Protection of MVDC Distribution System

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Protection Of MVDC

Distribution System

Presented by: Supervisor:

• Maqsood Ahmad Shah • Dr. Syed Basit Bukhari
• Reg# 277187
• Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Review Of Previous Work Done

 What is MVDC?? How Realization of MVDC is Possible??

 Issues While Implementing MVDC Distribution System
 Protection Issues in MVDC Distribution System( Fast Protection
Scheme and Zero Crossing Achievement)
 Literature Review on Problem Identification (Fault Detection
,Localization and Isolation )
 Literature Review for Solution of Identified Problem
Latest Work Done

Literature Review On MVDC Fault Detection Techniques

 Differential Protection
 Directional Protection
 Inductance Measurement Based Method
 Probe Power Unit Based Method
 Coordination between Supply Converter And Bus Contactors
Literature Review On HVDC Fault Detection Techniques
 Improved Differential Protection Scheme
 ROCOV Based Technique
 Transient Voltage based Protection scheme using superimposed principle
MVDC Fault Detection Techniques
Technique Paper And Journal Summary

1- Primary Differential Protection Protection Strategies for Medium- • Communication based differential
And Backup Overcurrent Voltage Direct-Current Micro grid at Protection is used for Transmission
Protection a Remote Area Mine Site line
(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON • Overcurrent Protection is used for
POWER DELIVERY, 2015) sources and loads(Backup protection
for Transmission lines)

2- Directional Protection and DC Ring-Bus Micro grid Fault • To achieve Selectivity bus is
Probe Power Unit Based Fault Protection and Identification of Fault segmented into overlapping nodes and
Localization Location kinks
(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON • IEDs are used to monitor the current
POWER DELIVERY,2013) entering or leaving in a segment
• Probe Power Unit is used to locate the
MVDC Fault Detection Techniques(Continued)

Technique Paper And Journal Summary

3- Inductance Measurement Based A Novel Fault Location Method and • In Transient Period Of Few
Protection Scheme Using Least Algorithm for DC Distribution millisecond inductance is estimated
Square Method Protection between protective device and fault
( IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON • Inductance is measured using
INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,2017) Least Square Method
• This is a Local Measurement
Based Technique

4- Apparent Resistance Fault Detection and Isolation in • Controller of each Converter

Measurement Based Technique Medium-Voltage DC Micro grids: measures apparent Resistance
Coordination Between Supply Power and then its Decision Algorithm
Converters and Bus Contactors Decides whether to go or not in
ELECTRONICS, 2018) • A similar Fault Detection Algorithm
is Present in the Controller Of Each
MVDC Fault Detection Techniques

Technique Paper And Journal Summary

5- Fault Detection Using A Non-unit Protection Scheme • Uses Rate of discharge current from DC link
Initial di/dt for DC Micro grid Based on Capacitor to detect fault
Local Measurements • This Scheme is based on characteristics of
(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON natural DC current and its first and second
POWER DELIVERY, 2017) derivative
• In Steady State is zero
• If 0≤≤ Then
If Then
6-Distance Protection Based Distance Protection Based On • Measures Small difference between incident and
6-Distance Protection
On Travelling Waves Based Distance
Waves Based On • MeasuresWave
travelling Small difference between incident and
On Travelling Waves Travelling Waves on Power
(IEEE Transactions • travelling Wave
A correlation technique is used to recognize the
(IEEE Transactions
Apparatus on Power
and Systems,1983) • A correlation
wave technique
returning is used to recognize the
from fault
Apparatus and Systems,1983) • wave
Havereturning from fault
High Accuracy
• Have High Accuracy
HVDC Fault Detection Techniques
1.   Transient Voltage Based Fault detection Scheme

 Fault Identification is achieved by calculating ratio of transient voltages ROTV

at both side of inductor
 =
 For a Fault on DC Cable value of Kmn will be larger
 For an external Fault value of Kmn will be smaller than 1
HVDC Fault Detection Techniques

2. Transient Protection Scheme For HVDC Lines

 In this Scheme transient energy is calculated at both ends of DC line . And then
transient energy of DC line is calculated by

 Delta E threshold is set by following formula

If Delta E >0 it means fault occurs external to the DC line Protected

If Delta E<0 It means fault occurs in the DC line
HVDC Fault Detection Techniques

3. Fault Detection Using ROCOV Technique

 ROCOV at the line side of inductor is calculated

 ROCOV decreases as fault moves away from measuring point

 When following condition is met for all branches in a bus, it means bus fault has occurred

HVDC Fault Detection Techniques

4-Travelling Wave Protection scheme based on Symmetrical

Component Analysis
 Characteristics of initial values of fault initiated travelling waves are studied
under various fault conditions
 Symmetrical Components are analyzed with the help of Superimposed
Principle under various Fault Conditions i.e. L-G,L-L and L-L-G
 For single Line to ground Fault

 For Double Line to ground Fault

HVDC Fault Detection Techniques

 For Line to Line Fault

 Value of Relaying signal b1 is 0 at steady state condition. When fault occurs

its value increases. Fault is Detected when following criteria is met
LVDC Fault Detection Schemes
Technique Paper And Journal Summary

1- Overcurrent Based Fault Coordinated Control of the In two ways this technique can be applied
Detection Bus Tie Switches and • Traditional Overcurrent Relay is used for fault
Power Supply Converters detection. A Passive LC circuit is used to generate
for Fault Protection in DC Frequency signal under various fault Condition
Micro grids which is captured by DWT.
(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON • Coordinated Control of mechanical switches and
POWER converter with full current handling capability(Fault
ELECTRONICS,2013) detection is done by algorithm in controller of
converter )

2- Using Rate Of Change Of Fault Detection and • DC ring Bus is divided into several zones
current Isolation in a DC Micro Grid • A DSP based central processing unit receives
Using a Central Processing current magnitudes from each zone
Unit • Derivative is applied to find change of current
(Conference 2015) magnitude
• Subtraction is applied between change value and
previous value
• Fault is detected if change is greater than threshold
LVDC Fault Detection Techniques
Technique Paper And Journal Summary

3- Differential Fault Detection High-Speed Differential • Comparing the magnitude of current or Relative
Scheme Protection for Smart DC Direction of each current at boundaries of a
Distribution Systems specified element within network
(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON • Dependent on integrity of communication
SMART GRID,2014 ) system

4-Direction of fault current Validation of Fast and Fault Detection

based protection scheme Selective Protection Scheme • Measure current (magnitude and direction) and
for an LVDC Distribution Voltage DC by upstream and downstream IEDs
Network • If I and are greater than threshold ,Fault is
POWER DELIVERY, 2017) Fault Location is calculated by current Direction
• If fault direction value of converter IED is 1 and
feeders IED is 0 then fault is on CPP
• If any of customer feeder’s IED also have 1
value then customer end feeder has fault
• Otherwise main feeder will have fault

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