are rated to have a capacity of 4
gpm/sq ft (in gpm)?
a) 4,800 gpm
b) 2,400 gpm
c) 1,200 gpm
d) 300 gpm

Review Question

52. What is the filter loading rate in gpm/sq ft of

a filter 35 feet long by 20 feet wide treating a
flow of 2,800 gpm?
a) 0.25
b) 1
c) 2
d) 4

Review Question

53. Method used to determine when to

backwash a filter:
a) Gallons filtered or when a specified time period
has passed
b) Head loss on the filter
c) An increase in the cleanliness or cloudiness
(turbidity) of the water coming out of the filter
d) All of the above

Review Question

54. How does water temperature affect settling

a) Colder Water = Faster Settling
b) Colder water = Slower Settling
c) Warm water = Slower Settling
d) No affect

Review Question

55. When evaluating jar test results, evaluate

results using:
a) A visual analysis
b) A turbidity analysis
c) Only B
d) Both A and B



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