Signals and Systems EE-315: Muhammad Asim Butt Asim - Butt@umt -

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Signals And Systems


Lecture 1

Muhammad Asim Butt

[email protected]
Surah Al-Hujurat
Course Information
 Instructor: Muhammad Asim Butt
[email protected]

 Course Web Page


 Text Book
 Signals & Systems by Simon Haykin.
 Reference
 Signals & Systems by Allan V. Oppenheim.
Relationship to other Modules

• Pre-requisites
– Engineering Mathematics

• Dependent Courses:
 Control
 Communication Systems
Course Learning Outcomes
 CLO 1: Describe signals mathematically, identify signal types,
determine basic operations on continuous-time and discrete-time
signals and classify the systems on the basis of their properties.
(Level C3)
 CLO 2: Represent the signals and LTI system in time domain to
determine the response of the LTI systems to any input signal.
(Level C4)
 CLO 3: Represent four types of signals in frequency domain to
analyze signals and LTI-systems. (Level C4)
 CLO 4: Represent discrete time signals by using more general
representation namely z-transform, and compute z transform of
signals to analyze a broader class of signals and LTI systems.
(Level C3)

• Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are traits which program

want to inculcate in its graduates by the time of graduation.
• It is expected that by the time of graduation the students must
have attained
• a specific set of knowledge,
• skills and
• behavioral traits.
1 2 3 4

PLO 1: Engineering Knowledge       

PLO 2: Problem Analysis        
PLO 1: Engineering Knowledge

 An ability to apply knowledge of

o mathematics,
o science,
o engineering fundamentals and
o an engineering specialization

to the solution of
o complex engineering problems.
PLO 2: Problem Analysis
 An ability to
o identify,
o formulate,
o research literature, and
o analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of
o mathematics,
o natural sciences and
o engineering sciences.
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Grading Policy

 Assignments & Quizzes 20 %

 Mid 30 %

 Final Examination 50 %
 A minimum of six quizzes will be administered.

 Due to rampant copying in assignments, every assignment

will be followed by a quiz from that assignment and the
quiz score will be the assignment score.

 All the assessments will be counted towards sessional

Assessments …

 Mid-term exam will be of exactly ONE HOUR duration

and will be conducted in WEEK 8. There will be no
lectures or lab sessions in the Mid-term Week.

 Final exam will be of 120 minutes duration.

 Attendance is mandatory, Students having below 80%

attendance will be awarded SA.
 Specific objectives for this lecture include

 Section 1.1
 What is a Signal

 Section 1.2
 What is a System

 Complex Numbers review


This course is about signals and systems.

Consider the following familiar sounds:

 Dial
 Startup
 Answer

Information in the form of
Mathematical functions
- video Abstract
- text
State machines
“System” Differential equations
Transforms signals for Frequency response

- Simulate
computation Implement Calculate
- storage Predict Specify design
- for control
This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt

Sound: Time  Air pressure

Input Output
Low pass System
x y
System filter

Filter: Input signals  Output signals

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
What is a Signal?
 A signal is a function of time that represent a physical
variable of interest.
 Signals are variables that carry information(pattern of variation)

 Examples of signal include:

 Electrical signals
 Voltages and currents in a circuit
 Acoustic signals
 Acoustic pressure (sound) over time
 Mechanical signals
 Velocity of a car over time
 Video signals
 Intensity level of a pixel (camera, video) over time

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
How is a Signal Represented?
 Mathematically, signals are represented as a function of one or
more independent variables.
 For instance a black & white video signal intensity is
dependent on x, y coordinates and time t, f(x,y,t)
 On this course, we shall be exclusively concerned with signals
that are a function of a single variable: time


This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
Continuous & Discrete-Time Signals
 Continuous-Time Signals
 Most signals in the real world are
continuous time, as the scale is
infinitesimally fine.
 Eg voltage, velocity,
 Denote by x(t), where the time interval
may be bounded (finite) or infinite
 Discrete-Time Signals
 Some real world and many digital signals
are discrete time, as they are sampled
 E.g. pixels, daily stock price (anything x[n]
that a digital computer processes)
 Denote by x[n], where n is an integer
value that varies discretely
 Sampled continuous signal x[n] n
=x(nT) , where T is sample time

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
What is a System?
 A system is a combination and interconection of several
components to perform a desired task.
 Systems process input signals to produce output signals

 Examples:
 A circuit involving a capacitor can be viewed as a system that transforms
the source voltage (signal) to the voltage (signal) across the capacitor
 A CD player takes the signal on the CD and transforms it into a signal
sent to the loud speaker
 A communication system is generally composed of three sub-systems,
the transmitter, the channel and the receiver. The channel typically
attenuates and adds noise to the transmitted signal which must be
processed by the receiver

This lecture has been prepared from different

web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
How is a System Represented?
 A system takes a signal as an input and transforms it into
another signal

Input signal Output signal

x(t) y(t)

 In a very broad sense, a system can be represented as the

ratio of the output signal over the input signal

 That way, when we “multiply” the system by the input signal,

we get the output signal
 This concept will be firmed up in the coming weeks
This lecture has been prepared from different
web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
Example: An Electrical Circuit System
R vs (t )  vc (t )
i (t ) 
dv (t )
i (t )  C c
vc dt
vs + i dvc (t ) 1 1
- C  vc (t )  vs (t )
dt RC RC

 Simulink representation of the electrical circuit

vs, vc
vs(t) vc(t)

first order
system t

This lecture has been prepared from different

web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
Continuous & Discrete-Time Mathematical
Models of Systems

 Continuous-Time Systems dvc (t ) 1 1

 vc (t )  vs (t )
 Most continuous time systems dt RC RC
represent how continuous signals
are transformed via differential dv(t )
m  v(t )  f (t )
equations. dt
 E.g. circuit, car velocity First order differential equations

 Discrete-Time Systems y[n]  1.01y[n  1]  x[n]

 Most discrete time systems
represent how discrete signals are m 
v[n]  v[n  1]  f [ n]
transformed via difference m   m  
E.g. bank account, discrete car dv(n) v(n )  v(( n  1))

velocity system dt 
First order difference equations
This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
Signal Processing

 To convert signals to more convenient forms and to

produce the desired quantities from measured

 Eg: Accelerometer
 Displacement of mass proportional to acceleration
 Acceleration converted to voltage
 Voltage signal integrated to produce velocity
 Second integration will produce distance.

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
How Are Signal & Systems Related?
 How to design a system to process a signal in particular ways?

 Design a system to restore or enhance a particular signal

 Remove high frequency background communication noise
 Enhance noisy images from spacecraft

 Assume a signal is represented as

 x(t) = d(t) + n(t)
 Design a system to remove the unknown “noise” component
n(t), so that y(t)  d(t)

x(t) = d(t) + n(t) System y(t)  d(t)

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
How Are Signal & Systems Related (ii)?

 How to design a system to extract specific pieces of

information from signals
 Estimate the heart rate from an electrocardiogram
 Estimate economic indicators (bear, bull) from stock market

 Assume a signal is represented as

 x(t) = g(d(t))
 Design a system to “invert” the transformation g(), so that
y(t) = d(t)
x(t) = g(d(t)) System
y(t) = d(t) = g (x(t))
This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
How Are Signal & Systems Related (iii)?
 How to design a (dynamic) system to modify or control
the output of another (dynamic) system
 Control an aircraft’s altitude, velocity, heading by adjusting
throttle, rudder, ailerons
 Control the temperature of a building by adjusting the
heating/cooling energy flow.

 Assume a signal is represented as

 x(t) = g(d(t))
 Design a system to “invert” the transformation g(), so that
y(t) = d(t)
x(t) dynamic y(t) = d(t)
system ?
This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt
Continuous Unit Impulse and Step Signals
 The continuous unit impulse signal is
0 t  0
x (t )   (t )  
 t  0
 Note that it is discontinuous at t=0
 The arrow is used to denote area, rather than
actual value
 Again, useful for an infinite basis

 The continuous unit step signal is defined:

0 t  0
x(t )  u (t )  
1 t  0
x(t )  u (t )    ( ) d
Discrete Unit Impulse
 The discrete unit sample signal is defined:

0 n  0
x[n]   [n]  
1 n  0

 Useful as a basis for analyzing other signals

Discrete Unit Step Signals
 The discrete unit step signal is defined:

0 n  0
x[n]  u[n]  
1 n  0
 Note that the unit impulse is the first
difference (derivative) of the step signal

 [n]  u[n]  u[n  1]

 Similarly, the unit step is the running sum
(integral) of the unit impulse.

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Lecture 1: Summary
 Signals and systems are pervasive in modern engineering courses:
 Electrical circuits
 Physical models and control systems
 Digital media (music, voice, photos, video)

 In studying the general properties of signals and systems, you

 Design systems to remove noise/enhance measurement from audio and
picture/video data
 Investigate stability of physical structures
 Control the performance mechanical and electrical devices

 This will be the foundation for studying systems and signals as a

generic subject on this course.

This lecture has been prepared from different web resources. Muhammad Asim Butt

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