Heat Transfer: One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

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Heat Transfer (ME 423)

Chapter 2

One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

Instructor: Dr. Hassan Fagehi

• The objective is to determine expressions for the temperature
distribution and heat transfer rate in common (planar, cylindrical, and
spherical) geometries.
• For such geometries, an additional objective is to introduce the
concept of thermal resistance
• Study of fins that are used to enhance heat transfer by convection to
an adjoining fluid.
• Our objective is to introduce performance parameters that may be
used to determine the efficacy of fins.

1.The Plane Wall
For one-dimensional conduction in a plane wall,
temperature is a function of the x-coordinate
only and heat is transferred exclusively in this

1.1 Temperature Distribution

The temperature distribution in the wall can be determined
by solving the heat equation with the proper boundary
(See chapter 1 page 22)

The general solution is:

1.The Plane Wall
The conduction heat transfer rate:

The heat flux is:

2.Thermal Resistance

2.Thermal Resistance
For heat transfer by convection:

The thermal resistance for convection is then:

Since qx is constant throughout the wall:

The thermal resistance is :

Problem 1
A 0.1-m-thick brick wall is exposed to a cold wind at 270 K through a convection heat
transfer coefficient of 40 W/m2 K. On the other side is calm air at 330 K, with a natural-
convection heat transfer coefficient of 10 W/m 2 K.
Calculate the rate of heat transfer per unit area (i.e., the heat flux).
The three resistances are:

The rate of heat transfer per unit area is:

2.1. Composite Wall with series configuration
Consider the series composite wall

The overall heat transfer coefficient U

Problem 2
Consider a 0.8 m high and 1.5 m wide double-pane window consisting of two 4 mm thick layers of
glass (k = 0.78 W/m·°C) separated by a 10 mm wide stagnant air space (k = 0.026 W/m·°C). The room
is maintained at 20°C while the temperature of the outdoors is -10°C.
1) Determine the thermal resistances
2) Determine the rate of heat transfer through this double-pane window
3) Determine the temperature T1 of the inner surface. Take the convection heat transfer coefficients on
the inner and outer surfaces of the window to be h 1 = 10 W/m2 °C and h2 = 40 W/m2 °C

The area of window is:
1)The thermal resistances are:

The total resistance is:

2) The rate of heat transfer through the window

3) The inner surface temperature of the window

2.2. Composite Wall with parallel configuration
Conduction can occur in a section with two different materials in parallel

The rate of heat transfer is:

The thermal resistance is :

When the resistances are parallel

2.3. Composite Wall with series-parallel configuration
Composite walls may also be characterized
by series–parallel configurations

The thermal resistance is :

Problem 3
We consider a 1 m deep and 0.25 m high portion of a wall consists of long 16 cm ͯ 22 cm cross section
horizontal bricks (k = 0.72 W/m·°C) separated by 3 cm hick plaster layers (k = 0.22 W/m .°C). There are
also 2 cm thick plaster layers on each side of the brick and a 3 cm thick rigid foam (k =0.026 W/m·°C) on
the inner side of the wall, as shown in Figure. The indoor and the outdoor temperatures are
20°C and -10°C, and the convection heat transfer coefficients on the inner and the outer sides are
h1 = 10 W/m2·°C and h2 = 25 W/m2·°C, respectively.
1) Determine the thermal resistances
2) Determine the rate of heat transfer through the portion of the wall.

1)The thermal resistances are:


The three resistances R3, R4, and R5 in the middle are parallel, and their
equivalent resistance is

The total resistance is:

2) The rate of heat transfer through the window

2.4. Cylindrical wall
For radial conduction in a cylindrical wall, the thermal resistance is of the form:

2.5. Composite Cylindrical wall

The rate of heat transfer is:

2.6. Spherical wall
For radial conduction in a spherical wall, the thermal resistance is of the form:

The rate of heat transfer is:

Spherical composites may be treated in much the same way as composite walls and
cylinders, where appropriate forms of the total resistance and overall heat transfer coefficient may
be determined.
3. Summary of One-Dimensional Conduction Results
Many important problems are characterized by one-dimensional, steady-state conduction in plane,
cylindrical, or spherical walls without thermal energy generation. Key results for these three geometries
are summarized in Table 3:


4. Fins of Uniform Cross Section
Fins are used to increase the heat transfer from a surface by increasing the effective
surface area. To determine the heat transfer rate associated with a fin, we must first
obtain the temperature distribution along the fin.

Figure 1: Fin configurations. Figure 2: Straight fins of uniform cross section. (a) Rectangular
(a) Straight fin of uniform cross section. fin. (b) Pin fin.
(b) Straight fin of nonuniform cross
section. (c) Annular fin. ( d) Pin fin. 18
4. Fins of Uniform Cross Section
Schematic representation of four boundary conditions at the tip of a fin:

4. Fins of Uniform Cross Section
The equations for temperature distribution and rate of heat transfer for fins of uniform cross
section for all four cases are summarized in Table 2.

where P is the perimeter of the pin

Problem 4
Consider a copper pin fin 0.25 cm in diameter that protrudes from a wall at 95°C into
ambient air at 25°C as shown in Figure. The heat transfer is mainly by natural convection
with a coefficient equal to 10 W/m2 K.
The thermal conductivity of the copper is k = 396 W/m K.
Calculate the heat loss, assuming that:
(a)the fin is “infinitely long”
(b)the fin is 2.5 cm long and the coefficient at the end is the same as around the

(a) From table 2 the heat loss for the “infinitely long” fin is

(b) The equation for the heat loss from the finite fin is
case 4 in Table 2:

5. Fin Performance
For evaluating the fin effectiveness ηf. It is defined
as the ratio of the fin heat transfer rate to the heat
transfer rate that would exist without the fin:

Schematic diagrams of
different types of fins:
(a) longitudinal
fin of rectangular profile;
(b) cylindrical tube with fins of
rectangular profile;
(c) longitudinal fin of
trapezoidal profile;
(d) longitudinal fin of
parabolic profile;
(e) cylindrical tube with radial
fin of rectangular profile;
(f) cylindrical tube with radial
fin of truncated conical
profile; (g) cylindrical pin fin;
(h) truncated conical spine;
(i) parabolic spine.

5. Fin Performance

Figure 5.1 shows the efficiency of rectangular and triangular fins. 23

5. Fin Performance

Figure 5.2 shows the fin efficiency for circumferential fins of rectangular cross section
Problem 5
To increase the heat dissipation from a 2.5-cm-OD tube, circumferential fins made of aluminum (k 200
W/m K) are soldered to the outer surface. The fins are 0.1 cm thick and have an outer diameter of 5.5
cm as shown in Figure. If the tube temperature is 100°C, the environmental temperature is 25°C, and
the heat transfer coefficient between the fins and the environment is 65 W/m 2 K.
(a) Determine the fin efficiency.
(b) Calculate the rate of heat loss from a fin.

(a) The geometry of the fin in this problem corresponds to that in Fig. 5.2, and we can therefore use
the fin efficiency curve in Fig. 5.2. The parameters required to obtain the fin efficiency are:

(b) Calculate the rate of heat loss from a fin


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