By The End of The Lesson YOU Will

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By the end of the lesson YOU will:

• Know why Mussolini invaded Abyssinia.

• Understand why it took the League so long to
• Be able to explain the key events in the take
over of Abyssinia.
Why did Mussolini invade
A – Assess the impact of the invasion on
Hitler decision to break the treaty of
B – Analyse why the league failed to act
against the Italians
C – Evaluate a cartoon sources about the
weakness of the league.
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
The fatal blow to the League came when the Italian dictator Mussolini
invaded Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) in 1935. There were both similarities
with and differences from the Japanese invasion of Manchuria .Like
Japan, Italy was a leading member. Like Japan, Italy wanted to expand
its empire by invading another country. However, unlike Manchuria, this
dispute was on the League’s doorstep. Italy was in Europe and Abyssinia
bordered the Anglo-Egyptian territory of Sudan and the British colonies
of Uganda, Kenya and Somaliland. What would the League do?
Why did Mussolini invade
Actions of Mussolini / Actions of LON
Dec. 1934

Jan. 1935

Oct. 1935

Dec. 1935

Feb. 1936

Mar. 1936

May 1936

Nov. 1936
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
The Background:
In 1896, Italian troops had to tried to
invade Abyssinia, but had been
defeated by poorly equipped
tribesmen. Mussolini wanted revenge
and access to the fertile lands and
mineral wealth of Abyssinia. He also
knew that victory would be popular
with the Italian people.

In Dec. 1934 there was a dispute between

Italian and Ethiopian soldiers at the Wal-
Wal oasis – 80km inside Abyssinia.
Mussolini claimed that this was Italian
territory and demanded an apology.
Almost immediately, he also began
preparing his army for an invasion. The
Abyssinian emperor Haile Selassie
appealed to the League for help.
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
Phase 1 – January 1935 to October 1935: the League plays for
During this period, Mussolini was supposedly negotiating with the League.
In actual fact, he was shipping his vast army to Africa ready for a full
scale invasion.
To start with, Britain and France did not
take the situation seriously. They
wanted to keep good relations with
Mussolini to prevent him allying with
However, as the year went by, there was
a public outcry against Mussolini’s
behaviour. A ballot was taken and it
showed the majority of British people
favoured the use of military force
against Mussolini.
Samuel Hoare, the British Foreign
Secretary, made a grand speech to the
League. But nothing actually happened.
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
Phase 2 – October 1935 to May 1936: sanctions or not?

In October 1935, Mussolini launched a full-scale invasion of Abyssinia. The

Abyssinians put up a brave fight but were defeated. It was now clear that the
League must do something.
A Committee was immediately set up to agree what sanctions to impose.
However, sanctions would only work if they were imposed quickly.

The League imposed an immediate ban on:

•Arms sales to Italy.
•All loans to Italy.
•Imports from Italy.
•Exports of rubber, tin and metals to Italy.

However, the League delayed a decision about oil for two months. It was feared
that America would not support the sanction. In Britain, the Government was also
informed that 30,000 British coal miners were about to lose their jobs if the ban
on coal exports to Italy continued.
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
Phase 2 – October 1935 to May 1936: sanctions or not?
More importantly, the Suez canal - controlled by Britain and France - was still
allowing Italian boats to pass through! This was the Italian’s main route to
Abyssinia. The war could have ended quickly if Britain and France blocked the
route of the Italians, but they refused. Also, at the same time, the British
and French were secretly negotiating with Italy.

In Dec. 1935 the British and French

foreign ministers, Samuel Hoare (GBR)
and Pierre Laval (FR), were planning to
give Mussolini 2/3s of Abyssinia in return
for calling off the invasion. However,
details of the plan were leaked to the
French press. PUBLIC OUTCRY!!
In Britain and France it was seen as
blatant treachery against the League.
Why did Mussolini invade Abyssinia?
Phase 2 – October 1935 to May 1936: sanctions or not?
In Feb. 1936, it was decided that if oil exports to Italy were stopped, the
Italian’s supplies would be exhausted in two months. However, by this time, it
was too late. Mussolini had taken over large parts of Abyssinia. The USA was
also disgusted with the actions of Britain and France, and refused to support
the sanctions.
On 7 March, Hitler marched his troops into the Rhineland (forbidden under
TOV). France were now never going to support sanctions against Italy. They
were desperate to keep the support of Italy.
On 9 May, Mussolini formally annexed the entire country. The League of
Nations had failed.
In Nov. 1936, Mussolini and Hitler signed the Rome-Berlin Axis.
Examine this cropped picture, published in Britain in 1935. It is about Abyssinia.

1. Who do you think the dog represents?

2. What is happening in the rest of the cartoon?
1a. Study Source A. What is the message of this
cartoon? Use details of the cartoon and your knowledge
to explain your answer. (6 marks)

Andy Alice
The source shows a bulldog which The message of this cartoon is that
represents Mussolini pulling along Britain and France are allowing
British and French politicians on Mussolini to do whatever he wants
roller-skates. even if this means going against the
LON. This is shown by the fact that
Mussolini is represented by a dog who
is pulling along the French and British
Amy politicians who are on roller-skates.
The message of the source is that This cartoon relates to the Italian
the French and British politicians invasion of Abyssinia when the French
are allowing Mussolini to get away and British Hoare and Laval were
with whatever he wants and are actually negotiating with Mussolini in
simply begin pulled along with him. private and agreed to give him two-
thirds of Abyssinia despite the LON
saying that they were holding firm.
Explain why Italy invaded Abyssinia in
1935. (9 marks)
L1: General answer. Answers lack specific 1-2
contextual knowledge.
L2: ldentifies reason(s) OR describes. 3-5
One reason (3 marks),
two or more reasons (4-5 marks).
L3: Explains reason(s). 5-9
One reason (5-6 marks),
two or more reasons (6-9 marks).
•Complete the Abyssinian card sort.
•Collect four different colours
•Create a key …..
•Reasons why Italy invaded Abyssinia; The
events of the Abyssinian Crisis, the chronology
of events, Reasons why the League failed; and
the consequences of the Abyssinian Crisis.
Make your own version of the diagram on p.254
1b. Explain why Italy invaded Abyssinia in 1935.
L1 General answer. 1-2
: Answers lack specific
Betty contextual
Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in 1935 because he
L2 ldentifies reason(s) 3-
wanted to expand the Italian Empire, increase OR describes. 5
Italy’s access to raw materials and was seeking [3-5]
revenge for Italy’s failed attempt at invading One reason (3
Abyssinia in the late nineteenth century. marks),
two or more reasons
(4-5 marks).

How could Betty L3 Explains reason(s).

: One reason (5-6

improve her answer? marks),

two or more reasons
(6-9 marks).
• Use the task you have L1: General answer. 1-2
Answers lack specific
just done to answer contextual knowledge.
the following question L2 ldentifies reason(s) 3-
: OR describes. 5
Explain why the League One reason (3 marks),
of Nations Failed to two or more reasons
(4-5 marks).
deal successfully with
L3 Explains reason(s). 5-9
the Abyssinian crisis : One reason (5-6
(9) marks),
two or more reasons
(6-9 marks).

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