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Physics &cosmos

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Physics &Cosmos
The Big bang
Theory of Relativity
• time dillation, length contraction,
cosmic speed limit and mass energy
 Planets Beyond the Solar System
Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s
EM theory
consequences of the postulate of G-
 Correct prediction of shift in the orbit of
 Gravitational bending of lights
 Black hole
Expanding universe
Doppler effect
How Doppler effect detect extra solar planet
 Pluto no longer considered as planet.
Proponent of Big Bang
Monsignor Georges Edwin Powell
Lemaitre Huble
Big Bang Theory
14 billion years ago
singularity expansion
explosion inflation
time, space and matter
such as (quarks and
anti quarks)
 infinitely HOT,SMALL &
General Relativity Theory

 general relativity theory was

published in 1915.
 determined that massive objects
cause a distortion in space-time
Einstein’s theory was based on two key

• The principle of relativity: The laws of physics

don’t change, even for objects moving in
inertial (constant speed) frames of reference.
• The principle of the speed of light: The speed
of light is the same for all observers,
regardless of their motion relative to the light
source. (Physicists write this speed using the
symbol c.)
Experimental evidence:

• Gravitational lensing
• Changes in the orbit of Mercury
• Frame-dragging of space-time
around rotating bodies
• Gravitational redshift
• Gravitational waves

• Time dilation is the phenomenon

of time passing slower for an
observer who is moving relative to
another observer.
Length Contraction
• length of objects moving at relativistic
speeds undergoes a contraction along
the dimension of motion. An observer at
rest (relative to the moving object) would
observe the moving object to be shorter
in length.
• Note that the length contraction is only
significant when the object is moving at
relativistic speeds. 
Mass Energy Equivalence
• states that mass and energy are
one and the same.

• E=mc2 is the famous equation of

Einstein in theory of Relativity
Exoplanets are planets beyond our own solar system.

Notable exoplanets:

51 Pegasi b
HD 209458 b
55 Cancri e
HD 80606 b
• A black hole is a place in space where
gravity pulls so much that even light
can not get out. The gravity is so strong
because matter has been squeezed into a
tiny space. This can happen when a star
is dying.
• Another kind of black hole is called
"stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times
more than the mass of the sun. 
• The largest black holes are called
"supermassive." These black
holes have masses that are more
than 1 million suns together. 
• The supermassive black hole at
the center of the Milky Way
galaxy is called Sagittarius A. 
• Scientists
How Do think the smallest
Black Holes black
formed when the universe began.
• Stellar black holes are made when the
center of a very big star falls in upon
itself, or collapses. When this happens, it
causes a supernova. 
• The sun will never turn into a black hole.
The sun is not a big enough star to make
a black hole.
How Is NASA Studying Black Holes?

NASA is using satellites and telescopes

that are traveling in space to learn
more about black holes. These
spacecraft help scientists answer
questions about the universe.
• two centuries earlier
astronomers had been
aware of a small flaw in
Mercury's orbit around
the Sun, as predicted by
Newton's laws. As the
closest planet to the
Sun, Mercury orbits a
region in the solar
system where space
time is disturbed by t he
Sun's mass.
• Mercury's elliptical path around the Sun
shifts slightly with each orbit such that
its closest point to the Sun (or
"perihelion") shifts forward with each
pass. Newton's theory had predicted an
advance only half as large as the one
actually observed. Einstein's predictions
exactly matched the observation.
How we know that we live in an
expanding UNIVERSE?

• A few years after Albert Einstein had

developed his famous (and by now very
well tested!) theory of General Relativity
(GR) in 1915 he applied it to the entire
universe and found something
remarkable. The theory predicts that the
whole universe is either expanding or
• Edwin Hubble measured the velocities of
a large selection of galaxies.
• the farther away a galaxy is the faster it
is moving away from us. This fits in very
well with Einstein's predictions. The
space in between the galaxies is
stretching! And the farther away a galaxy
is the more space there is to stretch so
the faster the galaxy appears to move
away from us.
It is the change in frequency
(and wavelength) due to
relative motion of the source
and observer. It applies to both
sound and light (although they
are somewhat different
mathematically). Note that it
can occur when either the
source, observer, or both are
moving – it is only necessary
that the relative separation be
increasing or decreasing.
How are the speeds and distances of far-off objects estimated?

• Red-shift is very different, it is a measure of

speed based on the Doppler effect. Objects
moving away from us, or towards us, stretch or
compress the wavelength of waves from them
from our perspective. That is why a police car
siren changes in pitch as it speeds past you. This
is the Doppler effect. The same thing happens
with light. If things move away from you the
light coming from them will shift towards the
red end of the spectrum. This is called Red Shift.
• The color at which something burns is
explained by what it is made of, very
precisely. So we can tell what a star is
made of by its color. We can also tell
how red-shifted its color is from our
perspective so that tells us how fast it is
moving towards, or much more
commonly away from, us. That gives us
an accurate measurement of its speed.
• As a planet revolves around a star, it
actually wiggles the star a bit (the bigger
the planet, the more it wiggles the star).
This causes the star to be moving towards
as a bit, then away from us a bit (and
repeat forever).
• As a star moves away from us, the
Doppler effect (also known as a redshift)
makes the star appear a little redder and
as a star moves towards us, it appears a
little bluer.
• If we see a star, getting a little bluer, then
a little redder, then a little bluer again
and so on, you know that the star is
wiggling, and that would only be caused
if the star has something in its orbit, like
a planet.
The International
Astronomical Union(IAU)
defined a planet as an object

 orbits the sun  is not a satellite (moon)

of another object

 has sufficient mass to  has removed debris and

be round, or nearly small objects from the
round area around its orbit
 Pluto meets only two of these criteria, losing
out on the third. In all the billions of years it
has lived there, it has not managed to clear
its neighborhood.  This means that the
planet has become gravitationally dominant
-- there are no other bodies of comparable
size other than its own satellites or those
otherwise under its gravitational influence,
in its vicinity in space
• So any large body that does not meet
these criteria is now classed as a “dwarf
planet,” and that includes Pluto, which
shares its orbital neighborhood with
Kuiper belt objects such as the plutinos.

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