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Photosynthetic response in spinach leaves to apple cider vinegar

Lauren Kosslow, Disha Patel, Allison Pavlan, Isabelle Schroeder

Seton Hill University SBL 163 01

Introduction Materials and Methods Conclusions and Discussion

Apple cider vinegar can be linked to various
positive health effects in humans, but its effect on ● 4 concentration levels were created by combining apple cider vinegar The objective was successfully met; the effects of
Figure 3:
plants is not commonly studied. Apple cider vinegar and a sodium bicarbonate solution. The 4 concentrations included 5%, Fresh Express different concentrations of apple cider vinegar on
is produced from raw materials in a two stage 10%, 25%, and 50%. Baby Spinach photosynthesis rate in spinach leaves were observed.
fermentation to initially produce ethanol and ● A control was also used, equaling a total of 5 concentration levels. Based on the results, the hypothesis that the rate
Leaves before
eventually produce acetic acid. A functional ● The experiment was run twice, resulting in each of the 5 concentration of photosynthesis in spinach would increase with the
and after being
therapeutic property of apple cider vinegar is levels being replicated for a total of 10 treatments. bored with a addition of apple cider vinegar diluted with a sodium
antioxidant activity (Budak et al. 2014). Antioxidant ● The sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar solution needed to bicarbonate solution was accepted. Because the pH of
cork borer.
activity can be linked to enhance photosynthesis. equal 100 mL while maintaining the correct concentration. the sodium bicarbonate solution was basic, it reacted
Enhanced antioxidants can be beneficial to ● An example of the equation used would be 5 mL apple cider vinegar + with the acidic pH of the apple cider vinegar and
photosynthesis because it desensitizes photosynthesis 95 mL sodium carbonate = 5% concentration. The solutions were lowered it. Therefore, it resulted in a nearly ideal pH
to over-reduction, and can even alleviate over- added into plastic cups. for the spinach (Invers et al. 1977). Apple cider
reduction in some cases (Foyer and Shigeoka 2011). ● Approximately 100 discs of spinach leaves were cut using a cork vinegar also provides antioxidant activity, which can
The pH of apple cider vinegar is between 2.8-3.0, borer. Figure 4:
enhance photosynthesis. Antioxidants can prevent
while the ideal pH for spinach is 6.0-7.5 (Menendez ● The discs were then saturated in a solution of sodium bicarbonate and Discs of Fresh
over-reduction during photosynthesis, which could
et al. 2001). The apple cider vinegar was diluted with soap. Express Baby
cause proteins to denature (Budak et al. 2014).
a sodium bicarbonate solution, which has a basic pH. ● 10 discs were placed into each of the 10 plastic cups containing the Spinach
A future suggestion for this experiment would be
sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar solution. suspended in a
to use a pH meter to monitor the pH of the solution
● The cups were then placed under the same level of light intensity to sodium
over the allotted time. This would allow the pH to be
serve as a control. bicarbonate
Hypothesis and soap
more accurately measured. Another suggestion would
● The number of discs floating was recorded every 5 minutes until all 10 be to use different types of vinegar to see if any
The rate of photosynthesis will increase due to discs in all 10 cups were floating. solution.
results differed.
increased antioxidants and a nearly ideal pH
produced from the combination of basic baking soda
and acidic apple cider vinegar.

Figure 1: The
chemical used in Results
the experiment,
Great Value™ ● The averages and standard deviations were obtained from two test trials over a 30 minute period in sodium bicarbonate
Apple Cider solution and Apple Cider Vinegar in 20, 10, 5, 0.5, and a control concentration under a 30 centimeter light level.
Vinegar. ● All concentrations of vinegar including the control group resulted in 0.5 leaf disks floating over a 20 minute time period.
● Standard deviations for the 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, and control group were 2, 0, 0, 0, and 1.65 respectively.

Figure 7: The apple cider vinegar and sodium

bicarbonate solution in the process of being added
to 10 plastic cups.

The objective is to study the effects of apple cider vinegar References
on the photosynthetic rate of spinach leaf disks.

. Budak, N. H., Aykin, E., Seydim, A., Greene, A., Guzel-Seydim, Z.

Figure 2: The 2014. Functional properties of vinegar. Journal of Food Science. Vol.
spinach leaves used 79, Issue 59. Pg. R757-R764.
in the experiment,
Fresh Express Figure 5: Raw data and number of spinach leaf disks Figure 6: Average number of spinach leaf disks floating per Foyer, C. H., Shigeoka, S. 2011. Understanding oxidative stress and
minute in different concentrations of vinegar antioxidant functions to enhance photosynthesis. American Society
Baby Spinach. floating in different concentrations of apple cider vinegar in of Plant Biologists. Vol. 155, Issue 1. Pg. 93-100.
5 minute intervals
Invers, O., Romero, J., Pérez, M. 1997. Effects of pH on seagrass
photosynthesis: a laboratory and field assessment. Journal of Aquatic
Botany. Vol. 59, Issues 3-4. Pg. 185-194.

Menéndez, M., Martínez, M., Comín, F. A. 2001. A comparative

study of the effect of pH and inorganic carbon resources on the
photosynthesis of three floating macroalgae species of a
Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology. Vol. 256, Issue 1. Pg. 123-136.


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