Analysis of Financial Statement
Analysis of Financial Statement
Financial Statements
Session # 1
Today’s topics
1. Introduction of the Course
2. Introduction of Students
3. Framework for Financial Statement Analysis
4. Accounting Policies and their impact on Financial Analysis
What do you think, what is
“Analysis of Financial Statements” ?
The Myths…
Ratio Analysis
What Is Analysis of Financial Statements?
Course Outline and Deliverables
Course Outline
Session Date Topic
1 19-Sep-2020 Framework for Financial Statements Analysis
2 26-Sep-2020 Understanding Financial Statements
3 03-Oct-2020 Financial Analysis Techniques – 1
4 10-Oct-2020 Financial Analysis Techniques – 2
5 17-Oct-2020 Financial Institution Analysis - CAMELS.
6 24-Oct-2020 1st Mid Term – Assessment Report
7 31-OCt-2020 Inventory Analysis
8 07-Nov-2020 Analysis of Long-Lived Assets
9 14-Nov-2020 Analysis of Non-Current Liabilities
10 21-Nov-2020 Analysis of Inter-corporate Investments
11 28-Nov-2020 2nd Mid Term Assessment
12 05-Dec-2020 Early Warning Signals
13 12-Dec-2020 Students’ Presentations of Term Report
14 19-Dec-2020 Application of Financial Analysis – Case Study
15 26-Dec-2020 Final Assessment
Marking Scheme
Analysis of Financial Statements
Marking Scheme
S. No Assessment Methods Marks
1 Quizzes 5
2 Class Assignments & 5
3 CAMELs Report 5
4 Final Presentation 5
5 Final Report 10
8 Final Assessment 40
Total = 100
Manufacturing vs Banking Company
Part 1
Framework for Financial Statement Analysis
What Is Analysis of Financial Statements?
Objectives of Financial Reporting
“To provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial
position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic
Three Stakeholders who use Financial Statements to make better economic decisions
Class Activity / Assignment:
Upload you introduction in the assignment activity of LMS
Components of financial reporting:
3. Notes to financial statements
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Cash flow Statement
Statement of
Changes in Equity
Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
Management Discussion & Analysis (published in Annual Reports)
Importance of Financial Reporting
2017 2018 Increase %
5,000,000 6,300,000
Importance of Financial Reporting
The importance of financial reporting cannot be over emphasized. It is required by each and every
stakeholder for multiple reasons & purposes. The following points highlights why financial reporting
framework is important :
1. It helps organizations to comply with various regulatory requirements. In case of listed
companies, quarterly as well as annual results are required to be filed with Stock
Exchanges and published.
2. It facilitates external audits. External Auditors are required to audit the financial
statements of an organization to express their opinion.
3. Financial Reports forms the backbone for financial planning, analysis, benchmarking
and decision making.
4. Financial reporting helps organizations to raise capital both domestic as well as
5. On the basis of financials, the public in large can analyze the performance of the
organization as well as of its management.
6. For the purpose of bidding, labor contract, government supplies etc., organizations are
required to furnish their financial reports & statements.
Financial Statement Analysis Framework :
Following are the SIX steps, phases or stages in financial statement analysis framework:
Part 2
Accounting Policies and their impact on Financial Analysis
Accounting Policies and their impact on Financial Analysis
Accounting Policies and their impact on Financial Analysis
The choice of accounting policy could significantly affect the analysis of financial statements in the following
• Policy on asset valuation particularly regarding land and building. In this situation, historical cost may or may
not be departed from. This will affect profit through depreciation charges and balance sheet structure.
• Depreciation policy will certainly affect profit and assets value.
• The method adopted in the valuation of stock (LIFO, FIFO) will impact profit, ending inventory as well as
liquidity ratio.
• Goodwill valuation and method of elimination from the financial statements.
• Lease allocation between operating and finance lease and the method of allocating finance charges relating to
the type of lease.
• Research and development policy regarding possible capitalization of development costs and policy on
• Use of temporal or closing rate method for translation of foreign trading operations.
Hence, in analyzing and interpreting financial statements, it is very important to take into consideration the
accounting policies adopted by the reporting entity. This will enable the users to know how the accounting
policies impact the items in the financial position and income statement.
End of Part 2
Accounting Policies and their impact on Financial Analysis
Thank you