HR Effectiveness

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HR Cultural Transformation

2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University

An interactive session focused on defining the cultural traits, desired behaviors and
strategies for HR transformation within and across DC Government agencies.

An overview of the HR Effectiveness initiatives will be shared and participants will

be engaged in shaping the HR cultural model for sustainable high performance and
effectiveness of HR services.

Our objective is to gain a consensus on the priorities for the HR cultural traits,
identify plans to operationalize the traits and competencies district-wide and
support branding efforts for a sustainable high performing HR community.

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Timing Key Topic Facilitator
00:00 – 00.15 Introduction & overview of transformation Kimberly Williams
 The DCHR Transformation journey & Aon Hewitt
 Key milestones
 Implementation plans with key strategic initiatives
 Projects 2013 -2014 (recruiting service delivery, training and development)

00:15 – 00.60 Defining DCHR’s transformed culture Aon Hewitt

00:15 – 00.30 Background
   Where we started the journey and key gaps in desired culture
   Cultural traits of high performing organizations
   Recommended cultural traits for DCHR
 00:30 – 00.60 Making it real for DCHR
   Definitions cultural traits for DCHR
 Ranking and rating the cultural traits
 Your feedback around the cultural traits and their definitions
 Discussion around the core elements of the prioritized cultural traits

00:60 – 00.90 How do we operationalize these cultural traits? Aon Hewitt

00:60 – 00.85 What do we change?
   What are the marked changes in behaviors that we want to demonstrate for each cultural trait?
  2013 HR Summit  How would you practice these changes?
  2013 HR Summit 
September 25-26,How 2013will you hold each other accountable?
 00:85 – 00.90 Next
September 25-26, 2013steps
Kellogg Conference
 Hotel
Kellogg Conference
Finalized at Gallaudet University
and behaviors

Gallaudet University Branding

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Our Journey… Finalize Culture Traits
September-October 2013

Continue HR Culture
Transformation WorK December 2013
September 2013
Customer Care Strategy Launch
November-December 2012
Job Specification Re-engineering
(Class & Comp)
February 2013
Finalized Assessment
and Recommendations
November 2012
Launch HRE Workstreams
(L&D, Recruit & Staff)
April 2013

2012: Our journey Began Next Phase Action Planning

January-February 2013

Began Next Phase Action Planning

January-February 2013

Culture Assessment Work

(Interviews, Surveys, etc.)
September-October 2012

Began HR Culture Transformation Work

2013 HR SummitSeptember 2012
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg ConferenceDirector
Hotel at Gallaudet University
Stokes Appointment
April 2011
What Have We Done?
What Have We Done?
• Three HR Effectiveness Work Streams were identified from the comprehensive
1. Learning and Development
2. Recruitment and Staffing
3. Customer Care and Cultural Transformation

• Activated Work Streams 1 and 2 in April 2013

• Classification and Compensation Reform committee continued its efforts as

planned with Labor Management Team.

• Cultural Transformation work will launch by September 2013 through

partnership with the consulting firm and LMPC.

• DCHR Customer Care Strategy first pilot was launched in November 2012 and
2013 HR Summit
second pilot in July 2013.
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University

HR Effectiveness Strategy August 2013

How Did We Get Here?
Why the HR Effectiveness Initiatives?
• Obtain clear understanding and oversight for training and the development
opportunities for employees across the District.

• 2012 DC Department of Human Resources (DCHR) engaged a consulting firm

to conduct a comprehensive analysis of HR Services, Culture and Training.

• Survey results validated key areas for improvement.

• Classification and Compensation Reform had already begun. Work originated

in 2002 as part of Labor Management and DC Government Administration

• DCHR had already launched the Customer Care Strategy efforts at the end of

HR Summit
had already begun the SWOT analysis with HR community to gain
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg on HRHotel
Conference services, processes
at Gallaudet Universityand systems.

HR Effectiveness Strategy August 2013

What Does this Mean?
Job Specifications

Career Paths ensure Learning &

that employees have Development
skills necessary to Career Learning & courses will be
perform at job Management Development linked to specific
specification levels. Career Paths and
Career Progression
Plans at all levels.

Core Competencies Learning &

will be defined by Core Development
and linked to the
Performance courses will focus on
Performance Management Competencies Core Competency
Management development.
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University
Cultural Traits
HR Effectiveness Strategy August 2013
Where Are We?
Defined Framework for the following:
• Standard Job Specifications
• Career Progression Program
• Learning and Development Strategy and Governance
• Framework that links learning to Career Management Paths
and Career Progression
• Delivery of Recruitment and Staffing Services

2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University

HR Effectiveness Strategy August 2013

Learning and Development

Empower District employees through cutting edge learning and development opportunities that
support career development and growth which results in a high performing government.
Improving lives through learning!

• Provide oversight for learning and development for District government employees
• Ensure career management is integrated into learning and development
• Establish a structured base level assessment and evaluation process to ensure quality and
effective learning and development
• Create synergy between learning and development programs and an employee’s career
• Utilize a blended learning model to enhance and increase delivery options

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Recruitment and Staffing

To have every Talent Acquisition be a memorable “Red Carpet” experience for all of our

• Design and implement a reliable and consistent service delivery model for all employment
• Ensure processes are clearly defined and aligned to the acquisition and management of talent
• Drive organizational strategy with effective partnerships, tools, and systems
• Establish standard service level agreements
• Provide clear centralized HR governance and oversight for talent acquisition and management
• Position the District Government as an employer of choice

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
What’s Next?
• Ongoing Communication of HR Effectiveness Strategy
• Finalize and implement the transition plans
– Classification and Reform - FY2014
– Learning and Development Strategy and System (ELM) – 1Q FY2014
– Recruitment and Staffing Framework and System (ATS) – FY2014
• Policies impacting the service delivery model
• Secure an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
• Implement services on the ATS
• Commence the HR Cultural Transformation initiative – Sept

2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University

HR Effectiveness Strategy August 2013


2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Defining Culture

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
What were the Culture Gaps?

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
High Performing Culture Profiles
High-Performing Culture Profiles by Strategy
Rank order of
Primary Strategy within High-Performing Companies
All High-
difference from
average company Performing
profile Companies Innovation Customer Service Quality Cost Leadership

1 Decisive Decisive Decisive Proactive Enterprise-focused

2 Long-term oriented Risk-taking Open/ Transparent Long-term oriented Long-term oriented

3 Proactive Long-term oriented Long-term oriented People oriented Collaborative

4 Open/ Transparent Proactive Proactive Open/Transparent Results-oriented

5 People oriented Growth-focused Action-oriented Decisive Decisive

Bold text indicates unique difference from overall high-performing culture profile.

Top Culture Traits of Low-Performing Companies:

 Short-term oriented
!  Indecisive
 Reactive
 Secretive/Closed
 Task-oriented

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit While these culture/operating environment descriptors are valuable, it
September 25-26, 2013 is necessary to identify and align the cultural drivers that will have
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hoteltheatmost
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Gallaudet University
impact on creating and sustaining the high-performing culture
that supports business objectives.
Gallaudet University
Source: Aon Hewitt’s Consulting Engagement 2.0 Study
How Do We Transform?

Sustainable cultural change would involve touching all dimensions

of the culture namely:

• Decisions (How we make decisions)

• Interactions (How we interact with each other)
• Strategy & Business Model (What assumptions should we
have about our strategy and business model)

As we prioritize key culture traits to focus on, we would want to

touch on all key elements of culture.
2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Recommended Traits for DCHR
Extent of
Culture Trait Base Definition Dimension
Proactive Acting with foresight serving to prepare for, intervene in, Strategy & BM 2.5
or control an expected occurrence or situation
Accountable Work is completed with individual ownership and Interactions 2.1
responsibility for process and outcomes
Decision Making – Quick Decisions are made and implemented in a short amount Decisions 2.0
of time with limited bureaucracy or approvals
Open / Transparent Expressing thoughts and feelings in a direct, candid and Interactions 1.8
honest way; willing to listen to or accept different ideas
or opinions
Collaborative Most work is done or preferred to be done in teams with Interactions 1.6
common objectives
Results oriented Focused on goal attainment; practical, concentrating on Decisions 1.5
achieving a purpose
Flexible Work is done with general guidelines that allow Strategy & BM 1.1
adaptability and adjustments to met changes or
2013 HR Summit
Externally focused Focus and attention placed on managing the Strategy & BM 0.5
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013 organization's external environment, customers,
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel competitive
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudetforces,
markets, political, regulatory and
economic environment
Gallaudet University
Making The Desired Culture
Real (Part 1)

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Prioritization Activity

Time Task Instructions

XX minutes Culture Trait  Based on the Culture Survey findings and the recommended culture traits for
Identification DCHR, identify the top three traits important to bringing Mayor Gray’s ONE
CITY initiative to life
 Reflect on why you consider each identified trait important by writing these
down on a pad
 One-by-one, explain your top three traits from the list and provide your
explanation as to why you think this is an important trait
 Discuss as a group any traits identified that require further clarification

XX minutes Culture Trait  Based on the group discussion, identify the top three traits that would be most
Prioritization important for DCHR to support the ONE CITY initiative
 Mark your top three traits on the recommended trait list using the dots
 Based on the dots and general consensus, determine what the top 3 traits are
as a group
 List these three traits identified on the chart found on the following worksheet

XX minutes Culture Trait  With each top trait identified, discuss the key topics below:
Analysis – Definition: How would you define the trait? What are some key
2013 HR Summit identifiers (behaviors, actions, etc.) to the trait?
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013 – Risk/Gaps: What are the possible barriers that would make the traits
September 25-26, 2013 hard to manifest in DCHR?
Kellogg Conference
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Hotel at Gallaudet
 University
Note any key takeaways identified
Gallaudet University
Prioritization Chart

Focus Areas Analysis

Key Definition Risks/Gaps
How would you define the trait? What are some key What are the possible barriers that would make the
identifiers (behaviors, actions, etc.) to the trait? traits hard to manifest in DCHR?




2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Making The Desired Culture
Real (Part 2)

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Operationalizing Activity
Time Task Instructions
XX minutes Defining Behaviors  Based on each final trait prioritized and aligned to by the group, discuss the
key topics below:
– Current State: Does the trait manifest itself in DCHR today? Why or why
– Future State: How should the trait manifest itself in DCHR? What
identifiers (behaviors, actions, etc.) would prove that the trait is
 List your answers on the cart found on the following worksheet

XX minutes Defining  As a group, discuss how we can hold each of the key stakeholder groups
Accountability accountable for manifesting the prioritized trait:
– HR Advisors
– Agency Leaders
– DCHR Staff
– DCHR Leadership
 List potential action items, solutions, activities, etc. that each key stakeholder
group can do.

XX minutes Defining Action Plan  Based on the group discussion, identify the TOP key action item, solution,
and Success activity, etc. for each stakeholder group
 List each identified action item, solution, activity for each stakeholder group
2013 HR Summit on the chart found on the following worksheet
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013  Define how your group can ensure/support each stakeholder group’s
September 25-26, 2013 success in accomplishing the action item, solution, activity, etc.
Kellogg Conference
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Hotel at Gallaudet
 University
Define a reasonable timeline as to when the action item, solution, activity, etc.
Gallaudet University can be completed.
Defining Behaviors

Focus Areas Defining the Trait Behaviors

Key Current State Future State
Does the trait manifest itself in DCHR today? How should the trait manifest itself in DCHR? What
Why or why not? identifiers would prove that the trait is manifesting?




2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Defining Actions and Success
Key Activity Key Activity
How we will How we will
ensure success? Advisors ensure success?
When it should When it should
be completed? be completed?

DCHR Agency
Leadership Driven Leaders
Key Activity Key Activity
How we will How we will
ensure success? ensure success?
DCHR Staff
WhenHR Summit
it should When it should
HR Summit be completed?
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University
Next Steps

2013 HR Summit
2013 HR Summit
September 25-26, 2013
September 25-26, 2013
Kellogg Conference Hotel
Kellogg Conference Hotel
at Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University

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