Charging For Civil Engineering Services: Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Fixed Price, Percentage of Construction Cost and Schedule of Minimum Fees

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The document discusses six common methods for charging civil engineering services: salary cost times multiplier plus expenses, hourly billing rates plus expenses, per diem, cost plus fixed fee, fixed price, and percentage of construction cost. It also discusses schedules for minimum fees.

The six methods discussed are: 1) salary cost times multiplier plus expenses, 2) hourly billing rates plus expenses, 3) per diem, 4) cost plus fixed fee, 5) fixed price, and 6) percentage of construction cost. The appropriateness of each method depends on factors like the nature, scope, and complexity of the required services.

When using the cost plus fixed fee method, the scope of services must be defined, cost estimates provided, and the fixed fee amount agreed upon. It is applicable when services need to begin before the full scope can be determined. The agreement should allow for adjustments if the scope, time, or effort levels change significantly.



Reported by:
Charges for Civil Engineering Services are usually computed
using one of the six methods:

 1. Salary cost times multiplier plus direct non-

salary expense (“Reimbursable”)
 2. Hourly Billing Rates plus Reimbursable

 3. Per Diem

 4. Cost plus fixed fee (“CPFF”)

 5. Fixed Price

 6. Percentage of Construction Cost (“Percentage”)

 Schedule of Minimum Basic Fee

Combination of methods of payments for different phases
of the contract may be used. The method or combination if
methods used depends upon the nature, scope, and
complexity of services required by the client.
The first four methods are based upon the Civil Engineers
costs to perform services. They are particularly applicable
to assignments where the scope of services is not self

The fixed price and percentage of constructive cost methods

are based upon a specific deliverable and do require that the
be well defined.
The cost plus fixed fee method provides more flexibility to
accommodate both scope and fee changes than do either the
fixed price or percentage or construction cost methods.
4. The cost plus fixed fee method

The cost plus fixed fee basis requires, as a prerequisite to equitable negotiations, that the
client and the Civil Engineer define and agree upon the scope of services the Civil
Engineer is to perform. Such definition of the scope of service is essential to enable the
Civil Engineer to estimate costs and propose an equitable fixed fee amount. The scope of
services, cost estimate, and fixed fee should be incorporated into the client-engineer

can be used when the CE is required to start providing service

before the detailed scope of services can be determined. In such
cases, the following considerations apply:
1. The general scale and intent of the project should be fairly well
defined, even if the full scope is indeterminate; for example, the
number, size, and character of buildings or other facilities, the type
of utilities, & other such essential information should be available.

2. The types of service to be performed by the CE should be agreed

upon and fully set forth. The agreements should also provide for
appropriate adjustments in the fixed fee, in the event that the
physical scope of the project, time of completion, or level of effort
and services required are materially changed over those
contemplated during the negotiations.
5. Fixed Fee 6. Percentage of Construction Cost

Is frequently used for The Percentage of Construction Cost

investigations and studies and method is seldom used raw.
for basic services on design type
projects where the scope and The Percentage of construction cost
complexity of the assignment method may be used to determine the
are clearly and fully defined. compensation of the engineer for
services where the principal
responsibility is the detailed design
A fixed price agreement should or construction supervision of
contain a clearly stated time period. facilities to be constructed.
Construction cost is defined as the estimated total cost of
constructing the facility to be covered by the proposed
detailed design or construction supervision services, excluding
the fees and other costs of such services, the cost of land
and right-of-way, and legal and administrative expenses.

The percentage fee shall consider the

type, complexity, location, and magnitude
of construction cost of the project and
shall not exceed the following
percentages of estimated construction

a. Feasibility studies 3%

b. Detailed engineering design 6%

c. Detailed architectural and engineering

design 8%

d. Construction supervision 10%

Principles to observe:

1. When doing work on foreign assisted 3. A Civil Engineer

projects, or in projects where international; employed in the private
consultants participate, the Civil Engineer sector who signs and seals
performing similar or equivalent work, should the Civil Engineering
accept compensation that approximates the plans, specifications and
international standard rates. other related documents
of a certain project for
2. Civil Engineers regularly employed in the and in behalf of his
private sector shall have a minimum employers shall be
compensation corresponding to 10% more compensated with a
than the minimum wage prevailing in the region minimum of 10% of the
as basic monthly salary. Civil Engineers professional fee for
employed in the government sector shall have a the project, over and
minimum basic monthly salary corresponding to above the basic monthly
appropriate entry positions provided by the salary.
Civil Service Commission.
Part A Minimum Compensation for CE as Prime Professional

Group I Simple structures such as loft,

warehouses, garages, sheds, market
buildings, and comparable projects of
one but not more than two stories.
Group II Buildings of 3 stories up to 14 stories, towers,
tanks, exhibition buildings, memorials, industrial
buildings, simple bridges, low dams, piers, wharves, bins
and silos and comparable projects.
Group III Buildings with 15 stories or more floors, long
span and complex bridges, high dams, major port works
power plants and other complex structures not covered
in Group I and II.
Part B Minimum Compensation for CE as not Prime Professional – When CE
renders basic Engineering Design Services only his fee shall be as follows:

Group IV Hotels, large apartment

buildings, office buildings, shopping
centers, store buildings, resorts,
hospitals, and comparable projects.

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