Physics &cosmos
Physics &cosmos
Physics &cosmos
Physics &Cosmos
The Big bang
Theory of Relativity
• time dillation, length contraction,
cosmic speed limit and mass energy
Planets Beyond the Solar System
Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s
EM theory
consequences of the postulate of G-
Correct prediction of shift in the orbit of
Gravitational bending of lights
Black hole
Expanding universe
Doppler effect
How Doppler effect detect extra solar planet
Pluto no longer considered as planet.
Proponent of Big Bang
Monsignor Georges Edwin Powell
Lemaitre Huble
Big Bang Theory
14 billion years ago
singularity expansion
explosion inflation
time, space and matter
such as (quarks and
anti quarks)
infinitely HOT,SMALL &
General Relativity Theory
• Gravitational lensing
• Changes in the orbit of Mercury
• Frame-dragging of space-time
around rotating bodies
• Gravitational redshift
• Gravitational waves
Notable exoplanets:
51 Pegasi b
HD 209458 b
55 Cancri e
HD 80606 b
• A black hole is a place in space where
gravity pulls so much that even light
can not get out. The gravity is so strong
because matter has been squeezed into a
tiny space. This can happen when a star
is dying.
• Another kind of black hole is called
"stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times
more than the mass of the sun.
• The largest black holes are called
"supermassive." These black
holes have masses that are more
than 1 million suns together.
• The supermassive black hole at
the center of the Milky Way
galaxy is called Sagittarius A.
• Scientists
How Do think the smallest
Black Holes black
formed when the universe began.
• Stellar black holes are made when the
center of a very big star falls in upon
itself, or collapses. When this happens, it
causes a supernova.
• The sun will never turn into a black hole.
The sun is not a big enough star to make
a black hole.
How Is NASA Studying Black Holes?